14 Customizing SLA Behavior for a Service Provider or Application

This chapter explains how Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper plug-ins can use the generic data in SLAs to customize the behavior of the plug-in.

Understanding How to Customize Behavior Based on SLAs

Plug-ins can specify different behavior for individual service providers or applications using the generic data specified in their service provider or application level SLAs. The plug-in uses generic data specified in the SLAs to do this.

This capability is useful when the data used by a plug-in should be different depending on which service provider or application that the request originates. For example, this can be used for information about parameters that corresponds to a certain group of applications. A certain group might get the priority on their SMS set to LOW because they pay less. The priority might be a parameter that is sent down to the network which handles this.

In an SLA, a <contextAttribute> is defined as a name/value pair, where the name is defined in the <attributeName> and the value is specified in <attributeValue>.

A plug-in can retrieve the value specified in <attributeValue> using the name specified in <attributeName>. The value is retrieved using the RequestContext for the request:

String attributeValue = (String)RequestContextManager.getCurrent().get("<attributeName>");

For example, you can retrieve the value associated with the contextAttribute with the attributeName com.bea.wlcp.wlng.plugin.sms.testName1:

String value1 = (String)RequestContextManager.getCurrent().get("com.bea.wlcp.wlng.plugin.sms.testName1");