3 Services Gatekeeper OAuth 2.0 Authorization and Resource Servers

This chapter provides an overview of the OAuth 2.0 specification and explains where to find information on how to use it with Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper communication services to protect third-party resources.

Using OAuth 2.0 with Services Gatekeeper

Services Gatekeeper provides OAuth 2.0 Authorization and Token endpoints allowing third-party applications secure access to subscriber resources (communications services). For example, your subscribers may want to share photos on an online auction Web site, but not expose their own security credentials to do so. In cases like this, you configure OAuth 2.0 to allow them access.

Authorized applications possessing valid tokens can interact with Services Gatekeeper communication services to perform various functions, including sending messages, charging and terminal location queries. For more information on the Authorization and Token endpoints, see the discussion about OAuth endpoints in the Services Gatekeeper OAuth Guide.

OAuth 2.0 modules are deployed by default during installation. A basic Authentication server is also provided in Services Gatekeeper for use with OAuth 2.0.

For complete details on how to use OAuth 2.0 to secure resources, see Services Gatekeeper OAuth Guide.