8 Importing Entities Into Design Studio

This chapter describes how to use Design Studio examples as a starting point for importing externally created Inventory entities into Oracle Communications Design Studio.

Importing Inventory Entities

You can use the published API information included in the Exchange Format to import Inventory entities from a different application or import entities from a different Inventory application.

You can import Service specifications, Service Configuration specifications, Logical Device specifications, Custom Object specifications, Ruleset extension points, and Rulesets from external Inventory systems into Design Studio. After import, Design Studio creates an Inventory project and adds these specifications to that project.

For example, by leveraging the information in the Design Studio Exchange Format, you can enable Design Studio users import Inventory entities by creating an Import menu action that appears in the Studio Projects view.

Adding the Design Studio Import Inventory Examples to a Workspace

Design Studio includes the Design Studio Import Inventory Examples example, which includes projects that demonstrate how to import external Inventory entities into Design Studio. These example projects are included in the Design Studio installation and can be added to your workspace.

To add the Design Studio Import Inventory Examples example to a workspace:

  1. From the Design Studio File menu, select New, and then select Example.

    The New Example wizard appears.

  2. Expand the Design Studio Examples folder and select Design Studio Import Inventory Examples.

  3. Click Next.

    The Example Projects page appears. The Design Studio Import Inventory Examples example includes three example projects.

  4. Click each of the following example projects to read a summary of the example project:

    • The design.studio.example.import.inventory.update.site project creates a project that demonstrates how to export installable features into an update site.

    • The design.studio.example. import.inventory.feature project creates a project that demonstrates how to add the import inventory example plug-in project to a feature project.

    • The design.studio.example.import.inventory project creates a project that contains sample code for importing external Inventory entities into Design Studio.

  5. Click Finish.

    The example projects are added to the current workspace.

About the design.studio.example.import.inventory Example Project

The design.studio.example.import.inventory example project includes a plugin.xml file that illustrates how to import Inventory entities and by leveraging the information published by the Design Studio Exchange Format.


The examples presented in this chapter are displayed in text form, such as that displayed on the plugin.xml tab of the Plug-in Manifest editor. You can configure extensions in the Plug-in Manifest editor using the form-based representation that appears on the Extensions tab as well. The plugin.xml tab and the Extensions tab display two views of the same information.

The design.studio.example.import.inventory example project illustrates how to complete the following tasks:

Adding Import Commands to the Studio Projects View Context Menu

The design.studio.example.import.inventory example project demonstrates how to add an import command to the Studio Projects view context menu. Example 8-1 displays an example of the configuration of the extensions for each of the following command classes:




These command classes are provided to demonstrate two different examples, where each example uses a different menu action. You can use either menu action example as a starting point to import your inventory data.

In Example 8-1, italics represent code that requires customization to meet your business needs. Add and review the Design Studio Import Inventory Examples project for more information.

Example 8-1 Adding Import Commands to the Studio Projects View Context Menu

        name="Import Example Inventory">
        name="Import Example Inventory File">

            label="Import Example Inventory File"
            tooltip="Import Example Inventory Data">
            label="Import Example Inventory"
            tooltip="Import Example Inventory">

Invoking the Import Inventory API Using an XML File

The design.studio.example.import.inventory example project demonstrates how to import inventory data from an XML file using the Design Studio Import Inventory Data Job Java API. Example 8-2 illustrates the example using the following command class:


In Example 8-2, italics represent code that requires customization to meet your business needs. Add and review the Design Studio Import Inventory Examples project for more information.

Example 8-2 Invoking the Import Inventory API Using an XML File

IWorkbenchWindow window = HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindowChecked(event);
ImportInventoryDataDialog diag = 
   new ImportInventoryDataDialog(window.getShell());
int result = diag.open();
if (result == 0) {
   final File dataFile = diag.getInventoryDataFile();
if (dataFile != null) {
   final ImportInventoryDataJob job = 
      new ImportInventoryDataJob("Import Example Inventory File", dataFile);
} else {
   ExampleLogger.logError("Unable to import inventory data file.", null);

Invoking the Import Inventory API Using a Resource Object

The design.studio.example.import.inventory example project demonstrates how to import inventory data from an XML resource object using the Design Studio Import Inventory Data Job Java API.

Example 8-3 illustrates the example using the following command class:


The example demonstrates how to create an inventory resource object using the Design Studio Import Inventory Data Utility (ImportInventoryDataUtil) and how to populate the project details using Exchange Format APIs. In Example 8-3, italics represent code that requires customization to meet your business needs. Add and review the Design Studio Import Inventory Examples project for more information.

Example 8-3 Invoking the Import Inventory API Using a Resource Object

Resource inventoryResource = ImportInventoryDataUtil.createInventoryResource();
Mappings mappings = INVENTORY_FACTORY.createMappings();
InventoryMappingList mappingList =
   INVENTORY_ FACTORY.createInventoryMappingList();
InventoryMapping inventoryMapping =
StudioModelEntityType inventoryCartridgeType = StudioModelEntityType.getTypeById
Project project = MODEL_FACTORY.createProject();
final String projectName = "ExampleInventory";
project.setId(inventoryCartridgeType.getExternalKey() + "=" + projectName);
// Below line shows creation of DataElementList
DataElementList dataElements = DataFactory.eINSTANCE.createDataElementList();
final ImportInventoryDataJob job = new ImportInventoryDataJob
   ("Import Example Inventory Resource", inventoryResource);
// Adds a job change listener to add external metadata to Resource after
// finishing import job. See ExampleJobChangeListener for more
// information.
job.addJobChangeListener(new ExampleJobChangeListener(projectName));

Adding External Data to an Inventory Project

After you import specifications, you add all external data files required by the Inventory project to the resources directory. The design.studio.example.import.inventory example project demonstrates how to add external data to the Inventory project that is created by the Design Studio Import Inventory Data Job Java API (ImportInventoryDataJob). The Design Studio Import Inventory Data Job Java API is asynchronous, so you must add a job change listener to listen to the job state changes.

Example 8-4 illustrates how to add external data files using the following class:


In Example 8-4, italics represent code that requires customization to meet your business needs. Add and review the Design Studio Import Inventory Examples project for more information.

Example 8-4 Adding External Data to an Inventory Project

URL fileURL = 
File dataFile;
try {
   dataFile = new File(FileLocator.toFileURL(fileURL).toURI());
   IProject project =
   if ((project != null) && (project.isOpen())) {
      IFolder resourcesFolder = project.getFolder(IStudioCartridge.DIR_RESOURCES);
      if (resourcesFolder.exists()) {
         IFile newFile = resourcesFolder.getFile("sample_copy.xml");
         FileInputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream(dataFile);
         if (!newFile.exists())
            newFile.create(fileStream, false, null);
} catch (CoreException | URISyntaxException | IOException e) {

Accessing Import Errors and Warnings

The design.studio.example.import.inventory example project demonstrates how to access errors and warnings generated when you import specifications. The Design Studio Import Inventory Data Job Java API (ImportInventoryDataJob) is asynchronous, so you must add a job change listener to listen to the job state changes.

Example 8-5 illustrates how to access import errors and warnings using the following class:


In Example 8-5, italics represent code that requires customization to meet your business needs. Add and review the Design Studio Import Inventory Examples project for more information.

Example 8-5 Accessing Import Errors and Warnings

Job job = event.getJob();
if (job instanceof ImportInventoryDataJob) {
   IStatus status = ((ImportInventoryDataJob) job).getStatus();
   if (status.isMultiStatus()) {
      // This can be used to find out any errors or warnings,
      // such as, missing dependencies and invalid files, and how to
      // take necessary action.

Viewing the Design Studio Inventory Data Schema

You can view the details of the Design Studio Inventory data model by viewing the Design Studio Inventory data schema.


To view the Design Studio Inventory data schema, you must first add the Design Studio Import Inventory example. See "Adding the Design Studio Import Inventory Examples to a Workspace" for more information.

To view the Design Studio Inventory data schema:

  1. In Design Studio, switch to the Java perspective.

    See the Design Studio Help for more information about switching perspectives.

  2. Click the Package Explorer tab.

  3. In the Package Explorer view, expand the design.studio.example.import.inventory folder, and then expand the schemas folder.

  4. Double-click a schema file.

    The schema opens in the Data Schema editor.