This page last changed on Nov 21, 2011 by

FB.ui is a generic helper method for triggering Dialogs that access the Facebook Dialog API endpoint. You can access FB.ui directly from within your SML tabs. Full documentation is proved in Facebook's developer documentation. The following are a few examples of how it can be integrated with SML.

Content Share

Using FB.ui to create a function that pushes content directly to a brand page's wall (similar to a share but to the brand's wall instead of to the end user's wall).

  method : "feed",
  from : {{ facebook_page_id }},
  to : {{ facebook_page_id }},
  link : "{{ contest_entry.contest_entry_canvas_page_url }}",
  picture : "{{ }}",
  name : "{{ contest_entry.submission.title \| escape_html }}",
  description : "{{ contest_entry.submission.description \| escape_html }}"
}, function(response) {});
Document generated by Confluence on Feb 12, 2013 09:09