12 Parlay X 3.0 Application Subscription Management Compliance

The following chapter describes the standard Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper Parlay X 3.0 Application Subscription Management communication service and how the interfaces and protocols comply to standards.

Application Subscription Management Statement of Compliance

This section describes the standards compliance for the Application Subscription Management communication service.

The Application Subscription Management communication service complies with the OMS GSSM specification as follows:

  • High-Level Requirements - no operations supported.

  • Service Subscription Operations - compliant. See Table 12-1 for a list of the supported operations.

  • Subscription Validation Operations - compliant. See Table 12-2 for a list of the supported operations.

  • Provisioning Related Operations - no operations supported.

  • Security - no operations supported.

  • Authentication - no operations supported.

  • Authorization - no operations supported.

  • Integrity - no operations supported.

  • Confidentiality - no operations supported.

  • Charging - no operations supported.

  • Administration and Configuration - no operations supported.

  • Privacy - no operations supported.

See Table 1-14, "Subscription Management Communication Service Specifications" in "Services Gatekeeper Compliance Reference Table" for a link to the specification.

Supported Operations

The General Service Subscription Management communication service supports these parts of the OMA GSSM V 1.0 specification:

Table 12-1 lists the specification parts of the General Service Subscription Management specification that Services Gatekeeper supports.

Table 12-1 General Service Subscription Management Supported Parts

Feature Description


The GSSM Enabler SHALL provide the principal with a mechanism to subscribe principals(s) to a service.


The GSSM Enabler SHALL provide the authorized principal with a mechanism to change the Subscription Profile (for example, contents, channels, valid term).


The GSSM Enabler SHALL provide the subscriber with the mechanism to suspend/resume the service subscription.


The GSSM Enabler SHALL provide the authorised principal with a mechanism to unsubscribe from a service.


The GSSM Enabler SHALL provide the authorized principal with a mechanism for querying the service subscriptions.


The GSSM Enabler SHALL support the selective retrieval of Subscription Profiles based on the criteria in the Subscription Profile (for example subscription creation time, subscriber, user, service, subscription specific parameters).


The GSSM Enabler SHALL be capable of delegating to related resources (such as business support systems, backend systems) using existing interfaces, part of the validation process for the new service subscription requests. Part of such validation processes to be taken by those business support systems, under a new service subscription request, could be:

  • Check if the user is not in a black list.

  • Check if current pricing plans or product offerings for the user allows for subscribing to this service.

  • Check compatibility of requested service with other services the user has already subscribed.

Table 12-2 Supported subscription Validation Operations

Feature Description


The GSSM Enabler SHALL be capable of validating a subscription based on the following criteria:

  • the service being requested

  • the principal for whom the service is being requested

  • the time when the service is being requested

  • the frequency with which the service is requested, for example how many times per day

  • preferred service delivery method(s), for example MMS, WAP


The GSSM Enabler SHALL be capable of delegating to related Resources using existing interfaces, part of the evaluation process for the validation of the subscription.


The GSSM Enabler SHALL be capable of querying and retrieving from related Resources using existing interfaces, the necessary information to validate a subscription.


The GSSM Enabler SHALL be capable of providing in the Subscription Validation result the information necessary for the operation and execution of the service provided to the user.


Upon completion of the Subscription Validation, the GSSM Enabler SHALL be capable of delegating to related Resources part of the Service Subscription Provisioning process required for the delivery of the service to the user in accordance with the Subscription Profile.


The GSSM Enabler SHALL support selecting and requesting either subscription validation or retrieval of the Subscription Profile data, for example in order for the requester to perform itself the validation operations.


The GSSM Enabler SHALL be capable of providing necessary group information (for example ID of group members) upon response to a validation request for a group subscription.