7 Network Service Orchestration Base Cartridges

This chapter provides information about the two Network Service Orchestration base cartridges. You use these cartridges only if you are implementing a Network Service Orchestration (NSO) solution.

See Network Service Orchestration Implementation Guide, and Chapter 1, ”Overview” for more information.

NSO Base Specifications Cartridge

Network Service Orchestration uses entities defined by specifications in the OracleComms_NSO_BaseCartridge cartridge. Although these entities are defined in Design Studio as standard UIM entities, they have different labels in UIM. For example, the Network Service Request and VNF Request specifications are defined in Design Studio as Business Interaction specifications, but entities based on them are labeled as Orchestration Requests in UIM.

Business Interaction Specification

Table 7-1 lists and describes the Business Interaction specifications included in the NSO Base Specifications cartridge. Entities based on these specifications are labeled as Orchestration Requests in UIM.

Table 7-1 Business Interaction Specifications

Specification Description

Network Service Request

Defines a network service orchestration request. All network service lifecycle operations are controlled by the network service request.

Includes the Service ID characteristic, which stores the ID of the service created as a result of the request.

VNF Request

Defines a VNF orchestration request. All VNF life cycle operations are controlled by the VNF request.

PNF Request

Defines a PNF orchestration request. All PNF life cycle operations are controlled by the VNF request.

Custom Object Specification

Table 7-2 lists and describes the Custom Object specifications included in the NSO Base Specifications cartridge.

Table 7-2 Custom Object Specifications

Specification Description

Availability Zone

Represents a grouping of resources based on availability characteristics. This information is captured during the VIM discovery process.

In OpenStack, availability zones enable you to arrange OpenStack compute hosts into logical groups and provide a form of physical isolation and redundancy from other availability zones, such as by using a separate power supply or network equipment.

Includes the following characteristics:

  • Disk Total: Total disk size of the availability zone.

  • Memory Total: Total memory size of the availability zone.

  • VCPU Total: Total number of vCPUs in the availability zone.

  • Disk Used: The amount of disk space currently used by the availability zone.

  • Memory Used: The amount of memory currently used by the availability zone.

  • VCPU Used: The number of vCPUs currently used in the availability zone.

  • VIM ID: The ID of the VIM associated with this availability zone.


Defines the compute, memory, and storage capacity of computing instances. A flavor is an available hardware configuration for a server. It defines the size of a virtual server that can be launched.

Includes the following characteristics:

  • External ID: ID of the flavor in the NFVI.

  • Shared: Indicates whether the flavor is shared.

  • RAM: RAM value of flavor.

  • Root Disk: Disk value of the flavor.

  • vCPUs: CPU value of the flavor.

  • VIM ID: The VIM ID.


Represents a compute host, a physical host dedicated to running compute nodes. These hosts are captured during the VIM discovery process.

Includes the following characteristics:

  • Disk Total: Total disk size of the host.

  • Disk Used: Amount of disk space used on the host.

  • Egress Node: Indicates whether this is an egress host.

  • External ID: ID of the host.

  • Host IP: IP address of the host. This field is not used by default.

  • Ingress Node: Indicates whether this host is the ingress host.

  • Memory Total: Total memory size of the host.

  • Memory Used: Memory used on the host.

  • OVS ID: OVS ID of the host.

  • Tunnel IP: Tunnel IP of the host.

  • vCPUs Total: Total number of vCPUs on the host.

  • vCPUs Used: Number of vCPUs on the host.

  • VIM ID: ID of the VIM to which this host belongs.


Represents a network service endpoint.Includes the following characteristics:

  • IP Address: IP address of the endpoint.

  • Service Location: Service location of the endpoint.

  • VLAN ID: VLAN ID of the endpoint.


This specification is deprecated.


This specification is deprecated.


Represents a software-defined networking (SDN) controller that provides control and management functionality in a network domain.

Includes the following characteristics:

  • Host: Host name of the SDN controller.

  • Password: Password details of the SDN controller.

  • Port: Port details of the SDN controller.

  • SDN Type: Type of the SDN.

  • User Name: User name details of the SDN controller.


Represents a VIM that manages resources in your NFVI.

Includes the following characteristics:

  • Domain Name: Domain name of the VIM.

  • Host: Host name or IP address of the VIM.

  • Disk Overcommitted Ratio: Over-commit disk ratio of the VIM.

  • Memory Overcommitted Ratio: Over-commit memory ratio details of the VIM.

  • CPU Overcommitted Ratio: Over-commit vCPU ratio details of the VIM.

  • Password: Password for the VIM.

  • Port: Port value for the VIM.

  • SSI Enabled: Indicates whether the VIM is SSL enabled or not.

  • Tenant Name: Tenant name of the VIM.

  • User Name: User name of the VIM.

  • Version: Version of the VIM.

  • VIM Type: Type of the VIM.

Virtual Data Center

Represents a virtual data center. There is a one-to-one relation ship between Virtual Data Centers and VIMs in NSO.

Includes the following characteristics:

  • Disk Total: Total disk size allocated to the virtual data center.

  • Disk Used: The amount of disk space currently used by the virtual data center.

  • Memory Total: Total memory size allocated to the virtual data center.

  • Memory Used: The amount of memory currently used by the virtual data center.

  • Tenant ID: ID of the tenant for which the VDC manages resources.

  • vCPUs Total: Total number of vCPUs in the virtual data center.

  • vCPUs Used: The number of vCPUs currently used in the virtual data center.

Device Interface Specification

Table 7-3 lists and describes the Device Interface specifications included in the NSO Base Specifications cartridge.

Table 7-3 Device Interface Specifications

Specification Description


Represents a port on the VNF. Connection points connect virtual links to VNFs. They represent the virtual interfaces and physical interfaces of the VNFs and their associated properties and other metadata.

Inventory Group

Table 7-4 lists and describes the Inventory Group specifications included in the NSO Base Specifications cartridge.

Table 7-4 Inventory Group Specifications

Specification Description


Represents a storing serving area. Contains service locations.

IP Address Resource Extension

Table 7-5 lists and describes the IP Address Resource Extension specifications included in the NSO Base Specifications cartridge. There are separate specifications for IP networks, subnets, and addresses.

IP networks are either created or referenced in the Network Service configuration. During activation, the corresponding network, subnet, and ports are created in the VIM on which the VNF virtual machine is deployed.

Table 7-5 IP Resource Extension

Specification Description

IPv4 Address

Represents a port in OpenStack or other Cloud infrastructure.

Includes the following characteristics:

External ID: Cloud ID of the IP address.

External Network ID: Cloud ID of the network hat includes this IP address.

External Subnet ID: Cloud ID of the subnet that includes this IP address.

Floating IP: Any associated floating IP associated with this.

Gateway IP: Gateway IP.

Is Floating IP Created: Floating IP is created or not.


Represents the IP network of a VNF.

IPv4 Subnet

Represents an NFVI Cloud subnet.

Includes the following characteristics:

External ID: Cloud ID of the subnet.

External Router Name: External router associated with the subnet.

External Network ID: Cloud ID of the network.

Gateway IP: Gateway IP of the subnet.

IP Version: Not used by default.

Is DHCP Enabled: Indicates whether subnet is DHCP enabled.

Is Security Enabled: Indicates whether subnet is security enabled.

Network ID: Not used by default.

Provider Network Name: Not used by default.

Tenant ID: Tenant ID where this subnet is present.

VIM ID: VIM ID where this subnet is present.


Table 7-6 lists and describes the Network specification included in the NSO Base Specifications cartridge.


This specification is present in the cartridge but not used.

Table 7-6 Network Specifications

Specification Description

VIM Network

Not used.

Network Address Domain

Table 7-7 lists and describes the Network Address Domain specification included in the NSO Base Specifications cartridge.

Table 7-7 Network Address Domain Specification

Specification Description


Represents an OpenStack network in Network Service Orchestration. IP addresses in each domain and its corresponding network must be unique.

Includes the following characteristics:

  • External ID: Cloud ID of the network.

  • Shared: Indicates whether the network is shared.

  • Provider Network Type: Not used by default.

  • Provider Physical Network: Not used by default.

  • Provider Segmentation ID: Not used by default.

  • Router Type: Not used by default.

  • VLAN ID:VLAN ID of the network.


Table 7-8 lists and describes the Place specification included in the NSO Base Specifications cartridge.

Table 7-8 Place Specification

Specification Description


Used to create service locations based on the Service Location fields in the NSSubscriber entities that represent network service endpoints.

Extension Point

Table 7-9 lists and describes the extension points included in the NSO Base Specifications cartridge.

Table 7-9 Extension Points

Specification Description


Returns the representation of the dynamic property in the JSON request for network service instantiation.

Can be used to define a different data center lookup identifier for a Network Service specification. The default implementation considers the Service Location field in the network service endpoint as the data center lookup identifier.


Called after a network service is terminated.


Called during Custom Object update operation.


Implements the design-and-assign logic or cleans up the resources when a network service is updated.


Implements the design-and-assign logic for a network service when the network service is instantiated.


Cleans up the network service resources when the network service is terminated.


Used to design the Network Service during instantiation.


Designs a network service for update.


Activates or removes the resources in a VIM for each network service.


Creates and assigns entities that correspond to a cloud network in a network service configuration.


Creates IP subnets for VLDs that are not referenced. Internally called from createAndAssignIPNetworks.


Implements the design-and-assign logic for a VNF service when the network service is updated.


Implements the design-and-assign logic for the VNF service when a network service is instantiated with a VNF.


Cleans up the VNF service resources when a network service is terminated.


Creates a VNF device.


Activates or removes the resources in a VIM for each VNF service.

Enabled Extension Point

Table 7-10 lists and describes the enabled extension points included in the NSO Base Specifications cartridge.

Table 7-10 Enabled Extension Points

Specification Description


Enabled extension point for the Custom Object specification and the CustomObjectManager_updateCustomObjects extension point.


Enabled extension point for the Service Configuration specification and the NetworkServiceDesignManager_processChange extension point.


Enabled extension point for the Service Configuration specification and the NetworkServiceDesignManager_processCreate extension point.


Enabled extension point for the Service Configuration specification and the NetworkServiceDesignManager_processDisconnect extension point.


Enabled extension point for the Service Configuration specification and the NetworkServiceManager_processTechnicalActions extension point.


Enabled extension point for the Service Configuration specification and the VNFServiceDesignManager_processChange extension point.


Enabled extension point for the Service Configuration specification and the VNFServiceDesignManager_processCreate extension point.


Enabled extension point for the Service Configuration specification and the VNFServiceDesignManager_processDisconnect extension point.


Enabled extension point for the Service Configuration specification and the VNFServiceHelper_createVNF extension point.


Enabled extension point for the Service Configuration specification and the VNFServiceManager_processTechnicalActions extension point.


Enabled extension point for the Service specification and the ConsumerHelper_getConsumerDescriptorName extension point.


Enabled extension point for the Service specification and the ConsumerHelper_getDataCenterForConsumer extension point.


Enabled extension point for the Service specification and the ConsumerHelper_getDataCenterLookupIdentifier extension point.


Enabled extension point for the Service specification and the ConsumerHelper_postNSTerminate extension point.


Enabled extension point for the Service specification and the NetworkService_createAndAssignIPNetworks extension point.


Enabled extension point for the Service specification and the NetworkService_createIPSubnet extension point.


Table 7-11 lists the rulesets and their corresponding extension points included in the NSO Base Specifications cartridge.

Table 7-11 Rulesets

Ruleset Functionality



Designs and assigns in the service configuration version of a network service during instantiation, updates, and termination.



Designs and assigns in the service configuration version of the PNF service during instantiation, updates, and termination.



Designs and assigns in the service configuration version of the VNF capability service during instantiation, updates, and termination.



Designs and assigns in VNF service configuration versions during instantiation, updates, and termination.



Handles rollback features on network service operations.



Handles rollback features during VNF operations.



Completes a network service configuration version.



Completes a VNF service configuration version.



Validates EMS details during creation.



Validates PNF details during creation.



Validates VIM details during creation.



Issues a network service configuration, which in turn activates or deactivates the corresponding network service. The resources assigned to the configuration are created or deleted.



Issues a PNF service configuration, which in turn activates or deactivates the corresponding PNF service. The resources assigned to the configuration are created or deleted.



Issues a VNF service configuration, which in turn activates or deactivates the corresponding VNF service. The resources assigned to the configuration are created or deleted.



Calls issue on VNFServiceManager which further (de)activates the VNF service by creating/deleting/configuring cloud resources required for VNF.



Validates PNF details during PNF update.



Validates EMS details during EMS update.



Validates VIM details during VIM update.

NSO Base Tags Cartridge

The OracleComms_NSO_BaseTags cartridge includes specifications for the tags used in Network Service Orchestration.These tags are used by Design Studio when it realizes Network Service Orchestration-related conceptual model specifications as UIM specifications. They are also used in UIM to limit searches to Network Service Orchestration entities of various types.


Table 7-12 lists and describes the Tag specifications included in the NSO Base Tags cartridge.

Table 7-12 Tags

Tag Description


Realize this conceptual model specification as an EMS Custom Object specification


Realize this conceptual model specification as an EndPoint Custom Object specification.


Realize this conceptual model specification as a Network Service specification.


Realize this conceptual model specification as a Business Interaction specification for ab orchestration request.


Realize this conceptual model specification as a PNF Service or Logical Device specification.


Realize this conceptual model specification as VNF Service or Logical Device specification.