Fulfillment State Map Editor

Use the Fulfillment State Map editor to create both common fulfillment states and the mappings that use them.

The following fields are common to all Fulfillment State Map editor tabs:

Field Use
Description Edit the display name of the fulfillment state map.
Namespace Select an existing namespace or enter a unique namespace in which to include the fulfillment state map. Design Studio uses the last saved namespace as the default.

Many fields in this editor follow the following conventions:

  • Field name as a link: If the name of the field is a link, clicking it performs one of two actions:

    • If there is an entry in the field, clicking the name of the field opens the item referenced in the field. For example, if the field name is Fulfillment Pattern and the entry in the field is Product.Base, clicking the label opens the Product.Base orchestration fulfillment pattern.

    • If there is no entry in the field, clicking the name of the field opens the wizard to create an item. For example, if the field name is Order Item, clicking the label opens the wizard to create a new order item specification.

  • Clear button: This button is shaped like an X and is located after the field. If it is possible to clear the field, the X is red. If it is not possible to clear the field (for example, if it is already empty), the X is gray.

  • Select: This button opens a dialog box with a list of the relevant entities. Select a value to enter it into the field.

When configuring fulfillment states and mappings in the Fulfillment State Map editor, refer to the following topics:

Fulfillment State Map Mappings Tab

Use the Mappings tab to create and maintain mappings between an external fulfillment state and common project fulfillment states that are used in order and order item composition rules and point of no return rules. The mappings are based on criteria the criteria used to generate it. These criteria include: orchestration fulfillment pattern, order item, orchestration sequence, orchestration stage, and order component.


See "Fulfillment State Map Editor" for information about fields that appear on all of the Fulfillment State Map editor tabs and for information about field conventions.
Field Use
Filters Expand this section and select one or more values to constrain the mappings shown in the fulfillment state mapping table that follows. If more than one filter is specified, only entries in the table that meet all of the criteria are displayed. Note that the filter fields recognize inheritance. For example, if an orchestration fulfillment pattern of basePS is chosen in the filter, orchestration fulfillment patterns that extend basePS are also included in the resulting list.
Fulfillment state mapping table Displays a list of the fulfillment state mappings that have been defined for the fulfillment state map, subject to the specified filter criteria.

Do any of the following:

  • Select an entry in the table to edit it using the fields on this tab.

  • Click Duplicate to create a duplicate of the selected entry. Use this command as a shortcut to quickly create another mapping that is similar to the original entry.

  • Click Remove to remove the selected entry.

  • Select Add to add an entry. You cannot create a new entry by selecting a blank row in the table.

Mapped Fulfillment State Enter a fulfillment state to be assigned to the mapping's specified order item for the mapping's specified order component.
Processing State Enter a processing state to be mapped to the fulfillment state.
Fulfillment Pattern Enter an orchestration fulfillment pattern. This mapping only affects order components defined on orchestration plans associated with the specified orchestration fulfillment pattern.
Fulfillment Mode (Optional) Select a fulfillment mode to restrict this mapping to order components defined on orchestration plans associated with the specified orchestration fulfillment pattern/fulfillment mode combination. This field is disabled until an orchestration fulfillment pattern is selected. Unlike most other fields, a new fulfillment mode cannot be created directly from the field name's hyperlink.
Order Item Enter the order item specification for which the mapped fulfillment state is to be set.
Properties (Optional) Select one or more properties of the selected order item specification if you want to restrict the mapping to order items with the specified property values.
Property Value Select a property from the Properties list to enter a value in the Property Value field. If there is no property defined and selected, you cannot add a property value. However, if you have entered a property, you must define a value for it or the property will be ignored at run time.
Sequence Enter the orchestration sequence that produces the orchestration stage that in turn produces the order components to which the mapping applies.
Orchestration Stage Select one or more orchestration stages that produce the order components to that the mapping applies. This field is disabled until an orchestration sequence is selected.
Order Component Select a stage in the Orchestration Stage list to select an order component that is either produced by that stage or extends an order component that is produced by that stage. The mapping only applies to this component and its descendants. Additionally, at least one of these components or its hierarchical ancestor must define an external fulfillment state. This field is disabled until an orchestration stage is selected. A new order component cannot be created from the field name's link.
External Fulfillment State Enter the external fulfillment state to which this mapping applies.
Current Fulfillment State Enter a common fulfillment state (optional) for the mapping to apply only if the order item already has a specific fulfillment state.

Related Topics

Fulfillment State Map Editor

Fulfillment State Map States Tab

Use the States tab to define the fulfillment states that are used in mappings, composition rules, and point of no return rules.


See "Fulfillment State Map Editor" for information about fields that appear on all of the Fulfillment State Map editor tabs and for information about field conventions.
Field Use
Fulfillment States Displays the fulfillment state definitions that can be used in fulfillment state mappings, order fulfillment state composition rules, order item fulfillment state composition rules, and point of no return rules.

Do any of the following:

  • Select an existing fulfillment state to edit it.

  • Click Add to add a new fulfillment state. If an existing fulfillment state is selected, the new fulfillment state is added as a child of the selected state. If a child fulfillment state is selected, this button is disabled because fulfillment states are only allowed one level of descendants.

  • Click Remove to remove the selected fulfillment states.

  • Right-click a selected fulfillment and select Rename to rename the selected fulfillment state.

Details subtab Edit the display name of the fulfillment state. If you are localizing OSM, use the list to the right of the field to set different values for different locales.
Information subtab Enter any additional information about the fulfillment state that is required by your specific situation. If you are localizing OSM, use the list above the field to set different values for different locales.

Related Topics

Fulfillment State Map Editor