G Configuration Files

This appendix provides additional information about the configuration files involved in the Oracle Communication MetaSolv Solution (MSS) installation process.


After you make changes to any of the configuration files, ensure that you restart each server or clustered server. The changes that you make in the configuration files do not take effect until the server(s) are restarted.

loggingconfig.xml File

Not all windows in the application allow you to limit the number of rows that are retrieved when performing a query. If you are not able to specify a limit and your query retrieves a large number of rows, the application server may display a java.lang.OutOfMemory error or a 500 server error. If this occurs, you must restart the application server. To eliminate this problem, you can edit the jdbc-trace query parameters of the loggingconfig.xml file.

See MetaSolv Solution System Administrator's Guide for more information.

gateway.ini File

Compare the new gateway.ini file against your original gateway.ini file for the following sections:

  • [Servers]: For API servers

  • [ThreadProcs]: For event servers

  • [System]: For URLNamingServicePort

  • [CA]: For Custom attribute refresh interval

See MetaSolv Solution System Administrator's Guide for more information on the gateway.ini file.