10 Using Service Interceptors to Manipulate Requests

This chapter provides a high-level overview of service interceptors (interceptors) and describes both the standard interceptors in Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper and the process of developing your own custom interceptors and deploying them in Services Gatekeeper.

Understanding Service Interceptors in Services Gatekeeper

Service interceptors provide a mechanism to intercept and manipulate a request flowing through any arbitrary communication service in Services Gatekeeper. (See "Understanding Communication Service Components" for a description of communication services.) Additionally, service interceptors supply an easy way to modify the flow for a request and simplify the routing mechanism for plug-ins associated with a request.

Often, interceptors may make a decision to permit, deny, or stay neutral to a particular request. Some typical use cases for service interceptors are to:

  • Deny a request if the user does not subscribe to a particular service in the application layer.

  • Deny a request if the personal identification number is not valid.

  • Verify that a request's parameters are valid.

  • Perform argument manipulation (such as aliasing).

Each interceptor in Services Gatekeeper is identified by the class name of the entry point of the interceptor, that is, the class that implements the Service Provider Interface (SPI) Interceptor.

For example, the EnforceBlacklistedMethodFromSLA interceptor is identified by com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.EnforceBlacklistedMethodFromSLA. (See the entry for EnforceBlacklistedMethodFromSLA in Example 10-1.)

A set of standard interceptors are provided with Services Gatekeeper. Some interceptors are required, while others provide extra functionality. In addition, Services Gatekeeper enables you to develop and deploy custom interceptors. The invocation order of the interceptors currently active in Services Gatekeeper is defined in an XML-based configuration file, described later in this chapter.

Understanding How Requests are Triggered

Figure 10-1 illustrates where interceptors are triggered, both for application-initiated and network-triggered requests.

Figure 10-1 Interceptors and Request Flow

Description of Figure 10-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 10-1 Interceptors and Request Flow''

Application-initiated requests proceed south in the following order:

  1. The requests starts in the web service (access tier).

  2. The web services converts the request to the Service EJB in the network tier.

  3. The Service EJB sends the request to the plug-in manager.

  4. The plug-in manager sends it to the interceptor stack.

  5. From the interceptor stack the request is sent do the network protocol plug-in.

  6. The network protocol sends the request to the network node.

Network triggered requests proceed north in the following order:

  1. The request starts in the network tier.

  2. From the network tier, the request goes to the network protocol plug-in.

  3. From the network plug-in it goes to the interceptor stack.

  4. From the interceptor stack it goes to the service callback client.

  5. From the service callback client it goes to the service callback EJB (access tier).

  6. Finally the request arrives at the application.

Understanding How the Plug-in Manager Works with Interceptors

As Figure 10-1 shows, the Plug-in Manager is responsible for calling the first interceptor in the chain of interceptors as defined in the interceptor configuration file, described later in this chapter.

For application-initiated requests, the Plug-in Manager is called automatically by the service Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) for the application-facing interface. For network-triggered requests, the Plug-in Manager is called by an Aspect that is woven prior to calling the service callback EJB for the application-facing interface. For more information on Aspect, see "About Aspects and Annotations".

The interceptor chain is invoked at the point-cut that is a Java representation of the application-facing interface. Some application-initiated requests are not necessarily propagated to the network, and some network-triggered requests are not necessarily forwarded to the service callback client.

Request Context Data Used to Handle Request Flow

Interceptors in Services Gatekeeper have access to context data associated with each request and use that data to arrive at the appropriate decisions to forward, return or abort the request.

The actual data that is available to an interceptor depends on the context of the request. In general, the application-facing interface defines the data that is available. This data includes the following:

  • The RequestContext for the request, including:

    • Service provider account ID

    • Application account ID

    • Application User ID

    • Transaction ID

    • Session ID

    • A Java Map containing arbitrary request-specific data

    For information on RequestContext, see "Interface: RequestContext".

  • The type of plug-in targeted by the request for (application-initiated requests)

  • The type of object targeted by the request (network-triggered requests)

  • The method targeted by the request

  • The arguments that will be used in the method targeted by the request

  • The set of RequestInfo available to the request, including:

    • method name

    • arguments to the method

    • plug-in type

    For information on RequestInfo, see "Class: RequestInfo".

  • A list of plug-ins that matches the specified RequestInfo

  • The interception point that indicates whether the request is network-triggered or application-initiated.

Example 10-6 shows the method used to retrieve data located in RequestContext.

Data Available for Modification

Custom interceptors that you develop can be designed to access and modify certain elements of the data in RequestContext.

Interceptors can set the following data in a request:

  • In the RequestContext:

    • Session ID

    • Transaction ID

  • A list of plug-ins that matches the specified RequestInfo. For information on RequestInfo, see "Class: RequestInfo".

  • Arguments to the method targeted by the request

Specifying a Destination for the Request

Each interceptor is responsible for deciding whether to proceed with the request flow (by forwarding the request down the chain of interceptors) or to break the flow. The interceptor may break the request flow in one of two ways, either by returning the request or by aborting it.

Figure 10-2 Decisions and the Interceptor Chain

Description of Figure 10-2 follows
Description of ''Figure 10-2 Decisions and the Interceptor Chain''

Proceeding with the Request Flow

The decision to proceed with the request flow translates to continuing down the invocation chain by calling the next interceptor in the chain.

The request is passed on to the next interceptor in the chain and ultimately to the network protocol plug-in or to the application. When the request is returned from either one of these points in the flow, the return path traverses the interceptors that were used in the calling path. Doing so makes it possible for interceptors to manipulate the request on its return path and ultimately return it to the originator of the request, the application or the network node.

Returning the Request

The decision to return a request may be arrived at because the needs of the request may have been fulfilled and, therefore, there maybe no need to call the plug-in or the application. The remaining and final step is simply to return the request.

In such a scenario, the request is rolled back through the previous interceptors using a regular return statement. Doing so makes it possible for the previous interceptors to manipulate the request in the rollback path which ends with the originator of the request, the application or the network node.

Aborting the Request

The decision to abort a request is arrived at when there is a violation. For example, a parameter in the request is out of bounds, or certain usage policies have been violated by this request. Such events lead to a PluginDenyException being thrown.

When the decision is made to abort a request, the interceptor breaks the chain for that request. The request is rolled back through each interceptor's exception catch-block rather than being returned in a regular mode.

  • For application-initiated requests, the exception is reported back to the application. It is possible to reuse the exception catalogue to map the exception thrown by the interceptor to an exception defined by the application-facing interface. For such a scenario, interceptors should use com.bea.wlcp.wlng.api.plugin.DenyPluginException.

  • For network-triggered requests, it is the responsibility of the plug-in to act on the thrown exception.

Invoking the Next Service Interceptor to Handle the Request

Each interceptor is responsible for calling the next interceptor in the chain. This means that:

  • For an application-initiated request, the interceptors can change and add request-specific data. This data is then propagated to the next interceptor and ultimately to the network protocol plug-in. When the request returns from the plug-in, the data can be changed as the request returns through the invocation chain.

  • For network-triggered request, the interceptors can change and add request-specific data. This data is then propagated to the next interceptor and ultimately to the application. When the request returns from the application, the data can be changed as the request returns through the invocation chain.

This is useful for aliasing of data, where the interceptor anonymizes request data such as telephone numbers so that an application is not aware of the actual telephone number of the subscriber.

Last Service Interceptor in the Chain

For application-initiated requests, the last interceptor in the chain is responsible for calling the plug-in.

For network-triggered requests, the last interceptor in the chain is responsible for calling the callback service EJB, which calls the application. In Example 10-2, the example interceptor configuration file lists InvokeApplication as the last entry for the tag called <position name="MO_NORTH">.

Understanding the Standard Interceptors

Standard interceptors are service interceptors that are provided by Services Gatekeeper.


Do not change the order of the standard interceptors.

The standard interceptors in Services Gatekeeper can be:

  • Enabled: The interceptors that are enabled in Services Gatekeeper are listed in the config.xml interface configuration file provided with the installation. See "Config.xml File".

  • Disabled: A few interceptors are not yet enabled in the default set of interceptors enabled in Services Gatekeeper. If necessary, you can enable these interceptors by updating config.xml. See the steps in "Updating the Config.xml File".

  • Internal: Any interceptor with a $ in its name is internal to Services Gatekeeper. Such an interceptor should not be used, changed or deleted.

Table 10-1 provides a description of the standard interceptors that are available in Services Gatekeeper and lists any dependencies enforced by Services Gatekeeper.

Table 10-1 Standard Interceptors Provided by Services Gatekeeper

Interceptor Description


Enabled at installation time.

Creates a list of plug-ins that are capable of handling the given request.

Populates the RequestInfo object.

See "Class: RequestInfo".


Maps a request context parameter to an EDR attribute. You configure this using the loadEdrParameterXml operation to the EdrServiceMBean. You can list the parameters using the getserviceinfo operation to PluginManagerMBean.


Enabled at installation time.

Enforces the application budget.


Enabled at installation time.

Enforces the application SLA.


Enabled at installation time.

Enforces the application state. Verifies that the application with which the request is related has established a session with Services Gatekeeper.


Enabled at installation time.

Enforces budgets related to the global and service provider node SLAs.


Enabled at installation time.

Enforces the budget defined in for a service provider group.

See the discussion on service provider groups in Services Gatekeeper Portal Developer's Guide.


Enabled at installation time.

Enforces the budget defined in the service provider group SLA.

See the discussion on service provider service level agreements in Services Gatekeeper Portal Developer's Guide.


Enabled at installation time.

Enforces the method blacklist as specified in the service provider group and application group SLAs.

Is related to the SLA <blacklistedMethod> element in the <methodAccess> element.

See the discussion on service provider groups and service level agreements in Services Gatekeeper Portal Developer's Guide.


Enabled at installation time.

Enforces the filter list as specified in the service provider group and application group SLAs.

See the discussion on service provider groups and service level agreements in Services Gatekeeper Portal Developer's Guide.


Enabled at installation time.

Enforces method parameters as specified in the service provider group and application group SLAs.

See the discussion on service provider groups and service level agreements in Services Gatekeeper Portal Developer's Guide.


Enabled at installation time.

Enforces the request context parameter list as specified in the service provider group and application group SLAs.

See the discussion on service provider groups and service level agreements in Services Gatekeeper Portal Developer's Guide.


Enabled at installation time.

Invokes the custom match method of each plug-in the current plug-in list. The custom match method either removes the plug-in from the current plug-in list or marks it as required.


Enabled at installation time.

Takes tunnelled parameters from the RequestContext and puts them in the the SOAP header of either a request to an application or a response to a request from an application.


Enabled at installation time.

Invokes the Application via the service callback EJB. This should be the last interceptor for an network-triggered (mobile originated) request.


Enabled at installation time.

Invokes the Network Node via the service callback EJB. This is the only interceptor for an network-triggered (mobile terminated) request.


Enabled at installation time.

Invokes the plug-in(s). This should be the last interceptor for an application-initiated (mobile terminated) request.


Enabled at installation time.

Invokes the service correlation feature.

See "Correlating Services".


Not enabled, by default

If enabled, ensures that, for networks having multiple SMSCs, SMS messages sent to the same address will be sent through the same plug-in instance.


Not enabled, by default

If enabled, ensures that messages sent to the same address are sent to the same SMSC.


Allows proxy parameters to be set in SLAs, or request context to be used when making application callbacks.


Enabled at installation time.

Removes any plug-in that is not active from the current plug-in list.


Enabled at installation time.

Enforces the plug-in routing logic.


Enabled at installation time.

Removes any plug-in that is marked as optional if there is a at least one marked as required in the current plug-in list.


Allows requestcounters to be retrieved by WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF).


Enabled at installation time.

Performs retries of request. See "Retry Functionality for plug-ins".


Enabled at installation time.

Performs a round-robin of the list of available plug-ins. This is not a strict round-robin, but a function of the number of plug-ins that match the request and the number of destination or target addresses in the request. If these parameters are consistent, a true round-robin is performed.


Enabled at installation time.

Validates the request using the RequestFactory corresponding to the type of plug-in the request is intended for. For a description of RequestFactory, see "Class: RequestFactory".

Locating the Standard Interceptors

All the standard interceptors can be found packaged in Middleware_home/ocsg/applications/interceptors.ear. (See Table 10-3.)

Retry Functionality for plug-ins

When a RetryPluginExeption exception is thrown during the handling of a request, a retry is attempted among the plug-ins that were chosen based on the data provided in the request. Retries are performed among the plug-ins in the same Services Gatekeeper instance only.

When a plug-in throws a RetryPluginExeption, the RetryPlugin interceptor is triggered. The RetryPlugin interceptor captures the RetryPluginExeption, removes the plug-in that threw the exception from the list of chosen plug-ins, and calls the next interceptor in the chain.

The different decision scenarios are described below in Table 10-2.

Table 10-2 Retry Plug-in Interceptor Scenarios

Objects with which the RequestInfo objects in the RequestContext are associated Action(s) Taken by RetryPlugin interceptor

PluginHolder objects that are marked as optional

Remove the failed RequestInfo from RequestContext and invoke the next interceptor in the chain.

PluginHolder objects that are marked as required

Treat the request itself as failed. No retry is performed, and an exception is thrown.

Note that the Subscriber Profile/LDAPv3 is the only (standard) plug-in that throws the RetryPluginException.

Custom plug-ins can use the infrastructure for retries as provided by the RetryPlugin interceptor. This exception should be thrown if the communication with the underlying network node fails, or if an unexpected error is reported back from the plug-in.

Interceptors.ear File

The interceptors.ear file is located at Middleware_home/ocsg/applications.

File Contents

Table 10-3 describes the contents of the top-level of the multi-level folder in the interceptors.ear file.

Table 10-3 Contents of interceptor.ear File

Folder Name/File Name Content


A multi-level folder which contains information about the applications.

  • classes: A multi-level folder where the sub-folder /APP-INF/classes/com/bea/wlcp/wlng/interceptor contains the standard interceptor classes.

  • config.xml: Interceptor configuration file. See "Config.xml File".

  • config.xsd: Schema for config.xml.


Empty WAR file. Present in order to deploy the interceptors.

Do not remove or change this file.


This folder contains the following files:

  • application.xml: Deployment descriptor.

  • MANIFEST.MF: Manifest file for the interceptor infrastructure.

  • weblogic-application.xml: WebLogic extensions to application.xml.

Do not edit or remove the contents of META-INF.


For internal use.

Do not edit or remove its contents.

Maintaining Interceptor Data Integrity

If you deploy a new interceptor, you need to update the interceptors.ear file to support the functionality for your custom interceptor.

At all times when you do so, be sure to maintain the general structure shown in Table 10-3. The following data must not be changed:

  • Data listed in Table 10-3 as not be changed or removed.

  • /APP-INF/classes/com/bea/wlcp/wlng/interceptor/deploy: (Infrastructure for the interceptor functionality.)

  • /APP-INF/classes/com/bea/wlcp/wlng/interceptor/util

Location for All Standard Interceptor Classes

All standard interceptors provided with Services Gatekeeper (and described in Table 10-1) are located in /APP-INF/classes/com/bea/wlcp/wlng/interceptor/.

Config.xml File

The config.xml located at /interceptors/APP-INF/classes displays the standard interceptors that are currently enabled in Services Gatekeeper.

To access this file, expand the compressed Middleware_home/ocsg/applications/interceptors.ear to a folder at a suitable location. It would be good practice to create and store a backup of the original config.xml file to keep the base version that was provided at installation time.

Elements in Config.xml

Table 10-4 describes the structure of config.xml.

Table 10-4 Description of Interceptor Configuration File

Element Description


Main element. Contains zero or more <position> elements.


The <position> element separates the interceptors according to the following four attributes.

  • MT_NORTH: This position name indicates that all <interceptor> elements encapsulated by this element are valid for application-initiated (mobile terminated) requests.

  • MO_NORTH: This position name indicates that all <interceptor> elements encapsulated by this element are valid for network-triggered (mobile originated) requests.

  • MO_SOUTH: Currently, the interceptors listed for MO_SOUTH attribute are internal to Services Gatekeeper. They should not be altered in anyway.

  • MT_SOUTH: Currently, the interceptors listed for MO_SOUTH attribute are internal to Services Gatekeeper. They should not be altered in anyway.


Has the following attributes:

  • class: The class attribute identifies the class for the interceptor implementation.

  • index: The index attribute indicates the invocation order relative to other interceptors within the same <position> element. The order is ascending. The index value must be unique within the same <position> element.

Standard Interceptors in the MT_NORTH Section

The standard interceptors found in the MT_NORTH section of the default configuration file are listed here for your convenience. Note that InvokePlugin (with the fully classified name com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.InvokePlugin) is the last interceptor in this section.

Example 10-1 MT_NORTH Position Interceptors

 <position name="MT_NORTH">
    <interceptor class="oracle.ocsg.interceptor.RequestMonitor" index="25"/>
    <!-- #49 is reserved for OAuth -->
    <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.CreatePluginList" index="50"/>
    <!-- #51, #52 are reserved for OAuth -->
    <interceptor class="oracle.ocsg.interceptor.WebSocketLogin" index="58"/>
    <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.ValidateRequestUsingRequestFactory" index="100"/>
    <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.EnforceApplicationState" index="150"/>
    <interceptor class="oracle.ocsg.interceptor.EnforceServiceProviderSla" index = "200"/>
    <interceptor class="oracle.ocsg.interceptor.EnforceApplicationSla" index = "250"/>
    <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.CreatePolicyData" index = "300"/>
    <interceptor class="oracle.ocsg.interceptor.EnforceSlaMethodParameters" index = "350"/>
    <interceptor class="oracle.ocsg.interceptor.EnforceSlaBlacklistedMethods" index = "400"/>
    <!-- duplicated with index 350
    <interceptor class="oracle.ocsg.interceptor.EnforceSlaMethodParameters" index = "450"/>
    <interceptor class="oracle.ocsg.interceptor.EnforceSlaRequestContextParams" index = "500"/>
    <interceptor class="oracle.ocsg.interceptor.EnforceSlaFilterResult" index = "550"/>
    <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.RemoveInactivePlugin" index="600"/>
    <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.RemoveInvalidRoute" index="650"/>
    <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.FilterPluginListUsingCustomMatch" index="700"/>
    <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.RemoveOptional" index="750"/>
    <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.RoundRobinPluginList" index="800"/>
    <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.InvokeServiceCorrelation" index="850"/>
    <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.RetryPlugin" index="900"/>
    <interceptor class="oracle.ocsg.interceptor.EnforceServiceProviderBudget" index = "950"/>
    <interceptor class="oracle.ocsg.interceptor.EnforceApplicationBudget" index = "1000"/>
    <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.EnforceNodeBudget" index="1050"/>
    <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.EnforceSubscriberBudget" index="1100"/>
    <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.InjectXParametersFromRequestContext" index="1150"/>
    <interceptor class="oracle.ocsg.interceptor.EdrParameterInterceptor" index="1200"/>
     <interceptor class="oracle.ocsg.interceptor.InvokePlugin" index="99999"/>

Standard Interceptors in the MO_NORTH Section

The standard interceptors found in the MO_NORTH section of the default configuration file are listed here for your convenience. Note that InvokeApplication with the fully classified name com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.InvokeApplication is the last interceptor in this section.

Example 10-2 MO_NORTH Position Interceptors

 <position name="MO_NORTH">
    <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.EnforceApplicationState" index="100"/>
    <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.InvokeServiceCorrelation" index="200"/>
    <interceptor class="oracle.ocsg.interceptor.EnforceServiceProviderSla" index = "250"/>
    <interceptor class="oracle.ocsg.interceptor.EnforceApplicationSla" index = "300"/>
    <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.CreatePolicyData" index="400"/>
    <interceptor class="oracle.ocsg.interceptor.EnforceSlaMethodParameters" index="500"/>
    <interceptor class="oracle.ocsg.interceptor.EnforceSlaBlacklistedMethods" index = "600"/>
    <interceptor class="oracle.ocsg.interceptor.EnforceServiceProviderBudget" index = "700"/>
    <interceptor class="oracle.ocsg.interceptor.EnforceApplicationBudget" index = "750"/>
    <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.InjectXParametersFromRequestContext" index="800"/>
    <interceptor class="oracle.ocsg.interceptor.OutboundProxyEnabler" index="900"/>
    <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.InvokeApplication" index="99999"/>

Standard Interceptors in the MO_SOUTH Section

The standard interceptors found in the MO_SOUTH position of the default configuration file are listed here for your convenience. The last interceptor in this section is InvokeApplication with the fully classified name com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.InvokeApplication.

Currently, the interceptors listed for MO_SOUTH are internal to Services Gatekeeper. They should not be altered in anyway.

Example 10-3 MO_SOUTH Position Interceptors

 <position name="MO_SOUTH">
  <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.CreatePluginList" index="100" /> 
  <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.RemoveInactivePlugin" index="200" /> 
  <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.FilterPluginListUsingCustomMatch" index="300" /> 
  <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.RemoveOptional" index="400" /> 
  <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.RoundRobinPluginList" index="500" /> 
  <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.RetryPlugin" index="600" /> 
  <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.InvokePlugin" index="700" /> 

Standard Interceptors in the MT_SOUTH Section

Only one standard interceptor is found in the MT_SOUTH position of the default configuration file and is listed here for your convenience.

Currently, the interceptors listed for MT_SOUTH are internal to Services Gatekeeper. They should not be altered in anyway.

Example 10-4 MT_SOUTH Position Interceptor

<position name="MT_SOUTH">
    <interceptor class="com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor.InvokeNetworkNode" index="99999"/>

Creating and Using Custom Interceptors

This section describes how you can develop and deploy custom interceptors to modify the handling of requests using the existing Services Gatekeeper software. The custom interceptors are developed using the Introspection method.

Understanding Custom Interceptors

Custom interceptors, as their name suggests, are tailored to the individual needs of each application. This section describes the points to keep in mind when you develop custom interceptors.

How to Provide Your Custom Interceptors

When you create a custom interceptor, you need to package it in an EAR file to enable Services Gatekeeper to use it.

You can set up your custom interceptor in one of two ways:

For each method, the description focuses on the creation of a single custom interceptor. In practice you can create as many interceptors as you require.

Required Packages, Interfaces and Methods

Determine and provide the required and relevant Java (or other) packages for your custom interceptor.

For example, all the classes necessary for SampleInterceptor in Example 10-5 are available in the package:

com.bea.wlcp.wlng.api.interceptor located in Middleware_home/ocsg_pds/lib/api/wlng.jar.

You can find all publicly available classes in the ”All Classes” section of the Services Gatekeeper Java API Reference.

Creating a Backup

It would be good practice to create the necessary backups of the current configuration before you embark on any changes to the current setup.

For example, you should create a backup of the current version of the /applications/interceptors.ear file located at Middleware_home/ocsg/applications and store it in a desired location.

On Customer Interceptor Implementation

Note the following points about a custom interceptor:

  • Application: The interceptor that you create can be placed in any type of JavaEE or WebLogic application.

  • Interface to implement: Your custom interceptor must implement the interface com.bea.wlcp.wlng.api.interceptor.Interceptor.

  • Override: Your custom interceptor must override the invoke method of that interface. See Example 10-5 and Example 10-6.

  • Actions: The logic in your custom interceptor depends on what it needs to do:

    • Some interceptors contain logic that results in a decision that may affect the request flow. (See Example 10-5). For decisions, see "Specifying a Destination for the Request".

    • Other interceptors serve additional functions. For example, the custom interceptor ExtractXParamExample in Example 10-6 retrieves the context data in the RequestContext object for a specific type of request.

  • Registration: A custom interceptor can be registered or unregistered when the status of that application changes. The information used to register a custom interceptor must be synchronized with the existing data for interceptors in Services Gatekeeper.

  • Index value: The index value used to register the interceptor should be unique with respect to the entries in the config.xml file of /applications/interceptors.ear file and other custom interceptors.

    A collision will occur if more than one interceptor is registered with the same index value, In such a situation, only the last interceptor to register at the index will be executed. The other interceptor(s) with that index value will be overwritten.

  • Positioning with respect to RetryPlugin: Where you position your custom interceptor with respect to RetryPlugin will determine whether your custom interceptor is invoked once or more for a request:

    • Before RetryPlugin: If you add your custom interceptor before the RetryPlugin interceptor, your custom interceptor will be triggered only once for the request.

    • After RetryPlugin: If you add your custom interceptor after RetryPlugin, your custom interceptor will be triggered once for every plug-in that is attempted.

      Note that the Subscriber Profile/LDAPv3 is the only (standard) plug-in which throws the RetryPluginException. If you have a custom plug-in which throws RetryPluginException, place your custom interceptor after RetryPlugin interceptor if your custom interceptor should be invoked for each "tried" plug-in instance.

      For more information, see "Retry Functionality for plug-ins".

  • Request Flow: A custom interceptor is responsible for invoking the next interceptor in the chain by using the invokeNext method. See Example 10-5 and Example 10-6.

  • Thread safety: It must be thread-safe.

  • Debugging: Log statements at the debug level enable you to debug your custom interceptor. These statements will be needed to turn on the logging mechanism when you wish to debug your code.

Testing the Custom Interceptor

The Platform Test Environment (PTE) can be used to test your custom interceptor before you use it in a production environment. For more information, see Services Gatekeeper Platform Test Environment User's Guide.

Understanding the Example Interceptors

Two example interceptors are provided for your reference. In the first example, the custom interceptor makes some decisions, while the second shows how context data can be extracted from the RequestContext object.

For information on RequestContext, see "Interface: RequestContext".

You can find additional interceptor examples on the Oracle Learning Library (OLL) website at:


General Example

This example shows the structure of a simple interceptor designed to make some decisions on a request. The code will require logic to determine the value for decision and for the ReturnValue object.

Example 10-5 General interceptor

import com.bea.wlcp.wlng.api.interceptor.Interceptor;

public class SampleInterceptor implements Interceptor {
  private final int ABORT = 0;
  private final int RETURN = 1;

  public Object invoke(Context ctx) throws Exception {
    int decision = // Logic that evaluates the request and makes a decision.
    if (decision == ABORT) {
      throw new Exception();
    } else if (decision == RETURN) {
      Object returnValue = // Define a returnValue here if desired.
      return returnValue; 
    } else {
      Object returnValue = ctx.invokeNext(this);
      // Define a new returnValue here if desired, for example for aliasing.
        return returnValue;

Interceptor that Extracts Context Data from RequestContext

The following example interceptor extracts some of the arguments present in the RequestContext data object. For more on the data in RequestContext that can be modified by a custom interceptor, see "Data Available for Modification".

As the code shows, the interceptor intercepts and retrieves the RequestContext data associated with SendSms requests only.

Example 10-6 Custom Interceptor to Extract Data from RequestContext Object

package com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor;

// Provide all the Required Interfaces/Classes. This example imports:
// Java API for Method; 
// Context, the parameter passed to Invoke;
// the Interface Interceptor;
// the package which contains the required Plugin;
// the package which contains the required RequestContext;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import com.bea.wlcp.wlng.api.interceptor.Context;
import com.bea.wlcp.wlng.api.interceptor.Interceptor;
import com.bea.wlcp.wlng.api.plugin.Plugin;
import com.bea.wlcp.wlng.api.plugin.context.RequestContext;

// Example Interceptor implements Interface Interceptor
public class ExtractXParamExample implements Interceptor {

// Create a log object for ExtractXParamExample
       private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ExtractXParamExample.class);

// Define the tag and the value that must be extracted.
       public static final String TLV_OPTIONAL_INT_PARAM_TAGS = 
       public static final String TLV_OPTIONAL_INT_PARAM_VALUES = 

// Method Override

// Implement the invoke method of interceptor inteface
       public Object invoke(Context ctx) throws Exception {
              Object[] args = ctx.getArguments();

// Retrieve a class object corresponding to the Plugin type
              Class<? extends Plugin> pluginType = ctx.getType();

// Retrieve the name of the  method used
              Method calledMethod = ctx.getMethod();

// Check to see if the method is "SendSms" with the appropriate plugin
// If it is not what we're looking for, do nothing
// If it is Send Sms,
// Call extractTLVXParameters to retrieve contents of RequestContext object 

             if (pluginType.getName().equals(
                     calledMethod.getName().equals("sendSms")) {
                                extractTLVXParameters(ctx, args[0]);

// All done. invokeNext must be called here.
    return ctx.invokeNext(this);

       private void extractTLVXParameters(Context ctx, Object arg) {

               RequestContext rctx = ctx.getRequestContext();
             logger.info      ("Extracted XParams for: " + 
             TLV_OPTIONAL_INT_PARAM_TAGS +"::"+
                              " and: " + TLV_OPTIONAL_INT_PARAM_VALUES+"::"


Interceptor that Functions as a Black List for SMSs

This pseudo code illustrates how to check whether an SMS from the class org.csapi.schema.parlayx.sms.send.v2_2.local.SendSms contains the word ”bomb” and if so, rejects it.

Example 10-7 Interceptor that Rejects all SMSs with the Word ”Bomb”

// keyword blacklist
if (message.toUpperCase().indexOf("BOMB") > -1) {
     throw new Exception("Blacklisted keyword found in message");

Interceptor that Replaces a Word with a Variable String in an SMS

This pseudo code searches each SMS from org.csapi.schema.parlayx.sms.send.v2_2.local.SendSms for the word "weather" and replaces it with the string defined for the variable WX_MSG.

Example 10-8 Replaces a the word ”Weather” With a Variable String

 // short codes
Class c = ctx.getArguments()[0];
if ((c.getName().equals("org.csapi.schema.parlayx.sms.send.v2_2.local.SendSms")) && (message.indexOf("WEATHER") > -1)) {
     System.out.println("changing shortcode: " + message);
     Method mm = c.getMethod("setMessage", new String().getClass());
     mm.invoke(argz[i], WX_MSG);

Using the Default EAR File to Add a Custom Interceptor

This section describes how you can develop custom interceptors for use with the default interceptors.ear file. See "Interceptors.ear File" for information about this file.

Developing the Custom Interceptor for Deployment

Use the Platform Development Studio wizard to create custom service interceptors. See "Creating Extensions with Platform Development Studio Wizard" for information on using the PDS Wizard.

Artifacts for a Custom Interceptor Module

When you use the wizard to create the skeleton of an interceptor module, the wizard generates the following artifacts:

  • build.xml:

    This is the build file used to build all the interceptor modules and to package them into a single EAR file for deployment.

  • build.properties

    This is the properties file required by the Apache Ant process to build the module.

  • common.xml

    This file defines the common properties used by the module, such as environment variables, WebLogic library path, and so on.

  • CustomizedApplicationLifecycleListener.java

    This is an implementation of the WebLogic ApplicationLifecycleListener used to manage the module life cycle.

  • InterceptorXXX.java

    This is your interceptor implementation, where XXX is the name that you assign to the interceptor in the wizard.

Generating a Custom Interceptor Module

See "Generating an Interceptor Module" for information on generating a custom interceptor using the custom interceptor PDS wizard.

Deploying Custom Interceptors

Use the following procedure to deploy your custom interceptor:

  1. Expand the /applications/interceptors.ear file and review its contents to determine the location for your new interceptor. If necessary, create a backup file at a desired location.

  2. Create the necessary customer interceptor class, (for example, MyCustomEnforceThis.class). For details, see "On Customer Interceptor Implementation".

  3. Update the config.xml file. Position the interceptor in the appropriate <position> section(s). See "Updating the Config.xml File".

  4. Verify the changes to the invocation order in config.xml. See "Updating the Config.xml File".

  5. Repackage the interceptors.ear file. See "Rebuilding the Interceptors.ear File".

Updating the Config.xml File

This section describes how to update the config.xml file to provide the desired invocation order for the interceptors. See "Config.xml File" for a description of the file.

Creating a Backup of the Current Config.xml

To change the order in the interceptor configuration file, always use the current interceptors.ear file deployed on the Administration Server.

As a general rule, before you proceed with any changes to config.xml, be sure to back up that file in a secure location and using a different name, for example, config.xml_backup_as_of_May252013.

Adding the Custom Interceptor to the Current Chain

To add your custom interceptor to the interceptor chain:

  1. Access the config.xml file.

  2. Add the entry/entries for the custom interceptor(s).

    For every new custom interceptor, a <interceptor> element with the attribute class referring to the entry point of the interceptor and a numeric value in the attribute index that corresponds to the location in the interceptor invocation chain should be present. Ensure that:

    • The entry for the interceptor is placed in the required <Position name=...> block(s).

    • The <class=...> attribute names the required class.

    • The <index=...> attribute contains a value that is appropriate and unique to the specific section.

    For example, if the interceptor main class is com.acompany.interceptor.DoStuff, and the chosen index value is 1150, the corresponding entry in /APP-INF/classes/config.xml would be

    <interceptor class="com.acompany.interceptor.DoStuff" index="1150"/>
  3. Save the config.xml file.

Rearranging the Invocation Order

To rearrange the invocation order for an interceptor chain:

  1. Access the config.xml file.

  2. Edit the config.xml file and change the index attribute for the appropriate <interceptor> element if necessary. Ensure that the new value is appropriate and unique within that <position> element.

  3. Save the config.xml.

Excluding an Interceptor from the chain

To exclude an interceptor element from an interceptor chain:

  1. Access the config.xml file.

  2. Edit the config.xml file and comment out the specific <interceptor> element(s).

  3. Save the config.xml.

Rebuilding the Interceptors.ear File

To re-build the common interceptors.ear file:

  1. Build the class file for the custom interceptor module using the artifacts generated by the PDS wizard.

  2. Place the class file for the interceptor in the appropriate location where the other standard interceptors are located.

    • For example, an installation maintains the default settings provided by Services Gatekeeper at installation time. In such a scenario, the main class for the interceptor would be com.bea.wlcp.wlng.interceptor. All the standard interceptors would be located in /APP-INF/classes/.

    • If for example, the main class for your custom interceptor is com.mycompany.interceptor.DoStuff, place DoStuff.class in /APP-INF/classes/com/mycompany/interceptor.

  3. Repackage the EAR file, making sure that you maintain the original structure of common interceptors.ear file. See "Maintaining Interceptor Data Integrity".

Re-deploying Common Interceptors. ear File

Use standard WebLogic procedures to redeploy the application interceptor.ear to all servers in the network tier cluster from the Administration server. For more information on re-deploying applications on Oracle WebLogic Server, see the description in Developing Applications with WebLogic Server.

Using a Custom EAR File to Add a Custom Interceptor

This section describes how you can provide a custom EAR file for use with your custom interceptor.

Points to Note

If you use a custom EAR file for your custom interceptor:

  • A custom interceptor meant for use with a custom EAR file should not be included in the config.xml file in the common interceptors.ear file.

  • When providing index values for your custom interceptor, maintain the order for the indexes used in the current config.xml in the common interceptors.ear file.

  • Do not modify config.xml, the standard configuration file in Services Gatekeeper (and located in interceptors.ear). Services Gatekeeper will continue to use the default interceptors in that config.xml file.

  • If, currently, there is no custom EAR file:

  • If a custom EAR file exists, update that EAR file appropriately. This is described under "Updating an Existing Custom EAR to Add Custom Interceptors".

  • The custom interceptors can be placed in a JavaEE or WebLogic application. Ensure that the registration process handles these interceptors appropriately.

Steps to Build a Custom EAR for Use with a Custom Interceptor

To provide a separate EAR file for your custom interceptor:

  1. Create the necessary customer interceptor class, (for example, MyCustomEnforceThis.class). See "On Customer Interceptor Implementation".

  2. Create a listener to register the custom interceptor. (For example, MyCustomListener.class).

  3. Set up the registration process to handle the registration of the MyCustomEnforceThis.class custom interceptor.

  4. Build a Custom EAR file (for example, MyCustomEar.ear) which will be the active EAR in your deployment.

Information Needed to Register Custom Interceptors

The following information is necessary to register your custom interceptor and enable it in Services Gatekeeper:

  • The fully qualified name for your custom interceptor

  • Its position in the request flow associated with the <position> element seen in config.xml, (for example, MT_NORTH and/or MT_SOUTH)

  • The exact point in the invocation order, specified as the value for the index attribute. See Table 10-4.

Place this information (for example, as an XML file) in the custom ear to be parsed and used for the registration.

Synchronizing with Invocation Order in Config.xml

Check to make sure that the index values used to set up the invocation point(s) for your custom interceptors maintain the general order for the indexes currently used in config.xml in the common interceptors.ear file.

Creating a Custom Listener

By default, Services Gatekeeper employs InterceptorListener to automatically register the standard interceptors in the common interceptors.ear file. It does this when the Administration Server starts (or when it restarts after a status change).

If this is the first time a custom EAR will be used for a custom interceptor, you need to create a custom listener for your custom interceptor. The custom listener that you create must do the work done by the standard InterceptorListener for the standard interceptors.

Implementing ApplicationLifecycleListener

In order to create such a custom listener, (for example, MyCustomListener.class), implement weblogic.application.ApplicationLifecycleListener. For more information on ApplicationLifecycleListener, see:


Note that, the ApplicationLifecycleListener interface is only used with reference to the application state and not with reference to the state of the WebLogic server.

Ensure that, MyCustomListener.class is called whenever there is a change in myCustomEar.ear application status. When it is called, MyCustomListener.class must complete the registration process for your custom interceptors.

The Registration Process

You can select to hard-code the information necessary to register your interceptors or use the InterceptorManager interface.

Hard-coding the Information

If you have a limited set of custom interceptors, and their behavior may not often be changed, you can hard-code this information in MyCustomListener.class.

Providing a Data File for Registration

If you plan to use the InterceptorManager interface, create a data file that will contain the information necessary to register the custom interceptor as described in "Information Needed to Register Custom Interceptors"). This data (the position, and index information for each custom interceptor) will be used by MyCustomListener.class in the register method described below.

Registering (and unregistering) Your Custom Interceptors

If you are not hard-coding the registration information, ensure that you have the external data file necessary to parse and register your interceptors.

Use the register or unregister method in the InterceptorManager interface in your custom listener (MyCustomListener) to register/unregister your custom interceptor.

Note that:

  • Retrieve the using the getInstance method in com.bea.wlcp.wlng.api.interceptor.InterceptorManagerFactory. They are:

  • The InterceptorManager interface handles the registration, unregistration and invocation of the interceptors. Use the following methods in this interface:

    • register: The register method should be called in the postStart callback when the application has been started.

    • unregister: The unregister method should be called in the preStop callback when the application is being stopped.

    • update: The update method must be invoked immediately following register or unregister to activate the changes caused by each method.

Note that, unless update is called, the changes will not take effect.


Example 10-9 shows an example of how to register an interceptor manually.

Example 10-9 Registering an interceptor

// Get Interceptor manager
InterceptorManager im = InterceptorManagerFactory.getInstance(); 

// Register the custom MyCustomEnforceThis interceptor
im.register(MyCustomEnforceThis, InterceptionPoint.MT_NORTH.MT_NORTH, myIndex);

// Changes do not take effect until update() is called

Building a Custom EAR File

Build your custom EAR file, (for example, myCustomEar.ear), with the necessary elements. The structure of the common interceptors.ear file has been described in "File Contents".

Example 10-10 shows the structure:

Example 10-10 Example Structure for Custom EAR File


Contents of META-INF/weblogic-application.xml

The META-INF/weblogic-application.xml file should contain the fully qualified class name for your implementation of weblogic.application.ApplicationLifecycleListener. Here is an example:

Example 10-11 Custom META-INF/weblogic-application.xml

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<weblogic-application xmlns="http://www.bea.com/ns/weblogic/90"

Contents of META-INF/application.xml

The META-INF/application.xml file should specify the contents of the custom EAR. Here is an example:

Example 10-12 Custom META-INF/application.xml

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<application xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="1.4">

Deploying Your Custom EAR File

If you deploy custom interceptors in a custom EAR file, always deploy the EAR file using the Administration Server and use standard WebLogic procedures to deploy the application to all servers in the cluster from the Administration Server.

For more information, see Oracle WebLogic Server Documentation at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/indexes/documentation/index.html

Updating an Existing Custom EAR to Add Custom Interceptors

If a custom EAR file exists in Services Gatekeeper,

  1. Access that custom EAR file and review its contents. Before you update this file, create a backup in a safe location.

  2. Create the necessary customer interceptor class, (for example, MyCustomEnforceThisToo.class). For details, see "On Customer Interceptor Implementation".

  3. Ensure that you have the information necessary to register your custom interceptor and that the index value(s) are synchronized appropriately. For details, see "Information Needed to Register Custom Interceptors".

  4. Check the existing custom listener to see whether the registration information currently in use was hard-coded in the custom listener or provided in a data file. (See the discussion under "Creating a Custom Listener".

  5. Ensure that the new registration information is made available to that custom listener in the same way. (See the discussion under "The Registration Process".

  6. Rebuild the custom EAR file making sure that you preserve its structure. (See the discussion under "Building a Custom EAR File".

Customizing the Interceptor Chain for a Communication Service

This section describes how interceptor chains can be customized for a specific communication service. Interceptor rules can be used to define which interceptors are used based on communication service.

The Services Gatekeeper Plug-in Manager retrieves a list of all eligible interceptors when an initial service request is received. The Plug-in Manager references an internal interceptor rule configuration and removes disabled interceptors for subsequent requests. The customized interceptor chain is then stored in cache so future requests to the same communication service are handed off automatically to the custom interceptor chain.

The interceptor rule configuration is stored in the Services Gatekeeper database and loaded into cache at initial startup. Changes to the configuration will result in a flush of the cached interceptor chains. Subsequent requests then trigger Services Gatekeeper to refresh the cached rule configuration from the database.

Available interceptors in Services Gatekeeper are determined by the config.xml file located in the interceptors.ear file. See "Interceptors.ear File" for information on configuring available interceptors, including custom interceptors.

Managing Custom Interceptor Filter Rules

To create a custom interceptor rule, create an XML file based on the interceptorRule.xsd file located in the middleware_home/ocsg/modules/com.bea.wlcp.wlng.plugin.mngr_6.0.0.0.jar. The Plug-in Manager MBean is used to create, edit and delete interceptor rule configuration.

This MBean can be accessed from a variety of interfaces including the WebLogic Administration Console, the Platform Test Environment (PTE) or by using the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST).

For information on using the WebLogic Administration Console and WSLT, see the Operation and Maintenance chapter in Services Gatekeeper System Administrator's Guide.

For information on using the PTE with the Plug-in Manager Mbean, see ”Configuring communication services by Changing MBean Attributes and Operations” in Services Gatekeeper Platform Test Environment User's Guide.

Interceptor Rule Parameters

The default interceptor configuration is provided in the interceptorRule.xml file located in the com.bea.wlcp.wlng.plugin.mngr_6.0.0.0.jar. When a new Services Gatekeeper domain is created this configuration is used. Interceptors not included in the configuration file are enabled by default.

Use the Mbean operations available in the Administrator Console to edit the configuration. See "Summary of Tasks Related to Interceptors" for more information.

Interceptor rules contain the elements listed in Table 10-5.

Table 10-5 Interceptor Rule Elements

Name Type Description



The plug-in for the communication service for which the rule is to be valid for. Regular expressions can be used in the package name to specify more than one package.



The method for which the rule is to be valid for. Regular expressions can be used in the method name to specify more than one method.



The topological system location in Services Gatekeeper where the interceptor chain is applied (MT_NORTH, MT_SOUTH, MO_NORTH or MO_SOUTH.



The interceptor for which the rule applies. Multiple interceptors can be included if each is enclosed in the <interceptorName> tag.



Boolean indicating if the interceptor(s) listed should be enabled or disabled in the rule.

Example 10-13 contains an interceptor rule configuration file that performs the following:

  • Applies the rule configuration to all parlayrest plug-ins by using a wildcard:

    • packageName is set to ..*$

  • Enables the standard Services Gatekeeper interceptors for the MT_NORTH interceptor for all parlayrest plug-ins:

    • interceptorPoint is set to MT_NORTH

    • interceptorName lists the standard interceptors included in the rule

    • enable is set to true allowing all the listed interceptors to run

  • Disables the MT_NORTH OAuth 2.0 interceptor using a second rule

Example 10-13 Sample interceptorRule.xml Configuration File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tns:interceptorConfig xmlns:tns=
interceptorRule.xsd ">
  <!-- following are retrieved from ServiceType.java


  <!-- Enable/disable OAuth2 interceptor -->

Summary of Tasks Related to Interceptors

The following is a summary of tasks related to Interceptor Rules.

Interceptor Rules

Table 10-6 lists the tasks related to application accounts and the PluginManagerMBean methods you use to perform those tasks.

Table 10-6 Tasks Related to Application Accounts

Task PluginManagerMBean Method to Use

List the enabled interceptors loaded in Services Gatekeeper


Retrieve the current interceptor rule configuration file


Update the interceptor rule configuration file


For a description of the PluginManagerMBean MBean operations, see the ”All Classes” section of Services Gatekeeper OAM Java API Reference.