24 Displaying Availability Based on Calendar Entries

This chapter describes how to display availability for Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server based on entries in a user's calendar.

Overview of Displaying Instant Messaging Availability Based on Calendar Entries

Calendar availability is a feature that makes it possible to display a user's instant messaging availability based on the user's calendar schedule. For example, if calendar availability is enabled and user-A's calendar shows that user A has a meeting from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM, Instant Messaging Server can inform other users that user A is busy and not available.

To use the calendar availability feature, you must:

  1. Use the imconfutil command to enable calendar availability (see "Enabling Instant Messaging Availability Based on Calendar Entries").

  2. Configure one or more Java Message Queue (JMQ) brokers for providing calendar information to Instant Messaging Server (see "Configuring Java Message Queue Brokers for Calendar Availability").

Enabling Instant Messaging Availability Based on Calendar Entries

To enable the use of calendar entries for displaying instant messaging availability, use the imconfutil set-property command to set the agent-calendar.presence.enable property to true:

imconfutil set-property agent-calendar.presence.enable=true

To disable the calendar availability feature once it has been enabled, set agent-calendar.presence.enable to false.

Configuring Java Message Queue Brokers for Calendar Availability

When the calendar availability is enabled, multiple calendar servers can send Java Message Queue (JMQ) notifications to an Instant Messaging server. For each calendar server, there needs to be a separate JMQ broker. To configure a JMQ broker, use the imconfutil commands in Table 24-1.

Table 24-1 imconfutil Commands for Configuring a JMQ Broker

imconfutil Command Description


Adds a JMQ broker for handling calendar availability notifications.


id: A user-specified identifier for the added broker.

address: The host name and port (hostname:port) of the JMQ publisher that the calendar-agent broker communicates with. The JMQ publisher is a part of Calendar Server.

user: The user name for the broker to use in connecting to Instant Messaging Server.

password: The password for the broker to use in connecting to Instant Messaging Server.


imconfutil -c InstantMessaging_home/config/iim.conf.xml add-jmqbroker id=broker1 address=jmqbroker.example.com:7676 user=thisjmqbroker password=zyxw


Deletes a JMQ broker.


id: The ID of the broker to be deleted.


Lists the IDs of all JMQ brokers. The properties of an individual broker can then be obtained using the imconfutil get-jmqbroker-prop command.

Parameters: none.


Sets one or more properties of a JMQ broker.


id: The ID of the broker.

property: A property of the broker. To set more than one property, enter a space-separated list of property=value pairs. The properties you can set are:

  • address: the host name and port (hostname:port) of the JMQ publisher that the calendar-agent broker communicates with. The JMQ publisher is a part of Calendar Server.

  • user: The user name for the broker to use in connecting to Instant Messaging Server.

  • password: The password for the broker to use in connecting to Instant Messaging Server.


Gets the properties assigned to a JMQ broker.


Id: The ID of The Broker.