13 Patch Management of Services Gatekeeper Systems

This chapter describes how you can manage Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper patches to fix issues or improve the system.

If you are planning to upgrade your Services Gatekeeper system, use the information in "You Upgrading Services Gatekeeper".

About Services Gatekeeper Patch Releases

You can develop and maintain a strategy to handle the installation of patch releases so that your customers experience a seamless transition.

Types of Patch Releases

Oracle Communications distributes the following types of patch releases for Services Gatekeeper to resolve issues, to resolve any perceived vulnerability in the software, or to improve its overall performance:

About Patch Sets

A Patch Set is the most comprehensive patch release. It contains the accumulated resolutions and updates in Service Gatekeeper from the time of the last general release up to the current Patch Set release.

Services Gatekeeper 6.0 Patch Sets use the release numbering scheme 6.0.0.x, where x is the Patch Set number. For example, the first Patch Set for Services Gatekeeper 6.0 would be Services Gatekeeper


Oracle recommends that you stay up-to-date by installing Patch Sets as soon as they become available.

About Debug Patches

A debug patch is used to troubleshoot an ongoing issue in your Services Gatekeeper system.

A debug patch represents a concerted attempt by you and Oracle Technical Support to fix an issue in your Services Gatekeeper system. Oracle Technical Support uses debug patches as a tool to extract better data from your Services Gatekeeper system as a way of resolving the issue. Consequently, the debug patch may not resolve the issue, and additional patches may be required.

Because debug patches address a singular issue, Services Gatekeeper numbers them as v1, v2, v3, and so on. Each subsequent version replaces the prior version of the debug patch.

About Temporary Fixes

Temporary fixes are tailored to solve an issue in your Services Gatekeeper system. They are sent to you as urgent, time-sensitive or critical corrections that solve an issue you are experiencing instead of waiting to set up the fix as part of a scheduled Services Gatekeeper Patch Set.

You may have to install additional patches to make the temporary fix work.

Because each temporary fix addresses a single issue, Services Gatekeeper numbers the fixes as v1, v2, v3, and so on. Each subsequent version replaces the prior version of the temporary fix.

Finding Your Current Patch Level

See ”Finding the Current Patch Level of Your Services Gatekeeper System” in Services Gatekeeper Administrator's Guide to find your current patch level.

About Patch Content

By default, every patch contains the following items:

  • A README file

    The README file for a patch release describes how to install the patch. Additionally, in case you encounter problems while applying the patch, the README describes how you can revert to your current setup by rolling back the patch.

  • Updates to Services Gatekeeper

    These consist of fixes or debug changes.

At times, the patch may contain a subdirectory named custom. Services Gatekeeper places the following items in this directory:

  • Additional documentation resources

    For example, the patch may contain the description of a specific fix detailing what additional configuration settings may be required to utilize the fix.

  • Manual patching steps

    The patch may target a resource you may have modified, such as startup scripts. Services Gatekeeper provides manual patching steps to assert that your modifications are not lost.

About Patch Management In Clustered Environments

If your Services Gatekeeper system operates in a clustered environment, review the README file that accompanies the patch. Ensure that you apply the patch to all of the servers. Then perform a rolling restart unless otherwise stated in the README file.

About OPatch

OPatch is an Oracle-supplied Java-based utility that supports the following tasks:

  • Applying a patch

  • Rolling back a patch to a previous version

  • Listing the installed patches

  • Detecting a conflict when applying a patch after previous patches have been applied. It also suggests the best options to resolve a conflict

OPatch requires installation of the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI). It is platform-independent and runs on all supported operating systems.

For more information, see "Patching Oracle Fusion Middleware with Oracle OPatch" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Patching Guide.

Requirements for OPatch

Before you run OPatch, perform the prerequisite checks for OPatch as described in Oracle Fusion Middleware Patching with OPatch. For example, the ORACLE_HOME environment variable must point to a valid Middleware_home directory and match the value used during Services Gatekeeper installation.

For the latest information about the OPatch utility, the JRE versions, or the Java commands for Windows, Solaris, and Linux, or to check for updates and get the latest versions, go to My Oracle Support at:


Managing a Patch Release Installation Process

Managing a patch release installation consists of the following tasks:

  1. Preparing to Install the Patch

  2. Stopping All WebLogic Servers

  3. Installing the Patch

  4. Completing Patch Installation

If you encounter any issues in any of these steps, see "Troubleshooting".

Preparing to Install the Patch

Complete the following tasks before you install the patch:

  1. Verifying the Oracle Universal Installer Inventory

  2. Creating a Backup of Your Current Services Gatekeeper Installation

  3. Checking Your Environment Variables

  4. Creating a Location for the Patch

Verifying the Oracle Universal Installer Inventory

To apply patches successfully, OPatch needs access to a valid OUI. Validate the OUI inventory with the following command:

opatch lsinventory

For more information, see "OPatch Utility Reference".


If the lsinventory command errors out, do not proceed further with the patch attempt.

Contact Oracle Technical Support to validate and verify the inventory setup.

Creating a Backup of Your Current Services Gatekeeper Installation

Before you start any patch operation, back up the contents of the Middleware_home directory. You can back up the contents of Middleware_home by using your preferred method. Use any of the following methods to compress the Middleware_home contents:

  • zip

  • cp -r

  • tar

  • cpio

Checking Your Environment Variables

The patch installation process uses the OPatch and Zip software. Ensure that your system can find and use the software by setting the following environment variables:

  • Set your PATH environment variable to include the path to your Middleware_home/OPatch directory and to your Zip software.

  • Set your ORACLE_HOME environment variable to your Middleware_home directory.

To confirm that your system can find the OPatch and Zip software, enter the following at a command prompt:

which opatch
which unzip


If your system cannot find the path to the software, double-check that your environment variables are set correctly.

Creating a Location for the Patch

Create a location for storing the unzipped patch. This chapter refers to the location as Patch_top.

Stopping All WebLogic Servers

At this point, you should have completed the necessary checks, backed up your current Services Gatekeeper system, and created a location for the patch files.

Check the README file to determine whether you must stop all servers in your Services Gatekeeper system. The README file will state whether the patch requires you to stop your servers prior to installing the patch.

Installing the Patch

To install the patch:

  1. Log in to the target system.

  2. Download the patch from the My Oracle Support website to a temporary directory:


  3. Change to the directory where you downloaded the patch.

  4. Unzip the patch archive (PatchName.zip) into the Patch_top directory.

    The PatchName subdirectory is created.


    Ensure that the PatchName.zip file is not located inside the Patch_top directory.
  5. Go to the Patch_top/PatchName directory.

  6. Run the OPatch utility by entering the following at a command prompt:

    opatch apply Patch_top/PatchName

    OPatch validates the patch and makes sure there are no conflicts with the software already installed in Middleware_home before applying the patch to your Services Gatekeeper system.

    For more information, see "OPatch Utility Reference" and "Dealing with Conflicts When You Run the Apply Command".

  7. Verify that the patch installed successfully by running the following command:

    opatch lsinventory

    For more information, see "OPatch Utility Reference".

Completing Patch Installation

At this point, you have installed the patch successfully and verified the contents of the Middleware_home directory.

Check the README file to determine if you must restart all servers in your Services Gatekeeper system. The README file will state whether the patch requires you to restart your servers or to redeploy a specific module or application.


OPatch is reliable and protects Middleware_home and the inventory. It can bring back the contents of the Middleware_home directory to a stable state from patch application failures. It can also easily detect patch conflicts.

OPatch logs information to a .log file. Here is an example entry:

Log file location : /home/oracle_

If you encountered errors while installing a patch and you need assistance from Oracle Technical Support, be sure to provide the associated log file together with the patch command you used to install the patch.

Uninstalling the Patch

If you experience any problems after installing a patch, remove the patch.

To uninstall the patch:

  1. Follow the same prerequisites or pre-install steps you took when you completed the following:

  2. Roll back the patch with the following command:

    opatch rollback -id PatchNumber

    where PatchNumber is the patch number. For more information, see "OPatch Utility Reference".

If you need further assistance, contact Oracle Technical Support with the required information.

OPatch Utility Reference

By default, the OPatch utility is located in the Middleware_home/OPatch directory. The syntax for running the OPatch utility from the valid directory is shown below:

opatch [-help] [-report] [command]


  • help lists the commands and options supported by the utility.

    Use the -help parameter together with a command to view detailed information for the OPatch command. For example:

    opatch apply -help
  • report prints the actions without executing the command.

  • command is one of these OPatch commands:

    • apply [Patch_top/PatchName]

      This command applies the patch to the software located in Middleware_home, where Patch_top/PatchName is the directory that contains the patch contents. (When you unzip the patch archive to Patch_top, it creates a PatchName subdirectory that includes all of the patch contents.)

      For the command to work properly, the ORACLE_HOME environment variable must be set to Middleware_home. See "Dealing with Conflicts When You Run the Apply Command".

    • lsinventory

      This command displays your system's OPatch and OUI versions and directories, and lists the patches currently installed in Middleware_home. The following shows sample output for the lsinventory command:

      Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
      Copyright (c) 2014, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
      Oracle Home          : Middleware_home
      Central Inventory    : /export/oraInventory
         from              : Middleware_home/oraInst.loc
      OPatch version       :
      OUI Version          :
      Log file location    : Middleware_home/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2014-12-16_11-16-55AM_1.log
      OPatch detects the Middleware Home as "Middleware_home"
      Interim patches (1):
      Patch  19836145      : applied on Tue Dec 16 10:51:13 CST 2014
      Unique Patch ID      : 1418034883552
      Patch description    : "[Patch Set v6.] - Patch set zero"
         Created on 8 Dec 2014, 02:34:45 hrs PST8PDT
         Bugs fixed:
    • rollback -id PatchNumber

      This command removes the specified patch from the Middleware_home directory, where PatchNumber is the patch number. You can find the patch number by using the lsinventory command. For example, you would use the command rollback -id 19836145 to roll back the patch shown in the following sample lsinventory output:

      Interim patches (1) :
      Patch  19836145     : applied on Tue Dec 16 10:51:13 CST 2014
      Unique Patch ID:  1418034883552
      Patch description:  "[Patch Set v6.] - Patch set zero"
         Created on 8 Dec 2014, 02:34:45 hrs PST8PDT
         Bugs fixed:

For a full list of the OPatch commands and their descriptions, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Patching with OPatch.

Dealing with Conflicts When You Run the Apply Command

When you run the OPatch apply command, you may encounter the following conflicts:

  • Conflict with a patch already applied to the contents of the Middleware_home directory.

    In this case, stop the patch installation and contact Oracle Technical Support.

  • Conflicts with a subset patch already applied to the contents of the Middleware_home directory.

    In this case, continue the installation, as the new patch contains all the fixes from the existing patch. The subset patch will automatically be rolled back prior to the installation of the new patch.