2 Oracle AIA System Requirements

This chapter specifies the software, hardware, and information requirements for installing Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA).

Software Requirements

All Oracle AIA installations require the following prerequisite software:

  • Oracle Database

  • Oracle Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Suite

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure, which includes Oracle WebLogic Server, Oracle Metadata Services, Oracle Application Development Framework, Oracle Web Services Manager and Oracle Data Integrator

    In clustered environments, use a shared file system mounted on each server in the cluster. See Oracle Fusion Middleware High Availability Guide for more information about shared storage.


    You must install Oracle Data Integrator on a separate domain than your SOA domain. Installing Oracle Data Integrator on the SOA domain results in inconsistent home directories that interfere with Oracle AIA deployment.
  • Java Development Kit

  • In clustered environments, Oracle HTTP Server

Each pre-built integration uses a variety of applications in addition to the prerequisite software.

This guide assumes that you have installed and configured the prerequisite software as described in the documentation for that software available from Oracle Help Center.

Review the compatible versions of software and applications in the Oracle AIA Certification Matrix available on My Oracle Support at:


You can also review certifications and supported versions of software and applications by searching for your pre-built integration options on the Certifications tab of My Oracle Support.

Hardware Requirements

Table 2-1 describes the required disk space on the machine where you are installing Oracle AIA and the required memory on the server where you are deploying Oracle AIA.

Table 2-1 Disk Space and Memory Requirements for Oracle AIA

Component Requirements

Hard disk

400 MB

Server memory

6 GB

Information Requirements

This section describes the information that you will be required to provide while installing and configuring Oracle AIA. You define these values when you install and configure the applications which Oracle AIA integrates.

Some information described in the tables in this section is required for multiple pre-built integrations, as indicated before each table.

If convenient, you can use the Value column of the tables in this section to write the values for your specific installation so that you have it available when you run the Installer.

Table 2-2 describes the information required by the Oracle AIA Installer. The information in all other tables in this section is required by the Configuration Wizard.

Table 2-2 Oracle AIA Installer Information Requirements

Information Type Description Value

Oracle AIA installation directory

The directory where you will install the Oracle AIA software.


Inventory directory

The path to the location where your Oracle Central Inventory is located. If a central inventory does not exist, the Installer will create one at the specified location.

In UNIX environments, you can select a directory. In Windows environments, the directory is loaded from the system registry.


Operating System group

The operating system group that will own the Oracle AIA files.


Table 2-3 describes the information needed to connect to the Oracle WebLogic Server SOA domain and administration server for the integration. You will deploy the Oracle AIA infrastructure components to this domain. You need this information for all pre-built integration options.

Table 2-3 WebLogic Server Domain Connection Information

Information Type Description Value

Domain location

The path to your SOA domain. This is automatically populated in the Configuration Wizard when you run the source aiaenv.sh command.


Domain name

The name of your SOA domain. This is automatically populated in the Configuration Wizard when you run the source aiaenv.sh command.


Administration server host name

The host of the administration server for your SOA domain. This is automatically populated in the Configuration Wizard when you run the source aiaenv.sh command.


Administration server port

The port assigned to the administration server. This is automatically populated in the Configuration Wizard when you run the source aiaenv.sh command.


Administrator user name

The user name of the WebLogic Server administrator.


WebLogic administrator password

The password for the WebLogic Server administrator user.


SOA managed server or cluster name

The name of the primary SOA managed server or the name of the SOA cluster. This is automatically populated in the Configuration Wizard when you run the source aiaenv.sh command.


SOA managed server host or proxy URL

The host of the SOA managed server or the proxy URL for the cluster. This is automatically populated in the Configuration Wizard when you run the source aiaenv.sh command.


SOA managed server port or cluster proxy port

The port assigned to the SOA managed server or cluster proxy. This is automatically populated in the Configuration Wizard when you run the source aiaenv.sh command.


Shared directory for Oracle AIA cluster

For clustered domains, enter or browse to the shared domain directory for the cluster.

For non-clustered domains, this field is disabled.


Table 2-4 describes the information needed to connect to the SOA database. This can be an Oracle Real Application Clusters database. You need this information for all pre-built integration options.

Table 2-4 SOA Database Connection Information

Information Type Description Value

SOA database host name

The name of the database host. This may be an Oracle RAC database.

For example:



SOA database port number

The port assigned to the SOA database host.

For example:



SOA database administrator user name

The database administration user. This may be an Oracle RAC database user.

For example:



SOA database administrator password

The password for the database administration user.


SOA database SID

The service name for the database. This may be an Oracle RAC database.

For example:



SOA database system user name

The database system user.

For example:



SOA database system password

The password for the database system user.


SOA database system role

The rule for the database system user.

For example:



Table 2-5 describes the information needed to connect to the Siebel CRM database and the server on which Siebel CRM is deployed.

You need this information for the following pre-built integration options:

  • Order to Cash for Siebel CRM

  • Agent Assisted Billing Care

  • Product MDM for Siebel CRM

Table 2-5 Siebel CRM Server and Database Connection Information

Information Type Description Value

Siebel CRM host name

The DNS name of the Siebel CRM host.

For example:



Siebel CRM port

The port assigned to Siebel CRM.

For example:



Siebel CRM protocol

The internet protocol used to connect to the Siebel CRM server.

For example:



Siebel Enterprise Server name

The name of the Siebel Enterprise Server on which Siebel CRM is installed.

For example:


Note: To support the Update Account flow, this value must be in lowercase.


Siebel Enterprise Application Integration (Siebel EAI) user

The Siebel EAI user that makes EAI web service calls.

For example:



Siebel EAI user password

This password for the Siebel EAI user.


Siebel CRM server version

The version of Siebel CRM to which you are connection. This value cannot be longer than 10 characters.

For example:


Siebel CRM language

The language used by the Siebel application.

For example:



Siebel CRM database host

The IP address or DNS name of the Siebel CRM database host.

For example:



Siebel CRM database port

The port assigned to the Siebel CRM database.

For example:



Siebel CRM database SID

The Siebel CRM database system ID.

For example:



Siebel CRM database user

The database user with permissions to load the Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager database tables.

For example:



Siebel CRM database password

The password for the database user.


Table 2-6 describes the information needed to connect to the Session Pool Manager proxy. This information is needed only when your Siebel CRM server is outside of a firewall. If all your servers are within the firewall, you do not need this information.

You need this information for the following pre-built integrations, when the Siebel CRM server is outside the firewall:

  • Order to Cash for Siebel CRM

  • Agent Assisted Billing Care

  • Product MDM for Siebel CRM

Table 2-6 Session Pool Manager Proxy Connection Information

Information Type Description Value

Session Pool Manager proxy host

The host name for the Session Pool Manager proxy.

For example:



Session Pool Manager proxy port

The port assigned to the Session Pool Manager proxy.

For example:



Table 2-7 describes the information needed to access OSM. Depending on your OSM deployment topology, some of these values might be the same.

You need this information for the Order to Cash for OSM pre-built integration option.

Table 2-7 OSM Server Connection Information

Information Type Description Value

OSM version

The version of OSM to which you are connecting. This value must be 10 characters or fewer.

For example:


OSM Customer Order Management (OSM COM) administrator user name

The OSM COM administrator's user name.

For example:


Note: The Configuration Wizard uses OSM CFS instead of OSM COM.


OSM COM administrator password

The password for the OSM COM administration user.


OSM Service Order Management (SOM) administrator user name

The OSM SOM administrator's user name. Depending on your OSM system topology, this may be the same user as the OSM COM administrator.

For example:


Note: The Configuration Wizard uses OSM Provisioning instead of OSM SOM


OSM SOM administrator password

The password for the OSM SOM administration user.


OSM COM WebLogic Server JMS queue host

The WebLogic Server host used for accessing inbound JMS queues for OSM COM.

For example:



OSM COM WebLogic Server JMS queue port

The port assigned to the WebLogic Server host used for accessing inbound JMS queues for OSM COM.

For example:



OSM COM WebLogic Server JMS queue user name

The WebLogic Server user for accessing inbound JMS queues for OSM COM.

For example:



OSM COM WebLogic Server JMS queue password

The password for the WebLogic Server user for accessing inbound JMS queues for OSM COM.


OSM SOM WebLogic Server JMS queue host

The Weblogic Server host used for accessing inbound JMS queues for OSM SOM.

For example:



OSM Provisioning WebLogic Server JMS queue port

The port assigned to the WebLogic Server host used for accessing inbound JMS queues for OSM SOM.

For example:



OSM Provisioning WebLogic Server JMS queue user name

The WebLogic Server user for accessing inbound JMS queues for OSM SOM.

For example:



OSM Provisioning WebLogic Server JMS queue password

The password for the WebLogic Server user for accessing inbound JMS queues for OSM SOM.


Table 2-8 describes the information needed to connect to BRM.

You need this information for the following pre-built integration options:

  • Order to Cash for BRM

  • Agent Assisted Billing Care

  • Product MDM for BRM

Table 2-8 BRM Connection Information

Information Type Description Value

BRM server version

The version of BRM to which you are connecting. This value must be 10 characters or fewer.

For example:


BRM Connection Manager host

The IP address or DNS name of the BRM server's primary Connection Manager.

For example:



BRM Connection Manager port

The port assigned to the BRM server's primary Connection Manager.

For example:



BRM database host

The IP address or DNS name of the Oracle Database Advanced Queuing database instance where the BRM Synchronization Queue Manager Data Manager (DM_AQ) is configured.

For example:



BRM database port

The port assigned to the Oracle Database Advanced Queuing database instance.

For example:



Oracle Database Advanced Queuing database SID

The Oracle Database Advanced Queuing database system ID.

For example:



Oracle Database Advanced Queuing user name

The Oracle Database Advanced Queuing user.

For example:


Note: To support the Product Lifecycle Management flow, this value must be uppercase.


Oracle Database Advanced Queuing password

The password for the Oracle Database Advanced Queuing user.


Oracle Database Advanced Queuing queue name

The name of the queue configured for DM_AQ.

For example:



Table 2-9 describes the information needed to connect to BRM Pricing Design Center (PDC).

You need this information for the Product MDM for PDC pre-built integration option.

Table 2-9 PDC Connection Information

Information Type Description Value

PDC version

The version of PDC being integrated.

For example:


PDC web service host name

The host name of the PDC server where the web services are installed.

For example:



PDC web service port name

The port number assigned to the PDC server used by the PDC web services.

For example:



PDC user name

The user name used to invoke PDC web services.

For example:



Table 2-10 describes the information needed to connect to Oracle Data Integrator and the Oracle Data Integrator master and work repositories. Contact your Oracle Data Integrator administrator for this information.

If you are connecting to an existing work repository, the Installer automatically populates the repository information.

You need this information for the Agent Assisted Billing Care pre-built integration option.

Table 2-10 Oracle Data Integrator Connection Information

Information Type Description Value

Path to Oracle Data Integrator

The path to the directory where the Oracle Data Integrator agent is installed.

For example, domain_home/bin.

Note: This must be a different domain than your SOA domain.


Path for exported Domain Value Mappings (DVMs)

Enter the path of a directory to which DVMs will be exported.

For example:


You can change this path after installation by updating the odi.dvm.path property in the AIAInstallProperties.xml file.


Oracle Data Integrator user

The Oracle Data Integrator administrator's user name.

For example:



Oracle Data Integrator password

The password for the Oracle Data Integrator administration user.


Master repository database host

The DNS name of the master repository database host.

For example:



Master repository database port

The port assigned to the master repository database.

For example:



Master repository database SID

The master repository database system ID.

For example:



Master repository database user

The master repository database user.

For example:



Master repository database password

The master repository database password.


Work repository name

The name of the Oracle Data Integrator work repository for integration artifacts.

For example:



Oracle Data Integrator agent application name

The application name for the standalone or Java EE agent.

For example:


Note: The application name for a standalone agent is always oraclediagent.


Oracle Data Integrator agent port

The port assigned to the agent.

For example:



Table 2-11 describes the information needed to connect to Oracle Product Hub.

You need this information for the Product MDM pre-built integration base pack.

Table 2-11 Product Hub Connection Information

Information Type Description Value

Product Hub host name

The host name for Product Hub.

For example:



Product Hub port

The port assigned to the Product Hub host.

For example:



Product Hub user name

The Product Hub administrator's user name.

For example:



Product Hub password

The password for Product Hub administrator user.


Product Hub Workflow Business Event system name

The Workflow Business Event system name for Product Hub.

For example:



Product Hub database host

The host name of the Product Hub database.

For example:



Product Hub database port

The port assigned to the Product Hub database.



Product Hub database SID

The system ID for the Product Hub database.

For example:



Product Hub database user

The user name for the Product Hub database user.

For example:



Product Hub database password

This is the password for Oracle Product Hub (PIM). To find the value, contact your database administrator.


Table 2-12 describes the information needed for the Oracle AIA cross-reference database. This information is only required the first time you configure Oracle AIA for all pre-built integration options.

Table 2-12 Cross-Reference Database Information

Information Type Description Value

Cross reference schema name

The name of the cross-reference schema.

For example:



Cross reference schema password

The password used to access the cross-reference schema.


SOA database administration user

The administrator user name for the SOA database.

For example:


Note: The Configuration Wizard automatically populates this field with the user name you enter on the SOA Database Details page.


SOA database administration user password

The password for the SOA database administrator.


SOA database administration user role

The role of the SOA database administrator.

For example:


Note: The Configuration Wizard automatically populates this field with the role you enter on the SOA Database Details page.


Cross reference schema default tablespace

The name of the default tablespace for the cross-reference schema.

For example:



Cross reference schema temporary tablespace

The name of the temporary tablespace for the cross-reference schema.

For example:

