1 Design Studio Platform

This chapter provides release notes for Oracle Communications Design Studio Platform.

New Features

This section includes information about new features introduced in release 7.3.5:

Action Parameter Enhancement for ASAP MCLI

Design Studio 7.3.5 enables you to tag a simple data element with a new Target tag. If you run a design pattern that realizes an ASAP CSDL or ASDL structure from a technical action, Design Studio automatically maps the tagged data element to the Atomic Action Label field and populates this field with the value MCLI. The MCLI value represents the target of the action.

See Design Studio Help for more information.

Design Studio Express Installer Enhancement

Design Studio 7.3.5 enables offline installation (using the existing Design Studio installation script) for the BIRT (Business Intelligence and Reporting Tool) feature and for the Graphical Editing Framework Zest Visualization Toolkit feature. Both features are required prerequisites for Design Studio installation.

For example, if you intend to install Design Studio onto a run-time server that does not have access to the public Internet (or, if you want to install Design Studio to a server only to build and deployment cartridges), you can now install the prerequisite features offline.

See Design Studio Installation Guide for more information about

Improved Realization Field Layout

Design Studio 7.3.5 includes changes to the order and appearance of some fields on the Conceptual Model editor Properties page. These changes are intended to improve understanding of the expected behavior of realization settings, reduce UI clutter, and ensure a consistent, logical presentation of fields.

See Design Studio Help for more information.

Support Multi-Value EntityRef Tokens

Design Studio 7.3.5 includes a new element that design pattern developers can use to enable design pattern users to select multiple entities from a list.The new element is called allowMultiple. This element can take a value of true or false, and it is an optional element available to the EntityRef token.

See the Design Studio Developer's Guide for more information.

Technical Action Family Consolidation

Design Studio 7.3.5 improves the technical action design experience by:

  • Providing associations between technical actions and application roles. Application roles represent types of downstream delivery systems that are responsible for specific types of delivery, such as activation, supply chain management, work force management, and so forth.

  • Enabling you to associate action codes in a technical action family with specialized action code names. A specialized action code is an action code that you rename to align a technical action with an application role (a downstream fulfilment system). For example, you may need to rename the Create action code to Activate to better align with code defined in a downstream activation system. For a supply chain management system, you may need to rename the Create action code to Ship.

  • Providing associations between technical actions and targets. Targets can be any resource in the work space or, less frequently, a resource facing service.

  • Providing a new Data Map tab for technical actions, where you can view and define the applicability of data elements to the actions in an action family. For example, you can specify whether a data element value must be supplied to or returned by each action in an associated action family.

  • Removing unnecessary associations between technical actions and fulfillment patterns and technical actions and fulfillment functions.

See Design Studio Help for more information.

Technology Updates

Design Studio 7.3.5 is compatible with Oracle Enterprise for Eclipse version (or later), based on Eclipse Neon 4.6.0. Design Studio leverages the new features and capabilities of Eclipse version 4.6.0 to provide a better environment for solution designers and software developers. Also, Design Studio 7.3.5 supports Windows 10 (64-bit).

See Design Studio Installation Guide for more information.

Fixes in This Release

Table 1-1 lists the Design Studio Platform release 7.3.5 fixes and provides a brief description of the resolution.

Table 1-1 Fixes in Design Studio Release 7.3.5 Platform

Service Request (SR) Number BugDB Number Description



Design Studio now filters the Comprehensive Entity Standard Detail report to ignore elements with missing typeId values. This filter prevents duplicate element relationship details from appearing in the Element Summary section.



Clean builds of workspaces that include Inventory projects with resource realization now complete successfully.



From the Studio Projects view, you can now delete closed projects from a Design Studio workspace.



When defining attributes of data elements, the Unbounded attribute now overrides the value defined in the Maximum Length field.

Known Problems

This section describes existing software problems and any workarounds recommended to avoid the problems or reduce effects:

Application Role Naming Conflicts

BugDB: 25505298

When upgrading to Design Studio release 7.3.5, Design Studio adds application roles to all projects. The application role names can create naming conflict errors.

To work around this problem, delete all application roles from all projects with names that begin with OracleComms_Model_Base. However, do not delete the application roles from the OracleComms_Model_Base project.

XML Catalog Files Appear in the Problems View

BugDB: 24821492

The Problems view displays errors for invalid XML catalog files, such as .xsd, .xml, .xsl, .html, .jsp, and .wsdl files. While these errors may not impact the project compilation, Oracle recommends that you correct these files.To work around this problem, perform clean and build of all projects in the workspace.

Error Preventing Multiple Specialized Action Names for an Action Code

BugDB: 25509902

When defining multiple specialized action names for the same action code in a technical action family, Design Studio may display an error to state that the action code already exists.

To work around this problem, do the following:

  1. In the Action editor, click the Action Codes tab.

  2. In the Specialized Action Code area, click Add.

  3. In the Action Code field, click Select and select an action code.

  4. In the Specialized Action Name field, enter the specialized name for the action code.

  5. Click Cancel and then save the changes to the editor.

    The action code and corresponding specialized action name appears in the table.