Oracle® Communications MetaSolv Solution

Release Notes

Release 6.3


February 2017

This document provides information about Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution Release (MSS) 6.3.

This document consists of the following sections:

Software Compatibility

MetaSolv Solution 6.3 supports the following software versions:

  • Oracle Enterprise Linux Server 6.6 (or later) and 7.0 (or later)

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6.6 (or later) and 7.0 (or later)

  • AIX 7.1 Update 1

  • HP Itanium 11.31 Update 7

  • Oracle Solaris 11

  • Windows Server 2012 R2

  • Windows 8.1 (client side)

  • Oracle WebLogic Server

  • Oracle Database 12c R1

  • JacORB 3.8

  • Java Development Kit 8

  • LSR 10.2

  • Internet Explorer 11

Refer to MSS Planning Guide and MSS Installation Guide for more information on software versions and compatibility.

New Features

This section describes the new features introduced in this release.

Enhanced Platform Support

MSS now supports updated operating systems and underlying software systems. These platform changes align MSS with other Oracle products. See "Software Compatibility" for more information.

Integrate with MSS Web Services

With enhanced platform support, MSS now provides MSS Web Services. The MSS Web Services replace the existing MSS XML API functionality. There is a one-to-one mapping from each XML API operation to a web service operation.

MSS can now integrate with other Oracle products or with external applications using web services. The MSS Web Services include a group of web services that address customer, event, inventory, order, activation, and service order activation functionality. This functionality is automatically deployed with MSS. See MetaSolv Solution Web Services Developer's Guide for more information.

MSS Single Sign-On Support

MSS can now optionally be enabled to have single sign-on functionality utilizing Oracle Enterprise Single Sign-On Suite Plus (ESSO Suite) software. Single sign-on functionality provides a unified sign-on and authentication across all enterprise resources. It provides identity management functionality eliminating the need for multiple user names and passwords.

Support for Oracle Database 12c Optimizer

MSS now supports the Oracle Database 12c Optimizer which determines the most efficient execution plan for each SQL statement, and provides statistics related to the database.

Support for EJB3 Specification

MSS now supports the EJB3 specification. The home and remote interfaces no longer exist. Integration code that fetches the EJB stub is simplified.

Secure Installation via SSL is Now the Default

MSS installations now default to an SSL installation. The ”Connect to WebLogic using SSL” check box is enabled by default. Optionally, in a cluster installation, you can enable the SSL port, if it was not previously enabled.

Support for IPv6 Based Installation

The MSS Application installer now supports IPv6 addresses anywhere IPv4 addresses are referenced.

Increased Security for CORBA APIs

In previous MSS releases a property was available to bypass authentication for CORBA APIs. To comply with Oracle's security policy, this setting is now removed. MSS access through a CORBA API call always requires authentication. The "validateUserAndPassword" property is now removed from the gateway.ini file and an MSS logon authentication is mandatory.

The CORBA integration now provides SSL support. To set up SSL, refer to MSS CORBA API Developer's Reference.

MetaSolv Solution Security Guide Introduced

The MetaSolv Solution 6.3 documentation set includes a new guide entitled MSS Security Guide. This guide provides guidelines and recommendations for setting up MSS in a secure configuration.

MetaSolv Solution Web Services Developer's Guide Introduced

The MetaSolv Solution 6.3 documentation set includes a new guide entitled MSS Web Services Developer's Guide. This guide describes the Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution Web Services. The guide includes information about the MetaSolv Solution Web Service framework that supports web services, the various web services that are available, and how to migrate existing XML API interfaces to web service operations.

Installation Parameters

New installation parameters need to be set to specific values for optimal results. These settings assure avoiding an existing Optimizer issue. These also provide better database performance and are set with the following values:

optimizer_adaptive_features= FALSE

If you are upgrading from an older version of MSS, ensure these parameters are also set as follows:

_b_tree_bitmap_plans = false
_grant_secure_role = true (since

Obsolete Features

Because of the enhanced platform support added in MSS 6.3, some features are obsolete. This section describes the items that are obsolete in this release.

Oracle WebLogic Integration and XML APIs

MSS now supports Oracle WebLogic Server, however this version of WebLogic does not support Oracle WebLogic Integration (WLI). Therefore, MSS no longer supports the Full Installation on WebLogic Integration Domain (WLI) installation type, and no longer support the XML APIs. MSS now provides the MSS Web Services which replace the existing MSS XML API functionality.

MSS Operational Reports

Oracle will no longer provide or maintain the Business Objects universes and sample reports previously delivered with MSS Operational Reports. However, you can continue to use your existing MSS Operational Reports solution.

Zero Admin Client (ZAC)

Because of security issues and low utilization, this MSS release removes the Zero Admin Client functionality.

Equipment Visualization

Because of security issues with this functionality, this MSS release removes the Equipment Visualization functionality.

MetaSolv Solution XML API Developer's Reference Document Removed

The MetaSolv Solution XML API Developer's Reference has been removed from the MetaSolv Solution 6.3 documentation set, because MSS no longer supports XML APIs.

MetaSolv Solution Operational Reports Document Removed

The MetaSolv Solution Operational Reports has been removed from the 6.3 MetaSolv Solution documentation set.

The MSS 6.2.1 Operational Reports will continue to be available under Release 6.2.1 on the Oracle Help Center.

Known Problems in This Release

Table 1 lists the known problems in this release.

Table 1 Known Problems

Bug Number Description



If you run MSS Web Services with the client and server computers in different time zones, you receive the following error:

<env:Envelope xmlns:env=
    <env:Fault xmlns:wsse=
      <faultstring>Security token failed to validate.
      [status:false][msg UNT Error:Message older than allowed


Set both the client and server computers to the same time zone.



When running a high volume of MSS Web Service operations, you can encounter the following error:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
    <ns0:Fault xmlns:ns0="" xmlns:ns1="">
    <faultstring>Error thrown during Assign Prov Plan API
    execution : SQL Exception Thrown Generating and Saving Tasks
    for orderKey : 123456. Message: Connection closed</faultstring>
      <ns0:WSException xmlns:ns0="">
      <message>Error thrown during Assign Prov Plan API execution :
      SQL Exception Thrown Generating and Saving Tasks for
      orderKey : 123456. Message: Connection closed


No workaround available.



In running the prodfix database SQL, you may encounter the following error ”ora-01031 insufficient privileges while compiling proc ASAP.SP_DELETE_JOB_QUEUE”.


Apply the SQL patch 23743198.



If you install MSS on a clustered server in an IPv6 environment that has SSL enabled, the MSS application displays a blank page and you are unable to navigate to any module within the application.

The MSS server log reflects the following:

<Error> <Cluster> <BEA-000198> <All replication calls for cluster ipv6mslvcluster must be made over channel DefaultSecure[https]>


No workaround available.



If you install MSS using IPv6 address in a non-SSL domain, the application fails to connect to the server. This issue occurs because the IPv6 address is not specified within [] (brackets) in the npasplit.ini configuration file located at MSLV_Home\mslv01\appserver\config directory, where MSLV_Home is the directory in which the MSS software is installed and mslv01 is the server home directory.


You can avoid this issue by manually specifying the IPv6 address within square brackets [] in the INI configuration file.



If you install MSS in an IPv6 domain, you may receive the following error in the appserverlog.xml:

<log4j:event logger="cmm.INTEGRATION_MANAGER" timestamp="1472128633441" level="ERROR" 
thread="Thread-37" dateTime="[current date]" debugCode="0" moduleName="cmm.INTEGRATION_MANAGER" messageID="100117" 
appServerName="DEF_APPSERVER" className="DEF_CLASS" userName="app_api" machineName="XXXXX" productName="nur"> 
<![CDATA[Could not create pooled connection. Creating unpooled connection. https://[IPv6  server address]:port: 
Destination IPv6 server address, port unreachable; nested exception is:
Could not connect to / IPv6 server address; No available router to destination]]>


You can ignore this error.



After you log in to MSS in SSL mode, the Runtime Information page displays the non-SSL port (instead of the SSL port) in the EAR version section and in the ASR and LSR applications.


No workaround available.



When running the GetAvailPhysicalPortsOneExist Web Service, the API may return the following error:

”For input string: "{ {}{equipmentId//<nnnn>} }"”


No workaround available.



When running any Web Service, the API may return the following error:

”Failed to copy a message”


The error could occur if the closing tags are not specified properly.

To avoid this error, ensure that the closing tags are specified properly.

For example:




When running the CreateAttachment Web Service, the API may return the following error:

”cvc-complex-type.2.4.b: The content of element 'open:createAttachment' is not complete. One of '{WC[##any]}' is expected.”


No workaround available.



When running the getDLR operation of the getServiceLocationRequest Web Service, the API may return an empty output.


Run the getDLR operation from the getDlrByKeyRequest Web Service API.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution Release Notes, Release 6.3


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