About CTM Templates

CTM templates define service actions. You can import the CTM template into Design Studio or you can load the CTM template into the IP Service Activator CTM server.

A CTM template is a valid XML file. See IP Service Activator Concepts for more information.

Import the CTM template into Design Studio if you want to use it as part of your IP Service Activator flow-through. Design Studio generates a service action when the template is imported, which you can then add to Activation Tasks. Each CTM template contains one service action.

Load the CTM template to the CTM Server if you want to invoke it from the IP Service Activator UI.

For more information about creating CTM templates or invoking them from the IP Service Activator UI, see IP Service Activator Concepts and IP Service Activator System Administrator's Guide.

Before you can import a CTM template into Design Studio, you must already have an activation IP Service Activator project.

Related Topics

Creating an Activation IP Service Activator Project

Importing CTM Templates into Design Studio

Working with Activation Tasks