Network Integrity Processor Editor

Use the Processor editor to create and configure a processor. To access the Processor editor, double-click a processor entity. The tabs in the Processor editor depend on the type of processor.

When using the Processor editor, see the following topics:

Processor Editor Details Tab

Use the Details tab to select the implementation class for the processor and specify other information about the processor.

The Details tab is available for all processor types.

Field Use
Description Enter a short description of the processor.
Parser Type Specify the type of files the processor can parse.

Appears for file parser processors only.

File Parameter Specify the input file parameter generated as output by a predecessor processor in the sequence of processors in the action. The file parameter must be of type If there are no available context parameters, an error message appears.

Appears for file parser processors only.

Implementation Class Specify the Java implementation class for the processor. Design Studio automatically generates an interface class that the implementation class must implement. You can select an existing class, or create a new one by clicking the Implementation Class link.

The implementation class is created to match the processor interface.

This field is read-only for some processor types.

Implementation Prefix Displays the Java name for the entity.
Documentation Add other information about the processor.

Related Topics

About Network Integrity Processors

Creating Network Integrity Processors

Configuring Network Integrity Processors

Network Integrity Processor Editor

Processor Editor Context Parameters Tab

Use the Context Parameters tab to manage input and output parameters for the processor.

The Context Parameters tab is available for assimilation, discovery, discrepancy detection, discrepancy resolution, file transfer, file parser, and import processors.

Input Parameters Area

Field Use
Name Displays the parameter name.
Type Displays the parameter type.
Source Displays the processor from which the parameter is produced.
Description Displays the parameter description.
Open Open the Processor editor for the processor from which the parameter is produced.
Remove Remove the selected input parameter.
Select Select an existing output parameter from a predecessor processor in the sequence of processors in the action to add as an input parameter to this processor.

Output Parameters Area

Field Use
Name Displays the parameter name output by the current processor.
Type Displays the parameter type.
Description Displays the parameter description.
Usage Lists the processors that use the parameter as an input parameter.
Open Modify the output parameter.
Remove Removes the selected output parameter.
Add Create an output parameter to add to the processor.

Related Topics

About Network Integrity Processors

Creating Network Integrity Processors

Configuring Network Integrity Processors

About Context Parameters for Network Integrity Processors

Network Integrity Processor Editor

Processor Editor Properties Tab

Use the Properties tab to manage property groups and properties for the processor.

The Properties tab is available for assimilation, discovery, discrepancy detection, discrepancy resolution, and import processors.

Property Groups Area

Field Use
Name Displays the name of the property group.
Managed Set the property group as managed.

Properties belonging to managed property groups can be set during run time using the MBean interface. A property group must be managed to contain a sensitive property.

Map Set the property group as a map. Design Studio generates a simplified API for map property groups.
Description Enter additional information about the property group.
Add Create a property group.
Remove Remove a property group.

Properties Area

Field Use
Name Displays the name of the property.
Value Edit the property value. The value can be left blank, set to a static value, or assigned a model variable. Properties with model variables as values can be set at deployment time.
Sensitive Specify whether the property is sensitive. Sensitive properties can only be contained in managed property groups. Sensitive properties values are encrypted and are never displayed to users.
Description Enter additional information about the property.
Add Create a property in the selected property group.
Remove Remove the property from the selected property group.

Related Topics

About Network Integrity Processors

Creating Network Integrity Processors

Configuring Network Integrity Processors

About Properties and Property Groups

Network Integrity Processor Editor

Processor Editor SNMP Tab

Use the SNMP tab to load object IDs (OIDs) for the SNMP processor to poll.

The SNMP tab is available for SNMP processors.

Field Use
SNMP Data Tree area Lists the MIB files that are loaded into the SNMP processor.
Add Add the selected OID from the SNMP data tree to the Loaded OID area.
Remove Remove the selected OID from the Loaded OID area.
Load MIB Select MIB files to load into the SNMP processor.
Full Name Displays the full name of the selected MIB object.
OID Displays the object ID of the selected MIB object.
Description Displays the description of the selected MIB object.
Loaded OID area Lists the MIB objects that the SNMP processor will poll for.

Related Topics

About the Network Integrity SNMP Processor

Creating Network Integrity Processors

Configuring Network Integrity Processors

Network Integrity Processor Editor

Processor Editor File Transfer Tab

Use the File Transfer tab to configure the file transfer settings for file parser processors.

The File Transfer tab is available for file parser processors.

Field Use
Parameter Source Specify the parameter source for the file parser processor. Select Scan Parameter Group to allow the user to provide the parameter values using scan parameter groups. Select Context Parameter to allow the processor to inherit parameter values from the output of predecessor processors in the sequence of processors in the action.
Scan Parameter Group Specify the scan parameter group used to pass parameter values to the processor. Clicking Select opens a dialog listing available scan parameter groups. This field is enabled when Parameter Source is set to Scan Parameter Group. Click the Scan Parameter Group link to create a new scan parameter group.
Context Parameter Specify the processor output from which the file parser processor inherits its parameter values. Click the Select button to open a dialog listing available output. This field is enabled when Parameter Source is set to Context Parameter.
Address Parameter Specify the address parameter that contains the host and directory to retrieve the files from. Click the Select button to open a dialog box listing available output for the address parameter. Clicking the Address Parameter link opens the Processor editor for the processor that generates the address parameter output.
Use Scope Address Specify whether to use the discovery scan scope address at run time as the address parameter.

Appears only if the file transfer processor is added to a discovery action.

Related Topics

About the Network Integrity File Transfer Processor

Creating Network Integrity Processors

Configuring Network Integrity File Transfer Processors

Network Integrity Processor Editor

Processor Editor XML Tab

Use the XML tab to configure the file parser processor XML settings.

The XML tab is available for file parser processors.

This tab is editable only when Parser Type on the Processor editor Details tab is set to XML.

Field Use
XML Schema Specify the XML schema and path that validates the parsing of XML files. Click the Select button to open a dialog box from which to choose from available XML schemas. Clicking the XML Schema link opens the selected XML schema in an XML editor.

Related Topics

About the Network Integrity File Parser Processor

Creating Network Integrity Processors

Configuring Network Integrity File Parser Processors

Network Integrity Processor Editor

Processor Editor ASCII Tab

Use the ASCII tab to configure the file parser processor ASCII settings.

The ASCII tab is available for file parser processors.

This tab is editable only when Parser Type on the Processor editor Details tab is set to ASCII.

ASCII Parser Definition Area

Field Use
Record Delimiter Identifies the type of expression that constitutes a new record.
Name Enter the name of the record.
Record Type Select the type of the record. If a header record is present, it is always the first record in a file. If a trailer record is present, it is always the last record in the file. The body records are all the records in between.
Field Delimiter Select the character that separates fields within the record. If you select Custom, the Custom Field column becomes editable and a single character value must be entered in this field.
Custom Field Editor Select the custom single character field delimiter. This column is enabled only if Custom is selected in the Field Delimiter column.
Aggregate Extra Fields Specify whether the remaining data in a record should be appended to the last field element in the records list. This is useful for records that have a fixed set of information at the beginning of the record and a variable set of information at the end of the record. The fixed set can be represented as normal using field elements, and the variable set can be aggregated into the final field element for further parsing in processor code.
Ignore Specify whether this record should be processed. Enable when the header or trailer records exist and the data that they contain does not need to be processed.
Skip Consecutive Specify whether consecutive delimiters should be treated as multiple delimiters or as a single delimiter. Oracle recommends that you leave this option unchecked as it is preferable to report that there is an empty field between consecutive delimiters. For example, if a CSV file contained a record of "1,2,,4", then it is likely missing the 3rd field for a reason, and this fact should be reflected in the record data. However, there are cases when it is preferable to skip consecutive delimiters. This usually occurs when the field delimiter is a blank space. The reason for setting it to true (checked) in this case is that incoming records often contain multiple space between fields.
Move Up

Move Down

Reorder selected record definition.
Import Import record definitions from a sample file.
Remove Remove the selected record definition.
Add Create a record definition.

Record Definition Details Area

Field Use
Name Enter the name of the field, which is used to generate a getter method on a record class that can be used by subsequent processors for retrieving the data.
Ignore Specify whether this field should be processed. If checked, a getter method is not generated for this field, and the data in this field is not accessible to the action.
Container Specify a grouping character, which allows field-delimiter characters to be treated as regular data, provided they are contained within the specified container character. The container must be a single character, if specified.
Container is Optional Specify whether the container character is mandatory for every record or if the container character is optional.
Move Up

Move Down

Reorder the selected field definition.
Remove Remove the selected field definition.
Add Create a field definition.

Related Topics

About the Network Integrity File Parser Processor

Creating Network Integrity Processors

Configuring Network Integrity File Parser Processors

Network Integrity Processor Editor