Oracle® Communications Design Studio

Design Pattern Action Reference

Release 7.3.5


February 2017

This document shows the information required to define actions in a design pattern for the following entities:


Subject Type cmnAction

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Action entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Action Code oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.action.actioncodestospecializedactioncode.actionTypeRef Specialized Action Code Action Code (actionType) relationship
Action Parameter Helper oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.action.actionclassification.action.parameter.helper Classification Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Action Type oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.action.actionclassification.FunctionalAreaRef Classification Functional Area (funcArea) relationship
Data Key Path Data Key

Action (cmnAction)
Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)

Design Studio Platform Data Element ( relationship
Extends oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.action.extends Action (cmnAction) extension
Target oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.action.actionclassification.targetRef Classification

Resource (cmnResource) Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)

Application Role oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.action.actioncodes.actionApplicationRoleRef Action Codes Application Role (applicationRole) relationship
Subject oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.action.actionclassification.subjectRef Classification Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Technical Action Generation Helper oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.action.relalization.ta.helper Service Action (serviceAction) interface

Action Parameter Binding

Subject Type bindingSet

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Action Parameter Binding entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Target Binding Set Rule Item Target java.lang relationship
Action oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.bindingset.bindingcontext.BindingSetActionRef Scope Action (cmnAction) relationship
Source Data Element oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.bindingset.simplebinding.simpleBindingSourceRef Simple Binding




oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.bindingset.bindingcontext.contextSubjectRef Scope

Location (cmnLocation)
Resource (cmnResource)
Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)

Contributor Element oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.bindingset.bindingsetcontributor.contributor.elementRef Binding Set Contributor java.lang relationship
Context Element oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.bindingset.bindingcontext.context.elementRef Scope java.lang relationship
Contributor Entity oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.bindingset.bindingsetcontributor.contributor.entityRef Binding Set Contributor   relationship
Target Data Element oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.bindingset.simplebinding.simpleBindingTargetRef Simple Binding java.lang relationship
Source oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.bindingset.bindingsetruleitemsource.bindingsetruleitem.source Binding Set Rule Item Source java.lang relationship
Target Data Element oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.bindingset.custombinding.customBindingRef Custom Binding java.lang relationship
Target Data Element oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.bindingset.elementbindingcondition.elementBindingConditionRef Binding Condition java.lang relationship
Context Entity oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.bindingset.bindingcontext.context.entityRef Scope   relationship
Action Code oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.bindingset.bindingcondition.bindingSetConditionActionCodeRef Conditions Action Code (actionType) relationship
Action oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.bindingset.bindingcondition.bindingSetConditionActionRef Conditions Action (cmnAction) relationship

Action Code

Subject Type actionType

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Action Code entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Functional Area oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.action.type.functionalareas.functionalAreaRef Action Type Classification Functional Area (funcArea) relationship

Activation Project

Subject Type activationCartridge

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Activation Project entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Dependency unknown Activation Project (activationCartridge)
Activation SRT Project (SRTCartridge)
Integrity Project (integritycartridge)
Inventory Project (inventoryCartridge)
Model Project (ddCartridge)
OCIM Model Project (pomsCartridge)
Order and Service Management Composite Cartridge (osmCompositeCartridge)
Order and Service Management Project (osmCartridge)

Activation SRT Project

Subject Type SRTCartridge

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Activation SRT Project entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Dependency unknown Activation Project (activationCartridge)
Activation SRT Project (SRTCartridge)
Integrity Project (integritycartridge)
Inventory Project (inventoryCartridge)
Model Project (ddCartridge)
OCIM Model Project (pomsCartridge)
Order and Service Management Composite Cartridge (osmCompositeCartridge)
Order and Service Management Project (osmCartridge)

Activation Task

Subject Type activationTask

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Activation Task entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Order Order (order) relationship

Application Role

Subject Type applicationRole

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Application Role entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Action Type oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.application.role.FunctionalAreaRef Functional Area (funcArea) relationship
Action Code oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.application.role.specializedactioncode.actionTypeRef Specialized Action Code Detail Action Code (actionType) relationship

Assimilation Action

Subject Type assimilationaction

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Assimilation Action entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.action.relalizationRef Action (cmnAction) relationship

Atomic Action

Subject Type atomicAction

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Atomic Action entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Atomic Action Generation Helper oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.action.asdl.helper Action (cmnAction) interface

Automated Task

Subject Type automationTask

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Automated Task entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Order Order (order) relationship

Business Interface Specification

Subject Type bi

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Business Interface Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Capacity Provided Specification

Subject Type capprov

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Capacity Provided Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Capacity Required Specification

Subject Type capreq

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Capacity Required Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Composite Cartridge View

Subject Type compositeCartridgeView

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Composite Cartridge View entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Order Order (order) relationship

Custom Network Address Specification

Subject Type custna

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Custom Network Address Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) relationship
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) interface
Related Spec Related Specification To Entity XYZ Logical Device Configuration Specification (logicalDeviceConfugration) relationship
Resource Specification oracle.communications.inventory.resource.helper Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Custom Object Specification

Subject Type custobj

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Custom Object Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) relationship
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) interface
Related Spec Related Specification To Entity XYZ Logical Device Configuration Specification (logicalDeviceConfugration) relationship
Resource Specification oracle.communications.inventory.resource.helper Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Customer Facing Service

Subject Type custSrvc

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Customer Facing Service entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Data Key Path Data key

Action (cmnAction)
Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation

Design Studio Platform Data Element ( relationship
Extends oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.service.customer.extends Customer Facing Service (custSrvc) extension
Fulfillment Pattern oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.service.customer.cfstoprocessingpatternref.patternRef Customer Facing Service, Fulfillment Pattern Fulfillment Pattern (procPtrnType) relationship
Options oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.service.customer.cfstocomponentref.cfsComponentsRef CFSToComponentRef(oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.service.customer.cfstocomponentref) Location (cmnLocation)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Relationship Type oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.service.customer.cfstocomponentref.relationshipTypeRef CFSToComponentRef(oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.service.customer.cfstocomponentref) Relationship Type (relType) relationship
Relationship Type oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.service.customer.customerfacingservicetoanyref.relationshipRefRef CustomerFacingServiceToAnyRef(oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.service.customer.customerfacingservicetoanyref) Relationship Type (relType) relationship
Target oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.service.customer.customerfacingservicetoanyref.entityRef CustomerFacingServiceToAnyRef(oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.service.customer.customerfacingservicetoanyref) Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)

Data Structure Definition

Subject Type dataStructDef

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Data Structure Definition entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Extends oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.dataStructureDefinition.extends Data Structure Definition(dataStructDef) extension
Key Path oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.datastructuredefinition.datastructuredefinitiondetails.multiinstance.keypath Data Structure Definition Details Data Structure Definition(dataStructDef) relationship

Device Interface Specification

Subject Type deviceInterface

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Device Interface Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) relationship
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) interface
Related Spec Related Specification To Entity XYZ Logical Device Configuration Specification (logicalDeviceConfugration) relationship
Resource Specification oracle.communications.inventory.resource.helper Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)

Discovery Action

Subject Type discoveryaction

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Discovery Action entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.action.relalizationRef Action (cmnAction) relationship

Discrepancy Detection Action

Subject Type detectionaction

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Discrepancy Detection Action entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.action.relalizationRef Action (cmnAction) relationship

Discrepancy Resolution Action

Subject Type resolutionaction

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Discrepancy Resolution Action entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.action.relalizationRef Action (cmnAction) relationship


Subject Type cmnDomain

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Domain entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Conceptual Model oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.domain.conceptualModelRef Action (cmnAction)
Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Functional Area oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.domain.functionalAreaRef Functional Area (funcArea) relationship
Sub Domain oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.domain.subDomainRef Domain (cmnDomain) relationship

Equipment Holder Specification

Subject Type equipmentHolder

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Equipment Holder Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) relationship
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) interface
Resource Specification oracle.communications.inventory.resource.helper Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Equipment Specification

Subject Type equipment

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Equipment Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) relationship
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) interface
Resource Specification oracle.communications.inventory.resource.helper Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Flow Interface Configuration Specification

Subject Type flowInterfaceConfiguration

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Flow Interface Configuration Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Specification Options specRef Data Element Place Specification (place), Equipment Specification (equipment), Channelized Facility Extension (tdmfacility), Media Stream Specification (mediaStream), Physical Port Specification (port), Telephone Number Specification (tn),Business Interaction Specification (bi), Logical Device Account Specification (deviceAccount), Custom Network Address Specification (custna), Logical Device Specification (device), Custom Object Specification (custobj), Service Specification (service), Inventory Group Specification (igrp), Flow Interface Specification (flowInterface), DeviceInterface Specification, Network Specification (network), Physical Device Specification (physicalDevice), Physical Connector Specification (conn), Pipe Specification (pipe), Party Specification (party) relationship
Resource Specification oracle.communications.inventory.resource.helper Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Configuration oracle.communications.common.configuration Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Configuration oracle.communications.common.configuration Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) relationship
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) interface
Configuration.extended oracle.communications.common.configuration.extended Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Flow Interface Specification

Subject Type flowInterface

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Flow Interface Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) relationship
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) interface
Resource Specification oracle.communications.inventory.resource.helper

Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)

Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Fulfillment Pattern

Subject Type procPtrnType

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Fulfillment Pattern entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Functional Area oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.solution.pattern.processingpatternclassification.FunctionalAreaRef Processing Pattern Classification Functional Area (funcArea) relationship
Fulfillment Function oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.solution.pattern.processingpatternclassification.FulfillmentFunctionRef Processing Pattern Classification Fulfillment Function (fullfillmentFunction) relationship
Provider Function oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.solution.pattern.processingpatternclassification.providerFunctionRef Processing Pattern Classification Provider Function (provFunc) relationship

Functional Area

Subject Type funcArea

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Functional Area entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Provider Functions oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.functionalarea.functionalareaproviderfunctions.provFuncRef Provider Functions Provider Function (provFunc) relationship

Import Action

Subject Type importaction

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Import Action entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.action.relalizationRef Action (cmnAction) relationship

Integrity Project

Subject Type integritycartridge

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Integrity Project entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Dependency unknown Activation Project (activationCartridge)
Activation SRT Project (SRTCartridge)
Integrity Project (integritycartridge)
Inventory Project (inventoryCartridge)
Model Project (ddCartridge)
OCIM Model Project (pomsCartridge)
Order and Service Management Composite Cartridge (osmCompositeCartridge)
Order and Service Management Project (osmCartridge)

Inventory Group Specification

Subject Type igrp

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Inventory Group Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Inventory Project

Subject Type inventoryCartridge

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Inventory Project entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Dependency unknown Activation Project (activationCartridge)
Activation SRT Project (SRTCartridge)
Integrity Project (integritycartridge)
Inventory Project (inventoryCartridge)
Model Project (ddCartridge)
OCIM Model Project (pomsCartridge)
Order and Service Management Composite Cartridge (osmCompositeCartridge)
Order and Service Management Project (osmCartridge)

Involvement Specification

Subject Type invol

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Involvement Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship


Subject Type cmnLocation

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Location entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Extends oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.location.extends Location (cmnLocation) extension
Fulfillment Pattern oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.location.locationtoprocessingpatternref.patternRef Fulfillment Pattern (procPtrnType) relationship
Relationship Type oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.location.locationtootherref.relationshipTypeRef LocationToOtherRef(oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.location.locationtootherref) Relationship Type (relType) relationship
Data Key Path Data Key Location (cmnLocation), Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Data Element relationship
Target oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.location.locationtootherref.entityRef LocationToOtherRef(oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.location.locationtootherref) Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)

Logical Device Account Specification

Subject Type deviceAccount

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Logical Device Account Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) relationship
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) interface
Resource Specification oracle.communications.inventory.resource.helper Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Logical Device Account Configuration Specification

Subject Type ldaConfiguration

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Logical Device Account Configuration Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Specification Options specRef Data Element Place Specification (place), Equipment Specification (equipment), Channelized Facility Extension (tdmfacility), Media Stream Specification (mediaStream), Physical Port Specification (port), Telephone Number Specification (tn), Business Interaction Specification (bi), Logical Device Account Specification (deviceAccount), Custom Network Address Specification (custna), Logical Device Specification (device), Custom Object Specification (custobj), Service Specification (service), Inventory Group Specification (igrp), Flow Interface Specification (flowInterface), Device Interface Specification (deviceInterface), Network Specification (network), Physical Device Specification (physicalDevice), Physical Connector Specification (conn), Pipe Specification (pipe), Party Specification (party) relationship
Resource Specification oracle.communications.inventory.resource.helper

Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)

Configuration oracle.communications.common.configuration Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Configuration oracle.communications.common.configuration Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Configuration Logical Device Account Configuration Specification (ldaConfiguration)
Logical Device Account Specification (deviceAccount)
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) relationship
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) interface
Configuration.extended oracle.communications.common.configuration.extended Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Logical Device Configuration Specification

Subject Type logicalDeviceConfiguration

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Logical Device Configuration Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Configuration.extended oracle.communications.common.configuration.extended Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Action Type  
Configuration Logical Device Configuration Specification (logicalDeviceConfiguration)
Logical Device Specification (device)
Configuration oracle.communications.common.configuration Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Configuration oracle.communications.common.configuration Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship
Specification Options specRef Design Studio Platform Data Element(

Business Interaction Specification (bi)
Channelized Facility Extension (tdmfacility)
Custom Network Address Specification (custna)
Custom Object Specification (custobj)
Device Interface Specification (deviceInterface)
Equipment Specification (equipment)
Inventory Group Specification (igrp)
Logical Device Account Specification (deviceAccount)
Logical Device Specification (device)
Media Stream Specification (mediaStream)
Network Specification (network)
Party Specification (party)
Physical Connector Specification (conn)
Physical Device Specification (physicalDevice)
Physical Port Specification (port)
Pipe Specification (pipe)
Place Specification (place)
Service Specification (service)
Telephone Number Specification (tn)


Logical Device Specification

Subject Type device

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Logical Device Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Configuration Logical Device Configuration Specification (logicalDeviceConfiguration)
Logical Device Specification (device)
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) relationship
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) interface
Resource Specification oracle.communications.inventory.resource.helper Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Manual Task

Subject Type manualTask

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Manual Task entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Order Order (order) relationship

Mapping Rule

Subject Type mappingRule

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Mapping Rule entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Action Code Filter NamedRelationship( Action Code (actionType) relationship
Current Action Code Action Map Action Code (actionType) relationship
Domain Domain (cmnDomain) relationship
External Fulfillment State Fulfillment State Filter oracle.communications.sce.osm.orchestration.entities.orderComponentSpec External Fulfillment State (oracle.communications.sce.osm.orchestration.orderComponentSpec.fulfillmentState) relationship
Input Action Code Action Map Action Code (actionType) relationship
Input Order Item Order Item Specification (orderItemSpec) relationship
Order Component Fulfillment State Filter oracle.communications.sce.osm.orchestration.entities.orderComponentSpec relationship
Output Action Code Action Map Action Code (actionType) relationship
Output Order Item Order Item Specification (orderItemSpec) relationship
Provider Function Provider Function (provFunc) relationship
Source Property Key Multiple Instance Action (cmnAction)
Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Order Item Specification (orderItemSpec)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Source Mapping Rule Item Source Action (cmnAction)
Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Design Studio Platform Data Element ( relationship
Target Mapping Rule Item Target Action (cmnAction)
Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Design Studio Platform Data Element ( relationship

Media Stream Specification

Subject Type mediaStream

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Media Stream Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) relationship
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) interface
Related Spec Related Specification To Entity XYZ Logical Device Configuration Specification (logicalDeviceConfugration) relationship
Resource Specification oracle.communications.inventory.resource.helper Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Model Project

Subject Type ddCartridge

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Model Project entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Dependency unknown Activation Project (activationCartridge)
Activation SRT Project (SRTCartridge)
Integrity Project (integritycartridge)
Inventory Project (inventoryCartridge)
Model Project (ddCartridge)
OCIM Model Project (pomsCartridge)
Order and Service Management Composite Cartridge (osmCompositeCartridge)
Order and Service Management Project (osmCartridge)

Network Configuration Specification

Subject Type networkConfiguration

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Network Configuration Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Configuration Network Configuration Specification (networkConfiguration)
Network Specification (network)
Configuration oracle.communications.common.configuration Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Configuration oracle.communications.common.configuration Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Configuration.extended oracle.communications.common.configuration.extended   Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship
Specification Options specRef Design Studio Platform Data Element(

Business Interaction Specification (bi)
Channelized Facility Extension (tdmfacility)
Custom Network Address Specification (custna)
Custom Object Specification (custobj)
Device Interface Specification (deviceInterface)
Equipment Specification (equipment)
Flow Interface Specification (flowInterface)
Inventory Group Specification (igrp)
Logical Device Account Specification (deviceAccount)
Logical Device Specification (device)
Media Stream Specification (mediaStream)
Network Specification (network)
Party Specification (party)
Physical Connector Specification (conn)
Physical Device Specification (physicalDevice)
Physical Port Specification (port)
Pipe Specification (pipe)
Place Specification (place)
Service Specification (service)
Telephone Number Specification (tn)


Network Edge Specification

Subject Type networkConnection

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Network Edge Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Network Node Specification

Subject Type networkNode

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Network Node Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Network Specification

Subject Type network

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Network Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Configuration Network Configuration Specification (networkConfiguration)
Network Specification (network)
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) relationship
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) interface
Resource Specification oracle.communications.inventory.resource.helper Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

OCIM Model Project

Subject Type pomsCartridge

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the OCIM Model Project entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Dependency unknown Activation Project (activationCartridge)
Activation SRT Project (SRTCartridge)
Integrity Project (integritycartridge)
Inventory Project (inventoryCartridge)
Model Project (ddCartridge)
OCIM Model Project (pomsCartridge)
Order and Service Management Composite Cartridge (osmCompositeCartridge)
Order and Service Management Project (osmCartridge)

Orchestration Fulfillment Pattern

Subject Type productSpec

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Orchestration Fulfillment Pattern entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.pattern.relalizationRef Fulfillment Pattern(procPtrnType) relationship
FulfillmentModeOrderComponentSpecs oracle.communications.sce.osm.orchestration.productSpec.orchPlanComponent Orchestration Plan Element Order Component Specification (orderComponentSpec) relationship


Subject Type order

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Order entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.functional.area.relalizationRef Functional Area (funcArea) relationship

Order Component Specification

Subject Type orderComponentSpec

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Order Component Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.fulfillment.function.realizationRef Fulfillment Function (fullfillmentFunction) relationship
Provider Function oracle.communications.sce.osm.orchestration.orderComponentSpec.providerfunction Provider Function (provFunc) relationship

Order Item Parameter Binding

Subject Type orderItemParameterBinding

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Order Item Parameter Binding entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Conceptual Model Entity Action (cmnAction)
Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Order Item Specification Order Item Specification (orderItemSpec) relationship
PSR n Parameter Binding Handler

Action (cmnAction)
Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)


Order Jeopardy

Subject Type orderJeopardy

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Order Jeopardy entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Roles Order Jeopardy Roles

Roles (rolePermissions)

Rule Details Order (order) relationship
Stop Condition Stop Condition

Order State (orderState)

Custom Automation Plugin Automation Custom Automation Plugin (customAutomationPlugin) relationship
Start Condition Start Condition Order State (orderState) relationship
Pause Timer and Block Jeopardy Condition Pause Timer and Block Jeopardy Condition Order State (orderState) relationship
View Details

Manual Task (manualTask)
Activation Task (activationTask)
Automated Task (automationTask)
Composite Cartridge view (compositeCartridgeView)

Target Order Details Order (order) relationship

Order and Service Management Composite Cartridge

Subject Type osmCompositeCartridge

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Order and Service Management Composite Cartridge entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Dependency unknown Activation Project (activationCartridge)
Activation SRT Project (SRTCartridge)
Integrity Project (integritycartridge)
Inventory Project (inventoryCartridge)
Model Project (ddCartridge)
OCIM Model Project (pomsCartridge)
Order and Service Management Composite Cartridge (osmCompositeCartridge)
Order and Service Management Project (osmCartridge)

Order and Service Management Project

Subject Type osmCartridge

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Order and Service Management Project entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Dependency unknown Activation Project (activationCartridge)
Activation SRT Project (SRTCartridge)
Integrity Project (integritycartridge)
Inventory Project (inventoryCartridge)
Model Project (ddCartridge)
OCIM Model Project (pomsCartridge)
Order and Service Management Composite Cartridge (osmCompositeCartridge)
Order and Service Management Project (osmCartridge)

Party Specification

Subject Type party

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Party Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Pipe Signal Termination Point Specification

Subject Type signaltp

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Pipe Signal Termination Point Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Pipe Termination Point Specification

Subject Type pipetp

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Pipe Termination Point Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Physical Connector Specification

Subject Type conn

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Physical Connector Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) relationship
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) interface
Resource Specification oracle.communications.inventory.resource.helper Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Physical Device Specification

Subject Type physicalDevice

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Physical Device Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) relationship
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) interface
Resource Specification oracle.communications.inventory.resource.helper Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Physical Port Specification

Subject Type port

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Physical Port Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) relationship
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) interface
Resource Specification oracle.communications.inventory.resource.helper Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Pipe Configuration Specification

Subject Type pipeConfiguration

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Pipe Configuration Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Configuration Pipe Configuration Specification (pipeConfiguration)
Pipe Specification (pipe)
Configuration oracle.communications.common.configuration Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Configuration oracle.communications.common.configuration Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Configuration.extended oracle.communications.common.configuration.extended   Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship
Specification Options specRef Design Studio Platform Data Element(

Business Interaction Specification (bi)
Channelized Facility Extension (tdmfacility)
Custom Network Address Specification (custna)
Custom Object Specification (custobj)
Device Interface Specification (deviceInterface)
Equipment Specification (equipment)
Inventory Group Specification (igrp)
Logical Device Account Specification (deviceAccount)
Logical Device Specification (device)
Media Stream Specification (mediaStream)
Network Specification (network)
Party Specification (party)
Physical Connector Specification (conn)
Physical Device Specification (physicalDevice)
Physical Port Specification (port)
Pipe Specification (pipe)
Place Specification (place)
Service Specification (service)
Telephone Number Specification (tn)
Flow Interface Specification (flowInterface)


Pipe Specification

Subject Type pipe

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Pipe Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Configuration Pipe Configuration Specification (pipeConfiguration)
Pipe Specification (pipe)
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) relationship
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) interface
Resource Specification oracle.communications.inventory.resource.helper Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Place Configuration Specification

Subject Type placeConfiguration

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Place Configuration Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Configuration Place Configuration Specification (placeConfiguration)
Place Specification (place)
Configuration oracle.communications.common.configuration Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Configuration oracle.communications.common.configuration Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Configuration.extended oracle.communications.common.configuration.extended   Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship
Specification Options specRef Design Studio Platform Data Element( Business Interaction Specification (bi)
Channelized Facility Extension (tdmfacility)
Custom Network Address Specification (custna)
Custom Object Specification (custobj)
Device Interface Specification (deviceInterface)
Equipment Specification (equipment)
Inventory Group Specification (igrp)
Logical Device Account Specification (deviceAccount)
Logical Device Specification (device)
Media Stream Specification (mediaStream)
Network Specification (network)
Party Specification (party)
Physical Connector Specification (conn)
Physical Device Specification (physicalDevice)
Physical Port Specification (port)
Pipe Specification (pipe)
Place Specification (place)
Service Specification (service)
Telephone Number Specification (tn)

Place Specification

Subject Type place

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Place Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Configuration Place Configuration Specification (placeConfiguration)
Place Specification (place)
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.location.relalizationRef Location (cmnLocation) relationship
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.location.relalizationRef Location (cmnLocation) interface
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship


Subject Type process

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Process entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Order orderRef Order (order) relationship
Task taskRef Activation Task (activationTask)
Automated Task (automationTask)
Composite Cartridge View (compositeCartridgeView)
Manual Task (manualTask)
Transformation Task (transformationTask)


Subject Type cmnProduct

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Product entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Customer Facing Service oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.product.producttoserviceref.cfsRef Service Detail Customer Facing Service (custSrvc) relationship
Data Key Path Data Key Action (cmnAction)
Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Design Studio Platform Data Element ( relationship
Extends oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.product.extends Product (cmnProduct) extension
Fulfillment Pattern oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.product.producttoprocessingpatternref.patternRef Product Fulfillment Pattern Fulfillment Pattern (procPtrnType) relationship
Relationship Type oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.product.producttoresourceref.relationshipTypeRef Resource Detail Relationship Type (relType) relationship
Relationship Type oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.product.producttoserviceref.relationshipTypeRef Service Detail Relationship Type (relType) relationship
Relationship Type oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.product.producttoanyref.relationshipTypeRef Product Service Relationship Type (relType) relationship
Resource oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.product.producttoresourceref.resourceRef Resource Detail Resource (cmnResource) relationship
Target oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.product.producttoanyref.entityRef Product Service Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)

Provider Function

Subject Type provFunc

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Provider Function entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Action Type oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.provider.function.mappingsource.ActionTypeRef MappingSource(oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.provider.function.mappingsource) Functional Area (funcArea) relationship
Action Type oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.provider.function.mappingtarget.actionTypeRef MappingTarget(oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.provider.function.mappingtarget) Functional Area (funcArea) relationship
Default Relationship oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.provider.function.relationshiptypes.defaultRelationshipTypeRef Relationship Types Relationship Type (relType) relationship
Relationship Types oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.provider.function.relationshiptypes.relationshipTypeRef Relationship Types Relationship Type (relType) relationship

Relationship Type

Subject Type relType

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Relationship Type entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Current Target Action Code oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.provider.relationship.actiontypemapping.currentTargetTypeRef Action Type Map Action Code (actionType) relationship
New Target Action Code oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.provider.relationship.actiontypemapping.newTargetTypeRef Action Type Map Action Code (actionType) relationship
Source Action Code oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.provider.relationship.actiontypemapping.sourceTypeRef Action Type Map Action Code (actionType) relationship


Subject Type cmnResource

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Resource entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Data Key Path Data Key Action (cmnAction)
Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Design Studio Platform Data Element ( relationship
Extends oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.resource.extends Resource (cmnResource) extension
Fulfillment Pattern oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.resource.resourcetoprocessingpatternref.patternRef Resource Fulfillment Pattern Fulfillment Pattern (procPtrnType) relationship
Options oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.resource.resourcetoresourceref.resourceRef ResourceToResourceRef(oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.resource.resourcetoresourceref) Resource (cmnResource) relationship
Relationship Type oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.resource.resourcetoanyref.relationshipTypeRef Relationship Detail Relationship Type (relType) relationship
Relationship Type oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.resource.resourcetoresourceref.relationshipTypeRef ResourceToResourceRef(oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.resource.resourcetoresourceref) Relationship Type (relType) relationship
Target oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.resource.resourcetoanyref.entityRef Relationship Detail Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)

Resource Facing Service

Subject Type rsrcSrvc

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Resource Facing Service entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Data Key Path Data Key Action (cmnAction)
Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Design Studio Platform Data Element ( relationship
Extends oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.service.resource.extends Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc) extension
Fulfillment Pattern oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.service.resource.rfstoprocessingpatternref.patternRef Resource Facing Service Fulfillment Pattern Fulfillment Pattern (procPtrnType) relationship
Options oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.service.resource.rfstocomponentref.componentRef RFSToComponentRef(oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.service.resource.rfstocomponentref) Location (cmnLocation)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
RFS interface Helper oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.rfs.interface.helper Customer Facing Service (custSrvc) interface
Relationship Type oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.service.resource.resourcefacingservicetoanyref.relationshipTypeRef ResourceFacingServiceToAnyRef(oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.service.resource.resourcefacingservicetoanyref) Relationship Type (relType) relationship
Relationship Type oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.service.resource.rfstocomponentref.relationshipTypeRef RFSToComponentRef(oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.service.resource.rfstocomponentref) Relationship Type (relType) relationship
Target oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.service.resource.resourcefacingservicetoanyref.entityRef ResourceFacingServiceToAnyRef(oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.entities.service.resource.resourcefacingservicetoanyref) Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)

Role Specification

Subject Type role

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Role Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship


Subject Type ruleset

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Ruleset entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.action.relalizationRef Action (cmnAction) relationship

Service Action

Subject Type serviceAction

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Service Action entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
AtomicAction serviceMap Atomic Action (atomicAction) relationship
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.action.relalizationRef Action (cmnAction) relationship

Service Configuration Specification

Subject Type configuration

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Service Configuration Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Configuration Service Configuration Specification (configuration)
Service Specification (service)
Configuration oracle.communications.common.configuration Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Configuration oracle.communications.common.configuration Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Configuration.extended oracle.communications.common.configuration.extended   Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship
Specification Options specRef Design Studio Platform Data Element( Business Interaction Specification (bi)
Channelized Facility Extension (tdmfacility)
Custom Network Address Specification (custna)
Custom Object Specification (custobj)
Device Interface Specification (deviceInterface)
Equipment Specification (equipment)
Inventory Group Specification (igrp)
Logical Device Account Specification (deviceAccount)
Logical Device Specification (device)
Media Stream Specification (mediaStream)
Network Specification (network)
Party Specification (party)
Physical Connector Specification (conn)
Physical Device Specification (physicalDevice)
Physical Port Specification (port)
Pipe Specification (pipe)
Place Specification (place)
Service Specification (service)
Telephone Number Specification (tn)

Service Specification

Subject Type service

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Service Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Config Enabled Specification oracle.communications.common.configuration.enabled Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Configuration Service Configuration Specification (configuration)
Service Specification (service)
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.service.relalizationRef Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.service.relalizationRef Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Synchronization Record

Subject Type SyncRecord

This table contains the information required for the subject and articipant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Synchronization Record entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Synchronization Subject oracle.communications.sce.pattern.entities.synchronization.recordheader.ref Record Header relationship
Value oracle.communications.sce.pattern.entities.synchronization.elementtokenvalue.elementTokenRef ElementTokenValue(oracle.communications.sce.pattern.entities.synchronization.elementtokenvalue) relationship
Value oracle.communications.sce.pattern.entities.synchronization.entitytokenvalue.entityTokenRef EntityTokenValue(oracle.communications.sce.pattern.entities.synchronization.entitytokenvalue) relationship

Telephone Number Specification

Subject Type tn

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Telephone Number Specification entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) relationship
Realization oracle.communications.sce.common.entity.resource.relalizationRef Resource (cmnResource) interface
Related Spec Related Specification To Entity XYZ Logical Device Configuration Specification (logicalDeviceConfugration) relationship
Resource Specification oracle.communications.inventory.resource.helper Customer Facing Service (custSrvc)
Location (cmnLocation)
Product (cmnProduct)
Resource (cmnResource)
Resource Facing Service (rsrcSrvc)
Rules   Rule Set Extension point (rst) relationship

Transformation Manager

Subject Type transformationManager

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Transformation Manager entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Domain DomainBinding( Domain (cmnDomain) relationship
Provider Function Provider Function (provFunc) relationship
Transformation Sequence DomainBinding( Transformation Sequence (transformationSequence) relationship

Transformation Sequence

Subject Type transformationSequence

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Transformation Sequence entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Hierarchy Related Order Item Selector Order Item Specification (orderItemSpec) Order Item Hierarchy Element (oracle.communications.sce.osm.orchestration.orderItemSpec.hierarchy) relationship
Input Order Item Order Item Specification (orderItemSpec) relationship
Output Order Item Order Item Specification (orderItemSpec) relationship
Property Order Item Context Order Item Specification (orderItemSpec) Order Item Property Element ( relationship
Relationship Relationship Selection Relationship Type (relType) relationship
Source Stage Transformation Transition Transformation Sequence (transformationSequence) relationship
Target Stage Transformation Transition Transformation Sequence (transformationSequence) relationship

Transformation Task

Subject Type transformationTask

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Transformation Task entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Order   Order (order) relationship

Transformed Order Item Fulfillment State Composition Rule Set

Subject Type transformedCompositionRuleSet

This table contains the information required for the subject and participant of actions you can define in a design pattern for the Transformed Order Item Fulfillment State Composition Rule Set entity.

Relationship Name Action Key Subject Element Name (Type) Participant Entity (Type) Participant Element Name (Type) Action Type
Conceptual Model Entity oracle.communications.sce.osm.orchestration.composition.ruleSet.transformedOrderItem.rule.psr Relationship Type (relType) relationship
Order Component oracle.communications.sce.osm.orchestration.composition.condition.transformedOrderItem.component Transformed Order Item
Fulfillment State Composition Condition
Order Component Specification (orderComponentSpec) relationship
Order Item oracle.communications.sce.osm.orchestration.composition.condition.transformedOrderItem.orderItem Transformed Order Item
Fulfillment State Composition Condition
Order Item Specification (orderItemSpec) relationship
Relationship oracle.communications.sce.osm.orchestration.composition.condition.transformedOrderItem.relationship Transformed Order Item
Fulfillment State Composition Condition
Relationship Type (relType) relationship