2 Developing Applications with the PRM Portals

This chapter provides an introduction to the setup of Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper partner relationship management (PRM) portal applications and the application development process.

Required Software

Services Gatekeeper supports Network Service Supplier Portal, Partner and API Management Portal, and Partner Portal on Chrome 38.0.2125.111 m, Mozilla Firefox 24.8.1, and Internet Explorers 11 browsers. The portals included when you install Services Gatekeeper. See Services Gatekeeper Getting Started Guide or Services Gatekeeper Multi-tier Installation Guide for information about installing the portal applications.

Accessing the PRM Portals

As partners, network resource suppliers, and partner managers, you access the portals and do not interact directly with Services Gatekeeper.

You need a valid account and password to use each portal.

See "Administering the PRM Portals" for information about administering the portals.

Understanding the Partner Portal User

A WebLogic administrative user is required to start and use the Partner and API Management portal. You create this user partner manager user account when you install a default (single-tier) Services Gatekeeper implementation or multi-tier implementations using the Services Gatekeeper Administration Console. See Services Gatekeeper System Administrator's Guide for details on managing users. The new user must have a userlevel of 1000-Admin user, and a type of 1-PRM OP user.

Starting the Partner and API Management Portal

Your Services Gatekeeper administrator provides you with the URL of the location where Partner and API Management Portal is installed in your environment. In addition, the administrator provides you with a valid account name and password that gives you access to Partner and API Management Portal.

The default URL to Partner and API Management Portal is:


Where IP_address is the IP address of the host system running Services Gatekeeper, and port is a port number to use. The default port is 8001.


To request a user name and password for a partner manager account, to reset the password for your account or to reinstate your account, contact your Services Gatekeeper Administrator.

To access the Partner and API Management Portal:

  1. Open a supported web browser and go to the URL provided to you for Partner and API Management Portal.

  2. In the User Name field, enter the user name for your partner manager account.

  3. In the Password field, enter the password for your partner manager account.

  4. Click Sign In.

Starting the Network Service Supplier Portal

Your Services Gatekeeper administrator provides you with the URL of the location where Network Service Supplier Portal is installed in your environment.

The default URL to Network Service Supplier Portal is:


Where IP_address is the host system running Services Gatekeeper and port is a communication port to use. The default port is 8001.

When you obtain this URL, you can go to the website and do one of the following:

  • If you received an email notification with a valid user name and password for Network Service Supplier Portal, the account was created for you. Sign in to the portal by entering the user name and password.

  • If you do not have a valid user name and password for Network Service Supplier Portal, go to the URL and set up a network service supplier account. See "Setting Up a Network Service Supplier Account".

Setting Up a Network Service Supplier Account

To set up a network service supplier account:

  1. Open a supported web browser and go to the URL provided to you for Network Service Supplier Portal.

  2. Click Create New Account.

  3. Enter the required information for all fields in the registration form that display asterisks next to them.

    The remaining information can be provided later.

  4. Read and accept the terms and conditions.

  5. Click Register to submit the registration request.

    Network Service Supplier Portal displays a message stating that the request is now pending approval and that an email notification is sent to the email address you entered in the registration form.

  6. Click OK.


    Your account name and password become valid only after your partner manager approves your registration request.

When you receive the email notification that your registration request has been approved, you can go to the same URL, enter the user name and password and sign in to use the Network Service Supplier Portal console.

If your registration request has been denied, consult with your partner manager and submit a new registration request to obtain a valid network service supplier account.

Starting the Partner Portal

Your Services Gatekeeper administrator provides you with the URL of the location where Partner Portal is installed in your environment.

The default URL to Partner Portal is:


Where IP_address is the host system running Services Gatekeeper, and port is a communication port to use. The default port is 8001.

When you obtain this URL, you can go to the website and do one of the following:

  • If you received an email notification with a valid user name and password for Partner Portal, the account was created for you. Sign in to the portal by entering the user name and password.

  • If you do not have a valid user name and password for Partner Portal, go to the URL and set up a partner account. See "Setting Up a New Partner Account".

Setting Up a New Partner Account

To submit a registration request:

  1. Open a supported web browser and go to the URL provided to you for Partner Portal.

  2. Click Create New Account.

  3. Enter the required information for all fields in the registration form that display asterisks next to them.

    The remaining information can be provided later.

  4. Read and accept the terms and conditions.

  5. Click Register to submit the registration request.

    Partner Portal displays a message stating that the request is now pending approval and that an email notification is sent to the email address you entered in the registration form.

  6. Click OK.


    Your account name and password become valid only after your partner manager approves your registration request

When you receive the email notification that your registration request has been approved, you can go to the same URL, enter the user name and password and sign in to use the Partner Portal console.

If your registration request has been denied, consult with your partner manager and submit a new registration request to obtain a valid partner account.

About Developing Applications

The application development process consists of selecting APIs where the configuration for each API is based on a specific type of an interface and specifying how they are used in the application.

About the Types of Interfaces Used in an API

You can create APIs based on the following interface types:

  • Existing URL

  • Existing WADL/WSDL file

  • Registered Network Service

  • Existing Communication Service

About Registered Network Services

When you create an API based on a registered network service, that service interface is created in Network Service Supplier Portal.

A network service provider and the associated network operator, service provider, product manager, back-office personnel, or customer sales representative decide on the parameters for the network resources that are going to be provided for use as network service interfaces.

The network service supplier creates network service interfaces and saves them.

These network service interfaces are then displayed in Partner and API Management Portal for use by partner managers. See "Managing Network Service Interfaces" for more information.

About Developing Applications

The process of developing an application consists of the following steps.

  1. A partner manager creates APIs in Partner and API Management Portal using the network service interfaces provided by the network service suppliers and communication services, exposed by Services Gatekeeper and configuring them as required. The partner manager publishes the APIs and they are then displayed in Partner Portal.

    See "Managing APIs for Partner Applications" for more information.

  2. A partner associated with the partner manager creates an application in Partner Portal. You can subscribe to APIs to the application when you create it, or later. This application can issue HTTP requests to Services Gatekeeper. The partner selects the APIs to use and requests a desired number of requests the application sends to the network and the minimum number of requests it receives from the network within an allotted time.

    See "Managing Partner Applications" for more information.

  3. The partner submits the application for approval. The status of the application is set to pending.

  4. The partner manager reviews the application and, if it meets the requirements, accepts it. When the partner manager approves the application, its status is set to active.

    At this point the partner manager can change the desired number of requests the application sends to the network and the minimum number of requests it receives from the network within an allotted time.

  5. The partner receives a notification that the application is approved and the application icon displays the state as ACTIVE.

    The partner can access the application to change the traffic user password and update the access token. The service level agreement (SLA) for the application is the SLA associated with the partner group to which the partner manager assigns the partner.

When an application is in the ACTIVE state, it can be marketed to customers.

About the Services Gatekeeper Communication Services

For multi-tier installations, Services Gatekeeper provides access to all of its communication services. When all the communications services are installed, the Partner Manager and Partner Portals display the available plugin instances. You can also install and use any of the communication services for single-tier installations. You must specify them in a custom install.

By default, when you install Services Gatekeeper, the following plugin instances are available:

  • Plugin_px21_third_party_call_sip#wlng_nt_third_party_call_px21#

  • Plugin_px21_third_party_call_inap#wlng_nt_third_party_call_px21#

  • Plugin_px21_call_notification_sip#wlng_nt_call_notification_px21#

  • Plugin_px21_presence_sip#wlng_nt_presence_px21#

The portals display the following types of services and interfaces as selections:

  • CallNotification: For call notification, you can select from the following interfaces:

    • Interface: com.bea.wlcp.wlng.px21.plugin.CallDirectionManagerPlugin

    • Interface: com.bea.wlcp.wlng.px21.plugin.CallNotificationManagerPlugin

    • Interface: com.bea.wlcp.wlng.px21.callback.CallDirectionCallback

    • Interface: com.bea.wlcp.wlng.px21.callback.CallNotificationCallback

  • Presence: For presence notification, you can select from the following interfaces:

    • Interface: com.bea.wlcp.wlng.px21.plugin.PresenceConsumerPlugin

    • Interface: com.bea.wlcp.wlng.px21.plugin.PresenceSupplierPlugin

    • Interface: com.bea.wlcp.wlng.px21.callback.PresenceNotificationCallback

  • ThirdPartyCall: For third-party calls, you use

    • Interface: com.bea.wlcp.wlng.px21.plugin.ThirdPartyCallPlugin

If an operator creates another plugin instance in Services Gatekeeper, it is added to the existing set. The portals display the service type for the new plugin and interfaces.

Updating an Active Application

An active application is updated when the partner manager makes changes to the application or approves changes made by the partner who created and/or manages the application.

About Data Integrity During Updates to an Active Application

Services Gatekeeper maintains the integrity of application data in the following way:

  1. A partner updates to an application through the Applications page in Partner Portal. Services Gatekeeper receives this update request.

  2. Services Gatekeeper begins a WebLogic transaction to update the application. It locks all data associated with the application, such as its SLA, and short codes.

  3. Until Services Gatekeeper ends the WebLogic transaction and releases the lock on the application data, no other user can update the application data.

Ways in Which an Active Application is Updated

An active application is updated in the following ways:

  • A partner adds an API to, or deletes an API from an application. Partner Portal sends a notification to Partner and API Management Portal.

    The partner manager reviews the updated application. Before approving the application update, the partner manager may alter the number of requests the application sends to the network and the minimum number of requests it receives from the network within an allotted time.

  • A partner is moved to a different partner group. The active applications come under the SLA associated with the destination partner group.