8 Managing Application and API Usage with Report Statistics

This chapter describes how partner managers and partners can use the statistics feature of their respective Partner Manager and Partner Portal applications to monitor and manage the use of their APIs and applications in Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper.

Working with Reports

Your partner managers and partners can use the reporting feature in Partner Manager and Partner Portals to do the following:

  • Change an API and its methods based on the number of:

    • Applications using each of the APIs or each method of an API during the specified reporting period.

    • Requests in the selected method of a selected API that were made with and without a selected parameter; and with a specific value for a selected parameter.

  • Change an application based on how subscribers used:

    • A specific application

    • All applications during the specified reporting period by Day

  • Update the configurations of APIs and of applications using those APIs based on:

    • Usage reports providing:

      Total usage, specific usage, specific usage trend, and method- specific usage and trend for the API or application during the specified reporting period

    • Response time reports providing:

      Response time, specific response time, specific response time trend, and method- specific response time trend for the API or application during the specified reporting period.

    • Failure reports:

      Failure rate, specific failure rate, specific failure rate trend, and method- specific failure rate trend for the API or application during the specified reporting period.

About Accessing the Reports

Services Gatekeeper support the Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) reporting package. In order for you to be able to sign in to create reports, your account must have been approved to open this reporting package. This section assumes that you followed the instructions in ”Installing Oracle Business Intelligence” in Services Gatekeeper Multi-tier Installation Guide to install and configure the OBI software.

If you are a partner manager, you have access to the Analytics server address, account name and password for the OBI reporting package. This access account information is maintained in Services Gatekeeper and displayed in the System Configuration panel. You access the System Configuration panel by clicking Settings and then CONFIGURATION.

If you are a partner, your Partner Portal supports the OBI reporting package. By default, your account is given access this reporting package.

Whether you are a partner or a partner manager working with reports, you can access help at the following levels:

  • Help associated with the reports, accessed by clicking Help on the main header bar.

  • OBI Help accessed by clicking ? on the header bar of the reports.

  • Specific report help accessed by clicking ? in the input section of the specific report.

About the Reporting Process

The reporting process in Partner and API Management Portal consists of the following:

  1. Running a Report.

  2. Saving Your Reports.


If a graph cannot be displayed on a trend due to insufficient data, you see the following message:

Inappropriate data for continuous time axis

Refine your selections and rerun your report.

Running a Report

The Statistics tab on the main menu bar of the Partner and API Management Portal and Partner Portal displays the supported reports supported by the respective portals.

To run a report:

  1. In the main menu bar, click Statistics.

    The Statistics page displays a vertical navigation tab for the groups of reports, API, Application, and Subscriber.

  2. Select the tab for the required group of reports.

    The vertical tab displays the sub-group of reports belonging to the selected group.

  3. Select the specific sub-group.

    The content page shows the supported reports from the sub-group.

  4. Select the specific report.

    The report parameters fields are displayed along with the results of the last time you ran this report.

  5. Provide the start and end date for the reporting period for this report. Click:

    1. The calendar icon adjoining the Time between field and select the report start date.

    2. The next calendar icon adjoining the - field and select the report end date.

  6. Click Apply.

    Partner Manager displays the report on the same page. You can do the following:

    • Place your cursor on a graph element to view its details.

    • Use the Zoom icon to change the zoom in or out, by each axis. This icon is displayed when you place your cursor in the graph area.

    • Use the Refresh button to refresh the display.

    • Click Reset to return to the previous settings.

Saving Your Reports

Use the following links under the display for a report to save the report for later use.

  • Print

    When you click Print Partner Manager displays following supported formats for the printed version of your report.

    • Printable PDF

    • Printable HTML

    When you click of the above print formats, Partner Manager displays the report in the required format on a new tab of your Web browser. Use the Save Page As selection under the File command and save your report.

  • Export

    When you click Export Partner Manager displays following supported formats for the printed version of your report.

    • PDF

    • Excel 2003+

    • PowerPoint

    • Web Archive(.mht)

    • Data

    When you click one of the above export formats, Partner Manager displays a dialog box appropriate to the selected format. Follow the directions and save your report.

  • Copy

    When you click Copy Partner Manager displays a dialog box which enables you to save the contents of the XML for the report on a clipboard. Follow the directions and save your report.

About the Reports

The Partner Manager and partner reports are grouped in the following way, with each group containing its own set of reports.

API Usage and Trend Reports

Select API Usage and Trend under the API Related Reports tab to run the following reports that depict the usage and trend over the reporting period for the APIs:

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Total API Usage

The Total API Usage report shows the number of requests made for each API during the specified reporting period. The APIs with the most and least number of requests are highlighted in the table.

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

API Usage and Trend Reports

API Specific Usage

The API Specific Usage report shows the number of requests made for each method of the selected API during the specified reporting period. The methods with the most and least number of requests are highlighted in the table.

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

API Usage and Trend Reports

API Specific Usage Trend

When you run the API Specific Usage Trend report for an API over a reporting period, the report plots the number of requests made for the selected API during the specified reporting period by:

  • Day

  • Month

  • Year

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

API Usage and Trend Reports

API Method-Specific Usage Trend

When you run the API Method Specific Usage and Trend report for a method of an API over a reporting period, the report plots the number of requests made for that method of the selected API during the specified reporting period by:

  • Day

  • Month

  • Year

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

API Usage and Trend Reports

API Response Time and Trend Reports

Select API Response Time and Trend under the API Related Reports tab to run the following reports that depict the response time and trend over the reporting period for the APIs:

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

API Response Time

The API Response Time report shows the average response time for each API during the specified reporting period. The APIs with the most and least response times are highlighted.

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

API Response Time and Trend Reports

API Specific Response Time

The API Specific Response Time report shows the average response time for each method of the selected API during the specified reporting period. The methods with the most and least response times are highlighted in the table.

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

API Response Time and Trend Reports

API Specific Response Time Trend

When you run the API Specific Response Time Trend report for an API over a reporting period, the report plots the average response times for the selected API during the specified reporting period by:

  • Day

  • Month

  • Year

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

API Response Time and Trend Reports

API Method-Specific Response Time Trend

When you run the API Method Specific Response Time Trend report for a method of an API over a reporting period, the report plots the average response times for that method of the selected API during the specified reporting period by:

  • Day

  • Month

  • Year

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

API Response Time and Trend Reports

API Failure Rate Reports

Select API Failure Rate under the API Related Reports tab to run the following reports that depict the failure rate for the APIs:

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

API Failure Rate

The API Failure Rate Report shows the average failure rate percentage for your APIs during the specified reporting period. The APIs with the highest and lowest failure rate percentages are highlighted in the table.

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

API Failure Rate

API Specific Failure Rate

The API Specific Failure Rate Report shows the average failure rate percentage for the methods of a selected API during the specified reporting period. The APIs with the highest and lowest failure rate percentages are highlighted in the table.

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

API Failure Rate Reports

API Specific Failure Rate Trend

When you run the API Specific Failure Rate Trend report for an API over a reporting period, the report plots the average failure rate percentage for the selected API during the specified reporting period by:

  • Day

  • Month

  • Year

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

API Failure Rate Reports

API Method-Specific Failure Rate Trend

When you run the API Method Specific Failure Rate Trend report for a method of an API over a reporting period, the report plots the average failure rate% for that method of the selected API during the specified reporting period by:

  • Day

  • Month

  • Year

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

API Failure Rate Reports

Application Usage and Trend Reports

Select Application Usage and Trend under the Application Related Reports tab to run the following reports that depict the usage and trend for your applications:

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Application Total API Usage

The Application Total API Usage Report shows the sum of all the requests for all the APIs for each application during the specified reporting period. The applications with the highest and lowest number of requests are highlighted in the table.

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

Application Usage and Trend Reports

Application API Specific Usage

The Application API Specific Usage Report shows the sum of all the requests made by a specific application for each method of a specific API during the specified reporting period. The methods with the highest and lowest number of requests are highlighted in the table.

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

Application Usage and Trend Reports

Application API Specific Usage Trend

When you run the Application API Specific Usage Trend report for a specific API and a specific application over a reporting period, the report plots the number of requests made by that application for that API during the specified reporting period by:

  • Day

  • Month

  • Year

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

Application Usage and Trend Reports

Application API Method-Specific Usage Trend

When you run the Application API Specific Usage Trend report for a specific method of a specific API and a specific application over a reporting period, the report plots the number of requests made by that application for that specific method of that API during the specified reporting period by:

  • Day

  • Month

  • Year

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

Application Usage and Trend Reports

Application Response Time and Trend Reports

Select Application Response Time and Trend under the Application Related Reports tab to run the following reports that depict the response time and trend for the APIs in your applications:

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Application API Response Time

The Application API Response Time report shows the average response time for each API used by the selected application during the specified reporting period. The APIs with the highest and lowest response times are highlighted in the table.

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

Application Response Time and Trend Reports

Application API Specific Response Time

The Application Response Time report shows the average response time for each method of a selected API used by the selected application during the specified reporting period. The methods with the highest and lowest response times are highlighted in the table.

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

Application Response Time and Trend Reports

Application API Specific Response Time Trend

When you run the Application API Response Time Trend report for a specific API and a specific application over a reporting period, the report plots the average response time for requests made by that application for that API during the specified reporting period by:

  • Day

  • Month

  • Year

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

Application Response Time and Trend Reports

Application API Method-Specific Response Time Trend

When you run the Application API Response Time Trend report for a specific API and a specific application over a reporting period, the report plots the average response time for requests made by that application for that API during the specified reporting period by:

  • Day

  • Month

  • Year

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

Application Response Time and Trend Reports

Application Failure Rate Reports

Select Application Failure Rate under the Application Related Reports tab to run the following reports that depict the failure rate for the applications using the APIs:

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Application API Failure Rate

The Application API Failure Rate Report shows the average failure rate percentage for all requests for all APIs made by a specific application during the specified reporting period. The request for the API is considered to have failed if there is an exception in the network tier or the response in the application tier is not 2xx. (2xx is the class of status codes indicating that an action requested by the client was received, understood, accepted and processed successfully).

The APIs with the highest and lowest failure rate percentages are highlighted in the table.

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

Application Failure Rate Reports

Application API Specific Failure Rate

The Application API Specific Failure Rate Report shows the average failure rate percentage for the requests for each method of a specific APIs made by a specific application during the specified reporting period. The methods with the highest and lowest failure rate percentages are highlighted in the table.

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

Application Failure Rate Reports

Application API Specific Failure Rate Trend

When you run the Application API Method Specific Failure Rate Trend report for a specific selected method of a selected API and a specific application over a reporting period, the report plots the average failure rate percentage for all requests made by that application for that specific method of that API during the specified reporting period by:

  • Day

  • Month

  • Year

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

Application Failure Rate Reports

Application API Method-Specific Failure Rate Trend

When you run the Application API Method Specific Failure Rate Trend report for a specific selected method of a selected API over a reporting period, the report plots the average failure rate percentage for all requests made by all applications for that specific method of that API during the specified reporting period by:

  • Day

  • Month

  • Year

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

Application Failure Rate Reports

API Application Adoption

These reports are available to partner managers in Partner and API Management Portal.

Select API Application Adoption under the API Others tab to run the following reports that depict the adoption of APIs and methods in your applications:

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Total API Application Adoption

The Total Application Adoption Report shows the total number of applications using each of the APIs during the specified reporting period.

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

API Application Adoption

API Method Application Adoption

The Total Method Application Adoption Report shows the total number of applications using each of the methods of a selected APIs during the specified reporting period.

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

API Application Adoption

API Parameter-Based Reports

Select API Parameter Based under the API Others tab to run the following reports that depict the adoption of APIs and methods in your applications:

Parameter Existence

The Parameter Existence report is a pie chart which shows the number of requests in the selected method of a selected API that were made with and without a selected parameter.

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

API Parameter-Based Reports

Parameter Value

The Parameter Value report shows the number of requests in the selected method of a selected API contain a specified value for a selected parameter.

Running the Parameter Value Report

To run the Parameter Value report, you must select the API, its method, the required parameter Id and its value.

To do so:

  1. From the API drop-down field, select the API.

  2. From the Method drop-down field, select the method for this API.

  3. Set up the parameter Ids and values by doing one or both of the following: If necessary, complete the step.

  4. From the Parameter Value drop-down field in the last section, select the value.

  5. Click Apply in this section.

The Parameter Value reports displays or you see No Results Display for Parameter Value Report.

No Results Display for Parameter Value Report

The No Results error states:

The specified criteria didn't result in any data. This is often caused by applying filters and/or selections that are too restrictive or that contain incorrect values. Please check your Analysis Filters and try again. The filters currently being applied are shown below

The current values used in the reporting are displayed.

Checking for Values in the Parameter Value Report

The Parameter ID table lists the currently-available parameters and their parameter IDs. To customize this table see "Adding Request Parameters to the Parameter Value Report".

To insert a value to check for a parameter:

  1. From the Parameter ID table, select a parameter.

  2. Click the Update command button below the Parameter Value Insert Table.

    The Parameter ID and Value columns display input fields.

  3. Add as many parameters as you require in the following way:

    1. In the Parameter ID column enter the parameter id from the table to your left.

    2. In the Value column enter a value to check.

    3. Click the Apply command button below the Parameter Value Insert Table.

  4. Click the Done command button below the Parameter Value Insert Table.

The Parameter Value Edit Table displays your updates.

Editing Parameter IDs and Values for the Parameter Value Report

The Parameter Value Edit Table table lists the currently values for the parameter IDs in use.

To edit a value for a parameter in Parameter Value Edit Table:

  1. From the Parameter ID column, select a parameter.

  2. Click the Update command button below the Parameter Value Insert Table.

    The Parameter ID and Value columns fields are enabled.

  3. Edit the parameters as you require in the following way:

    1. In the Parameter ID column enter the parameter id from the table to your left.

    2. In the Value column enter a value.

    3. Click the Apply command button below the Parameter Value Insert Table.

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

API Parameter-Based Reports

Adding Request Parameters to the Parameter Value Report

Subscriber Application Usage Reports

Select Subscriber Application Adoption under the Subscriber Related Reports tab to run the following reports that depict how subscribers use your applications:

Subscriber Usage Report

The Subscriber Usage Report shows the number of subscribers using each application. A subscriber is the address in an application, such as for an SMS application, the sender address is considered as the Subscriber. A region configuration file maps the region code and prefix of the subscriber.

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

Subscriber Application Usage Reports

Application Subscriber Trend Report

When you run the Application Subscriber Trend report for a specific reporting period, the report plots the number of subscribers for all the application during the specified reporting period by Day.

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

Subscriber Application Usage Reports

Region Subscriber Report

The Region Subscriber Report shows the number of subscribers in a specific region for a selected application.

Related Task

Saving Your Reports

Related Topic

Subscriber Application Usage Reports