2 Performing a Secure Instant Messaging Server Installation

This chapter presents planning information for your Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server system and describes recommended deployment topologies that enhance security.

For more information about installing Instant Messaging Server, see Instant Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide.

Pre-Installation Tasks

When installing and configuring Instant Messaging Server:

  • You must use a system user and group with specific privileges to run specific server processes. Normally, the configure utility creates the following users and groups:

    • User: inetuser

    • Group: inetgroup

  • If the configure utility does not create a UNIX user and group for Instant Messaging, you need to create them manually. After you create the user and group for Instant Messaging Server, you must then set permissions appropriately for the directories and files owned by that user.

  • Do not choose root as a server user ID.

  • If you decide to enable TLS, the respective server configuration is mandatorily set to TLS for all communication.

Installing Instant Messaging Server

Follow the steps in Instant Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide to install Instant Messaging Server. Change the default port numbers as needed.

The installation prompts for authentication credentials for the following:

  • Directory Server manager (bind DN and password)

  • Web administrator for HTTP Gateway (user ID and password)

Post-Installation Tasks

After installation, configuring Instant Messaging Server for a secure deployment involves a number of potential steps:

  1. About Transport Layer Security for Instant Messaging Server

  2. Writing a Custom Single Sign-On Module

  3. Controlling End User and Administrator Privileges

See "Implementing Instant Messaging Server Security" for more information.