21 Event Notification Service C API Reference

This chapter details the ENS C API.

API Overview

The ENS C API, ens.h, is located in the MessagingServer_home/examples/enssdk/ directory. The ens_pub.c sample publisher and ens_sub.c sample subscriber demonstrate use of the ENS C API.

Here is the API header (ens.h):

// ens.h -- ENS C client API
// Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// Connecting

// an ENS client
struct ensclient_t;
typedef struct ensclient_t ensclient_t;

// callback invoked if the ENS connection dies
// subscriptions are no longer valid but must not be unsubscribed
typedef void (*lost_cnx_cb_t)(void*);

ensclient_t* ens_open(const char* host, int port, lost_cnx_cb_t
lost_cnx_cb, void* lost_cnx_arg);

// automatically cleans up all existing subscription handles
void ens_close(ensclient_t*);

// Publishing events

typedef void (*destructor_t)(void*);            // cleanup function

void ens_publish(ensclient_t*, const char* evt, char* body, size_t
bodysz, destructor_t body_delete);

// Receiving events

// a subscription handle
struct sub_t;
typedef struct sub_t subscription_t;

// handler called when a subscribed event is received
typedef void (*notify_cb_t)(void *rock, char *event, char *body, size_t

subscription_t* ens_subscribe(ensclient_t*, const char* evt, notify_cb_t
cb, void* rock);
void ens_unsubscribe(ensclient_t*, subscription_t*);

ifdef __cplusplus


API Basic Usage

The client calls ens_open() to start a connection. If reliability across ENS connection outages is important, the client should provide a lost connection handler callback. The lost connection handler normally marks any client-specific subscription information as invalid, calls ens_close, and triggers a task to attempt a reconnect by using ens_open (possibly after a delay).

The client calls ens_close() on shut down.

The client calls ens_subscribe() to subscribe to events and gets a callback when a matching event is received. The client calls ens_unsubscribe() to unsubscribe from an event (usually not necessary as a client can just call ens_close).

To publish an event, use ens_publish. (In general, you do not need to do so and the sample code should be sufficient.)

To build the sample programs, link against the libens library, which is normally installed in /opt/sun/comms/messaging64/lib/libens.so.

The ens_sub.c sample program is helpful to see what events are generated and how the event strings and message payloads are formatted.

Both Oracle Communications Messaging Server publishers (that is, imapd) and the ENS server (enpd) are designed to drop events if an overload situation occurs.

Client API ens_sopen

The client API, ens_sopen, can connect to the ENS broker with authentication.

Customers who want to connect to the ENS broker use the API ens_open declared in ens.h to create a new client connection to the ENS broker. The API, ens_open, does not support authentication and TLS/SSL.

So we added a new API, ens_sopen, to create a secure connection to the ENS broker that supports authentication and TLS/SSL. The arguments to the API, ens_sopen, include all the arguments to the API, ens_open, and also includes arguments to accept an username and a password for authentication. It also includes an argument to specify whether to use TLS/SSL while making an connection to the ENS Broker specified.

The new API declared in lib/ens/ens.h is:

ensclient_t* ens_sopen (const char* host, int port, int use_ssl, const char* auth_user, const char* auth_secret, lost_cnx_cb_t lost_cnx_cb, void* lost_cnx_arg);

In order to connect to the ENS brokers that support TLS/SSL and authentication, you must use the new API, ens_sopen. The API accepts the arguments auth_user and auth_secret, but it may or may not use them depending on whether or not the ENS broker it is connecting to requires authentication.

If the connection is made to the SSL port, then the value for the argument, use_ssl, must be 1. If the connection is made to the non-SSL port, then the value for the argument, use_ssl, must be 0.

API Usage Notes

The ENS C API is presently the recommended API for C-based software that needs to subscribe to Messaging Server events. Use of the Glassfish Message Queue, OpenMQ, or Java Enterprise System Message Queue C API is not recommended.