9 Configuring LDAP Failover

This chapter describes how to configure LDAP failover for Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server on a multi-master replication (MMR) setup of LDAP servers.

Overview of Configuring LDAP Failover

LDAP failover in Instant Messaging Server enables you to configure the Instant Messaging server to have multiple LDAP servers as back-end storage. If one LDAP server becomes unavailable, the Instant Messaging server is able to fail over to another LDAP server.

LDAP failover works on a MMR setup of LDAP servers. All the LDAP servers in the settings are masters and have permission to read and write data. The Instant Messaging server uses only one server at a time but fails over to another LDAP server when the current server becomes unavailable. The other LDAP server is expected to be in sync with the current server as far as data is concerned.

Setting Up LDAP Failover

To set up an LDAP failover:

  1. Set up the MMR with the LDAP Servers. All the LDAP servers should be master servers. That is, each server should have the permission to read and write data to all the LDAP servers.

  2. Ensure that all the master servers in the setup are started and synchronized.

  3. Use the imconfutil command to add the LDAP replicas, and LDAP server names and ports.

    imconfutil -c InstantMessaging_home/config/iim.conf.xml add-ldap-replica id=ldap1 host=ldap1.example.com port=389
    imconfutil -c InstantMessaging_home/config/iim.conf.xml add-ldap-replica id=ldap2 host=ldap2.example.com port=489
  4. Set the iim_ldap.debugPool property to true.

    imconfutil -c InstantMessaging_home/config/iim.conf.xml set-prop iim_ldap.debugPool=true


Only the Instant Messaging server is replica aware. All the support tools that use the iim.conf.xml file are not replica aware. For support tools to start, the default LDAP server should be up and running.


The default LDAP configuration in Instant Messaging Server is required, even when LDAP failover is configured. Example of default LDAP configuration:
iim_ldap.usergroupbinddn=cn=Directory Manager