3 Instant Messaging Server System Requirements

This chapter describes the hardware, operating system, software, and database requirements for installing Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server.

Software Requirements

This section describes the software and information requirements to install Instant Messaging Server.

Supported Operating Systems

Table 3-1 lists operating systems that support Instant Messaging Server.

Table 3-1 Instant Messaging Server Operating System Requirements

Product Version

Oracle Solaris on SPARC


Oracle Solaris on x64


Oracle Linux on x64 (64-bit)


Red Hat Enterprise Linux on x64 (64-bit)


Required Software

Table 3-2 lists other software required for installing and running Instant Messaging Server.

Table 3-2 Instant Messaging Server Software Requirements

Product Version Notes

Directory server

Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.x, 7, 11.x

For a fresh installation, use the latest version of Directory Server 11gR1.

Application server

Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1.2

Oracle WebLogic Server 12.2.1

Oracle Converged Application Server 5.1

GlassFish Server supports the HTTPBind and PresenceAPI components.

WebLogic Server supports the PresenceAPI and WebSockets components.

Converged Application Server supports the SIP/SIMPLE component.

Java Development Kit (JDK)

Java 8 with latest critical patch update

Java 7 with latest critical patch update

Java 8 is required for Instant Messaging Server and for components running on WebLogic Server.

Java 7 is required for components running on GlassFish Server and Converged Application Server.

Table 3-3 lists the database software for Instant Messaging Server if you choose to store multiuser chat history in a database.

Table 3-3 Database Requirements

Product Version Notes

Oracle Database

11gR2 (11.2)

12c (12.1)

Currently, you can only store multiuser chat history and no other data in Oracle Database.

Client Requirements

Instant Messaging Server does not include a messaging client. Pidgin is the tested and supported XMPP client. Ideally any XMPP-compliant client should work with Instant Messaging Server.

Hardware Requirements

The number and configuration of the systems that you employ for your Instant Messaging Server installation depends on the scale and the kind of deployment you have planned.


The sizing estimates in this section assume proper application configuration and tuning, in a manner consistent with leading practices of Oracle Communications consulting and performance engineering. This information is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be, nor shall it be construed as a commitment to deliver Oracle programs or services. This document shall not form the basis for any type of binding representation by Oracle and shall not be construed as containing express or implied warranties of any kind. You understand that information contained in this document will not be a part of any agreement for Oracle programs and services. Business parameters and operating environments vary substantially from customer to customer and as such not all factors, which may impact sizing, have been accounted for in this documentation.

Table 3-4 provides the minimum hardware requirements for Instant Messaging Server.

Table 3-4 Instant Messaging Server Minimum Hardware Requirements

Component Requirement

Disk Space

Approximately 300 MB required for Instant Messaging Server software.


At least 256 MB of RAM. The amount of RAM needed depends on the number of concurrent client connections, and whether the server and multiplexor are deployed on the same host.

Information Requirements

This section describes the information that you must provide during the installation and initial configuration process.

Component Information

Table 3-5 lists the component information that you provide during initial configuration.

Table 3-5 Component Information

Information Type Default Value

Server components


Web components


Service Runtime Information

Table 3-6 lists the service runtime information that you provide during initial configuration.

Table 3-6 Service Runtime Information

Information Type Default Value Comments

Runtime user ID


If the configure utility does not create a UNIX user, you must create it manually. After you create the user for Instant Messaging Server, set permissions appropriately for the directories and files owned by that user.

Do not choose root as a server user ID.

Runtime group ID


If the configure utility does not create a UNIX group, you must create it manually. After you create the group for Instant Messaging Server, set permissions appropriately.

Runtime directory


Runtime files are read, created, and modified by the server during its normal operations. Some examples include log files, and persistent state information tied to client actions such as roster information, conferences, and so on.

If you are configuring Instant Messaging Server for high availability, this path must be globally available.

The configure utility appends a directory (/default) to the path you provide for the runtime files. The name of this directory is the instance to which the runtime files apply. Later, you can create multiple Instant Messaging Server instances by creating additional instance directories with different names (for example /secure) and copying over files from the /default instance runtime directory.

Network Access Information

Table 3-7 lists the network access information that you provide during initial configuration.

Table 3-7 Network Access Information

Information Type Default Value Comments

Domain name

host domain name

No comment.

XMPP port


The port number on which the Instant Messaging server listens for incoming requests from clients.

Multiplexed XMPP port


The port number on which the Instant Messaging server listens for incoming requests from the multiplexor.

XMPP Server Port


The port number on which the Instant Messaging server listens for incoming requests from other Instant Messaging servers. In addition, if no multiplexor is installed, the server listens for incoming requests from clients on this port. The port is also used by components such as HTTPBIND gateway, Calendar Agent, and the SMS gateway for creating a component session with the server.

Disable server (enable only multiplexor)


Select this option if the instance you installed acts as a multiplexor and not a server. If you select this option, you must provide a value for Remote Instant Messaging Server Host Name.

Enable SSL


When enabling SSL, you are prompted for a keystore file and password file. Also, the respective server configuration is mandatorily set to TLS for all communication. To disable mandating TLS, set iim_server.requiressl to false by using the imconfutil command.

Server keystore file


No comment.

Server password file


No comment.

If you decide to enable SSL, the respective server configuration is mandatorily set to TLS for all communication. To disable mandating TLS, set iim_server.requiressl=false by using the imconfutil command.

Directory Server Information

Table 3-8 lists the directory server information that you provide during initial configuration.

Table 3-8 LDAP Information

Information Type Default Value Comments

LDAP host name

FQDN of host

In a deployment with a directory server, specifies the host name of the directory server that contains user and group information for Instant Messaging. For example, directory.example.com.

LDAP port number


In a deployment with a directory server, specifies the port number on which the directory server listens for incoming requests. For example, 389.

SSL enabled


No comment.

Base DN


In a deployment with a directory server, specifies the base distinguished name in the directory tree that contains user and group information for Instant Messaging. For example, o=example.com.

Directory manager DN

Directory Manager

Instant Messaging Server uses this Bind DN to search users and groups in the directory. Leave this blank if the directory can be searched anonymously. You can change the bind credentials later if required.

Directory manager password

No default value.

In a deployment with a directory server, the Bind DN password.

Email Information

Table 3-9 lists the email information that you provide during initial configuration.

Table 3-9 Email Information

Information Type Default Value Comments

Enable Email Integration


If selected, enables Instant Messaging Server email integration.

Dependencies: SMTP Server such as Oracle Communications Messaging Server

SMTP Server


The host name of the SMTP server used to send email notification of messages to offline users. For example, mail.example.com. If the SMTP server does not use port 25, specify the port along with the host name. For example, if the SMTP server uses port 1025, then use mail.example.com:1025.

Dependencies: SMTP server such as Oracle Communications Messaging Server

Enable email archiving


If selected, enables Instant Messaging Server email archiving.

Dependencies: SMTP Server such as Oracle Communications Messaging Server

HTTP Gateway Information

Table 3-10 lists the HTTP gateway information that you provide during initial configuration.

Table 3-10 HTTP Gateway Information

Information Type Default Value Comments

Deploy IM HTTP gateway


Determines if the XMPP/HTTP gateway is deployed. If you choose to deploy the gateway, the configure utility creates a default gateway configuration file (httpbind.conf) in the default Instant Messaging server instance's InstantMessaging_cfg directory if one does not already exist. If httpbind.conf already exists, the configure utility does not alter or overwrite the file.

If you are configuring Instant Messaging Server to support Convergence, do not enable the XMPP/HTTP Gateway Deployment here. Set this value to false. The XMPP/HTTP Gateway is deployed through the Convergence server. Its value is set when you configure Convergence.

Context root


Defines the URI for the HTTP component of the XMPP/HTTP gateway.

Web container path

Web container base directory

No comment.

Web administrator URL

No default value.

No comment.

Web administrator user ID


No comment.

Web administrator password

No default value.

No comment.

Calendar Agent Information

Table 3-11 lists the calendar agent information that you provide during initial configuration.

Table 3-11 Calendar Agent Information

Information Type Default Value Comments

Enable calendar agent


If you choose to enable the Calendar agent, you must provide the following information:

From the configure panel:

  • Choose to Enable Calendar Agent by typing yes

  • Choose to Enable local component by typing yes

  • Specify XMPP server host name

  • Specify XMPP server port

  • Specify JMQ user name

  • Specify JMQ password

  • Specify Notification Server host name

  • Specify Notification Server port

  • Specify Topic

If you choose not to enable the Calendar agent, you can manually configure the Calendar agent later.

Enable local component


No comment.

SMS Gateway Information

Table 3-12 lists the Short Message Services gateway information that you provide during initial configuration.

Table 3-12 SMS Gateway Information

Information Type Default Value Comments

Enable SMS gateway


Enables the Instant Messaging server to deliver chat messages and alerts in the form of SMS to the Instant Messaging users who are offline.

Enable local component


No comment.

Services Information

Table 3-13 lists the Instant Messaging services startup information that you provide during initial configuration.

Table 3-13 Services Information

Information Type Default Value

Start services after successful configuration


Start services when system starts
