A commpkg Reference

This appendix provides information about the Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server commpkg command.

Overview of the commpkg Command

The commpkg, command, also referred to as the installer, comprises several commands (verbs) that enable you to install, uninstall, and upgrade Instant Messaging Server software and its shared components. The commpkg command is installed in the directory in which you extract the product software.


commpkg [general_options] verb [verb_options]

Table A-1 describes the commpkg command general options.

Table A-1 commpkg Command General Options

Option Description

-? or --help

Displays help.

-V or --version

Displays the installer version.


Overrides the operating-system version check.

--fixEntsys [y | n]

Fixes an invalid Sun Java Enterprise System (Java ES) entsys symlink, making the link point to the latest Java version upgraded by commpkg. The Java ES symlink is located in /usr/jdk/entsys-j2se. Choose --fixEntsys y to fix the Java ES symlink to the Java files.

If you do not specify this switch, commpkg prompts you if the symlink is invalid. However, in silent mode, the default is not to fix the symlink (the equivalent of using a value of n). To fix the symlink in silent mode, type commpkg install --fixEntsys y --silent INPUTFILE on the command-line.

Table A-2 describes the commpkg command verbs.

Table A-2 commpkg Command Verbs

Verb Description


Performs software installation.


Uninstalls software but does not remove OS patches or shared components installed by commpkg install.


Displays product information on the paths (also known as installroots) where Instant Messaging Server is installed, and the products that are installed in those paths.


Performs software upgrade.


Verifies installed product.

install Verb Syntax

commpkg install [install_options] [ALTROOT|name]


Installing Only Shared Components: To install just the product's shared components, launch the installer then prefix your product selection with a tilde (~). You can type multiple selections by using a comma to separate the entries.

Table A-3 describes the commpkg install verb options.

Table A-3 commpkg install Options

commpkg install Options Description

-? or --help

Displays help.

-V or --version

Displays the installer version.


Does not apply operating system patches during product installation.


Does not install, upgrade, or patch any shared components.

ALTROOT | name

Use this option to install multiple instances of the product on the same host or Oracle Solaris zone. You can also use this option to perform a side-by-side upgrade of the product.

This option is available on Solaris only.

Specifies an alternate root directory for a multi-instance installation. The InstallRoot (the top-level installation directory for all products and shared components) is the alternate root.

If you specify a name, it will be a friendly name associated with the ALTROOT that is registered in the software list.

If you specify the name and it exists in the software list, the corresponding ALTROOT is used.

If you also specify the --installroot option, it must correspond to the entry in the software list. If you specify name and it does not exist in the software list, it is added to the software list.

Specifying any name other than ”” implies an ALTROOT. A value for name of ”” is reserved for the default root.


Specify location of INSTALLROOT, the top level installation directory for all products and shared components. The top-level installation directory for individual products are subdirectories under INSTALLROOT. Default is /opt/sun/comms.

--distro path

Specifies the path to packages or patches for the products.

Default: Location of commpkg script

--silent INPUTFILE

Runs a silent installation, taking the inputs from the INPUTFILE and the command-line arguments. The command-line arguments override entries in the INPUTFILE. Installation proceeds without interactive prompts.

Use --dry-run to test a silent installation without actually installing the software.

Specify NONE for INPUTFILE to run in silent mode without using an input file. When you specify NONE, the installation uses default values.

--dry-run or -n

Does not install software. Performs checks.

--upgradeSC [y|n]

Upgrades or does not upgrade shared components as required.

If this option is not specified, you are prompted for each shared component that must be upgraded by using package removal and installation.

Default: n

Caution: Upgrading shared components by using package removal and installation is irreversible. However, if you do not upgrade required shared components, products might not work as designed.

The --excludeSC flag has precedence over this flag.


Audits the installation distribution to verify that the patches and packages matches the versions in the product files internal to the installer.


Overwrites the existing installation package. You might use this option when you are installing a shared component in a global zone where either the shared component does not exist in a global zone, or the shared component exists in the whole root zone. The default is not to override the existing package. In general, shared components should be managed in the global zone.

--components comp1 comp2...

A space delimited set of component products. Each product has mnemonic associated with it. Use commpkg info --listPackages to see the mnemonic for a product. In most shells you must escape the space between each mnemonic, that is, by adding double quotes around all the components.


(Solaris only) The installer always checks that the operating system is at a certain minimum patch level. Using this option skips the check.

uninstall Verb Syntax

commpkg uninstall [verb_options] [ALTROOT|name]

Table A-4 describes the commpkg uninstall verb options.


A fast way to uninstall a product that was installed in an alternate root is to simply remove the entire alternate root directory.

Table A-4 commpkg uninstall Options

commpkg install Options Description

-? or --help

Displays help.

-V or --version

Displays the installer version.

--silent INPUTFILE

Runs a silent uninstall, taking the inputs from the INPUTFILE and the command-line arguments. The command-line arguments override entries in the INPUTFILE. Uninstall proceeds without interactive prompts.

Use --dry-run to test a silent installation without actually installing the software.

--dry-run or -n

Does not install software. Performs checks.

ALTROOT | name

Use this option to uninstall multiple instances of the product on the same host or Oracle Solaris zone. You can also use this option to perform a side-by-side upgrade of the product.

This option is available on Solaris only.

Specifies an alternate root directory for a multi-instance uninstallation. The InstallRoot (the top-level installation directory for all products and shared components) is the alternate root.

If you specify a name, it will be a friendly name associated with the ALTROOT that is registered in the software list.

If you specify the name and it exists in the software list, the corresponding ALTROOT is used.

If you also specify the --installroot option, it must correspond to the entry in the software list. If you specify name and it does not exist in the software list, it is added to the software list.

Specifying any name other than ”” implies an ALTROOT. A value for name of ”” is reserved for the default root.

upgrade Verb Syntax

commpkg upgrade [verb_options] [ALTROOT|name]

Table A-5 describes the commpkg upgrade verb options.

Table A-5 commpkg upgrade Options

Options Description

-? or --help

Displays help.

-V or --version

Displays the installer version.


Does not apply operating system patches during product upgrade.


Does not install, upgrade, or patch any shared components.

ALTROOT | name

This option is available on Solaris only.

Specifies an alternate root directory during a multiple host installation. The InstallRoot (the top-level installation directory for all products and shared components) is the alternate root. If you specify a name, it is an ”alias” associated with the alternate root that is registered in the software list. You can use this option to upgrade multiple product instances on the same host or Solaris zone. Additionally, you can use this option to perform a side-by-side product upgrade.

--distro path

Specifies the path to packages and patches for the products.Default path: Location of the commpkg command.

--silent INPUTFILE

Runs a silent upgrade, taking the inputs from the INPUTFILE and the command-line arguments. The command-line arguments override entries in the INPUTFILE. Upgrade proceeds without interactive prompts.

Use --dry-run to test a silent upgrade without actually installing the software.

Specify NONE for INPUTFILE to run in silent mode without using an input file. When you specify NONE, the upgrade uses default values.

--dry-run or -n

Does not upgrade software but performs checks. This option creates a silent upgrade file in the /tmp directory.

--upgradeSC [y|n]

Indicates whether to upgrade shared components as required. If this option is not specified, you are prompted for each shared component that must be upgraded by the package uninstall/install.

Default: n

Caution: Upgrading shared components is irreversible. However, if you do not upgrade required shared components, products might not work as designed.

The --excludeSC flag has precedence over this flag.


This option is only for Solaris systems. Overwrites the existing installation package. You might use this option when you are installing a shared component in a global zone where either the shared component does not exist in a global zone, or the shared component exists in the whole root zone. The default is not to override the existing package. In general, shared components should be managed in the global zone.

--components comp1 comp2...

Specifies products to be upgraded. Separate each component product with a space. (Thus, the list is a space-delimited set.)

To specify each component product, use the mnemonic associated with that product. To display a list of the mnemonics for all the component products, use the commpkg info --listpackages command.


If the upgrade can be performed by using a patch or an in-place package upgrade, this option uses the in-place package upgrade. The default is to use a patch to upgrade, if possible.

Note: Patches are used only on Solaris.

verify Verb Syntax

commpkg verify [verb_options] [ALTROOT|name]


When verifying the package installation in an alternate root, be aware that Instant Messaging Server uses the operating system components installed in the default root. Some products might also use shared components in the default root. Thus, verify the package installation in the default root as well.

Table A-6 describes the commpkg verify verb options:

Table A-6 commpkg verify Options

Options Description

-? or --help

Displays help.

-V or --version

Displays the installer version.


Do not verify operating system components.


Do not verify shared components.

--components comp1 comp2...

A space delimited set of component products. Each product has mnemonic associated with it. Use commpkg info --listPackages to see the mnemonic for a product. In most shells you must escape the space between each mnemonic, that is, by adding double quotes around all the components.

ALTROOT | name

Use this option to verify multiple instances of the product on the same host or Solaris zone.

This option is available on Solaris only.

Specify ALTROOT or name for an alternate root directory on which to perform the package verification.

info Verb Syntax

commpkg info [verb_options] [ALTROOT|name]

Table A-7 describes the commpkg info verb options.

Table A-7 commpkg info Options

Options Description

-? or --help

Displays help.

-V or --version

Displays the installer version.


Removes entries in the software list.

If ALTROOT | name is specified, the option removes the entry from the software list.

If no ALTROOT | name is specified, the option removes all entries from the software list.


Lists the packages that comprise Instant Messaging Server, shared components, and operating system auxiliary products. This option also displays the mnemonic for Instant Messaging Server and components such as comm_dssetup.pl.


Prints product information installed in the installroots. To print information for a specific installroot, run the following command:

commpkg info --verbose installroot

--components comp1 comp2...

A space delimited set of component products. Each product has mnemonic associated with it. Use commpkg info --listPackages to see the mnemonic for a product. In most shells you must escape the space between each mnemonic, that is, by adding double quotes around all the components.

About the Alternate Root

You can install multiple copies of the same product version on the same Solaris machine or Solaris zone by using the alternate root feature of the commpkg install command. For example, you might deploy a host with an installation in the default root directory, /opt/sun/comms, and a second, separate installation in the /opt/sun/comms2 alternate root directory. The alternate root installation directory is the top-level directory underneath which the Instant Messaging Server component product and shared components are installed in their respective directories.

Some possible uses for multiple installations include:

  1. Performing a side-by-side upgrade.

  2. Enabling an installation to be easily moved from one machine to another.


The alternate root feature is available only on Solaris. This feature is a ”power user” feature. If you are interested in installing more than one instance of the same version of Instant Messaging Server on the same physical host, another option is to use Solaris zones. For more information, see "Installing on Solaris OS Zones: Best Practices".

ALTROOT | name Syntax and Examples

You can use the optional ALTROOT | name option with the commpkg install, commpkg upgrade, commpkg uninstall, and commpkg verify commands. You use either ALTROOT or name. The name acts as an alias for the alternate root installation path. The name is registered in an internal software list maintained by the installer. You can use name for the alternate root's path in commands that accept the alternate root. The distinction between the alternate root and name is that the alternate root always begins with a slash (/) whereas the name does not.


commpkg [install|upgrade|unistall|verify] [ALTROOT|name]

Example 1:

commpkg install /opt/sun/comms2

In this example, the path /opt/sun/comms2 is the alternate root, which becomes the top-level directory underneath which Instant Messaging Server software and shared components are installed.

Example 2:

commpkg install Comms2

In this example, Comms2 is the name for the alternate root. During the installation process, the installer prompts you to type in the alternate root installation directory.

Example 3:

In this example, you avoid installing the shared components in the alternate root by using the --excludeSC option:

commpkg install --excludeSC /opt/sun/comms2

Example 4:

To install only the shared components, run the commpkg install command and select the product you want to install, but prepend a tilde (~).

For example, if you plan to install Instant Messaging Server in the alternate root, you select ~1 during the default installation. This tells the installer to install the dependencies but not the product itself.

Notes on the ALTROOT | name command-line argument:

  • Specifying a slash (/) as an alternate root is the same as specifying the default root installation directory. That is, specifying a slash is interpreted by the installer as having specified no alternate root.

  • Likewise, specifying ”” as an alternate root is interpreted as having specified no alternate root. (The ”friendly name” for the default alternate root is ””.)

  • If you specify the --installroot option in addition to ALTROOT | name, the two must match.

  • Operating system patches are always installed into the default root (/). Some shared components are installed into the ALTROOT and some are installed into the default root (/).

  • You can quickly uninstall an ALTROOT installation by using the rm -r command on the alternate root directory. The next time that you run the commpkg info command, the internal software list that maintains the alternate root information is updated.

  • You can create as many alternate roots as you like. Running the commpkg info command reports on the various alternate roots.

Understanding the Difference Between ALTROOT and INSTALLROOT

The following concepts define an alternate root (ALTROOT):

  • An alternate root directory is a Solaris feature that is used by the commpkg command to enable multiple product installations on the same host.

  • The default alternate root is the standard root directory (/) and is always present.

The following concepts define an installation root (InstallRoot):

  • An InstallRoot is the top-level umbrella installation path for Instant Messaging Server.

  • On the default alternate root (that is, /), you can specify an InstallRoot.

  • On an alternate root, the InstallRoot is the same as the alternate root.

Default Root

If you use the default root, the default InstallRoot is:


Using Both Default Root and Alternate Root

Suppose you want to install one instance of Instant Messaging Server in the /opt/sun/mycompany/comms/ directory, and another instance of the same product in the /opt/sun/mycompany/comms2/ directory. You would use the following commands:

For the default root:

commpkg install --installroot /opt/sun/mycompany/comms

For the alternate root:

commpkg install /opt/sun/mycompany/comms2/

Running Multiple Installations of the Same Product on One Host: Conflicting Ports

By default, after you initially configure the product on alternate roots, the ports used by the different product installations are the same and thus conflict with each other.

This is not a problem if you install multiple installations of the same product on the same host but only intend to have one instance running at one time. For example, you may perform a side-by-side upgrade scenario in which you plan to stop the old instance before you start the new instance.

However, you may plan to test the new instance while the old instance is still running (and supporting end users). In this scenario, the ports are used simultaneously, and you must take steps to resolve the port conflicts.