27 Managing and Configuring Parlay X 2.1 Shortcode Mappings

This chapter describes how to configure shortcode mappings for mobile-originated traffic to Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper.

Understanding the Shortcode Mapper

The shortcode mapper is shared between the following plug-ins:

  • Parlay X 2.1 Short Messaging/SMPP

  • Parlay X 2.1 Multimedia Messaging/MM7

The shortcode mapper maps network-triggered messages (mobile originated) with a given destination address, the original destination address, to another destination address, the translated destination address.

The original destination address can be expressed as a pattern (a regular expression), which means that a range, or set, of original destination addresses can be translated to one single translated destination address.

This is useful when applications are triggered by a range of phone numbers; for example, 2345600 through 2345699. Using the functionality available in the Parlay X 2.1 Short Messaging interface, the application would have to call startSmsNotification 100 times. Shortcode mapping allows the application to express the original destination address as a pattern, such as 23456?? generating only a single call to startSmsNotification using this address.

Configuring and Managing the Shortcode Mapper

All configuration and management is performed in the ShortCodeMapper managed object.

The ShortCodeMapper operations, administration and management (OAM) WebLogic interface functionality is shared among the plug-ins: they reuse the same MBean. Rendering, however, is per plug-in (one instance is displayed per plug-in). The ShortCodeMapper appears slightly differently depending on how to the MBean is accessed:

  • In the Administration Console, expand the plug-in that uses short code mapping:

    • Plugin_px21_multimedia_messaging_mm7 then ShortCodeMapper

    • Plugin_px21_short_messaging_smpp then ShortCodeMapper

    Then click ShortCodeMapper to display the operations and attributes for the shortcode mapper.

  • In an MBean browser, such as JConsole, one instance of the MBean is displayed using the same ObjectName (at the same hierarchical level) as the plug-in it is used by.


    You must configure ShortCodeMapper attributes for all of the above mentioned plug-ins that are going to use this functionality. Only the attributes for the related plug-in are displayed in the console.

Management operations

You manage short codes using these ShortCodeMapperMBean methods:

  • addShortCodeMapping

  • listShortCodeMappings

  • removeShortCodeMapping

For a description of the attributes and operations of the ShortCodeMapperMBean MBean, see Oracle Communication Services Gatekeeper OAM Java API Reference.