25 Managing and Configuring Native UCP Connections

This chapter describes how to create and store connection and credential mappings in the Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper Connection Information Manager. The Connection Information Manager is used by the native UCP plug-ins.

Understanding the Connection Information Manager

The Connection Information Manager creates and stores connection and credential mappings that some plug-in instances need to connect to network elements and applications.

The ConnectInfo object stores the following connection information:

  • The remote address to which the plug-in connects

  • A map of application instance IDs (for example for Services Gatekeeper users) to network node credentials; there could be more than one set of credentials for a single network node

See the getConnectInfo method in ConnectInfoManagerMBean for details about the ConnectInfo object.

Configuring and Managing the Connection Information Manager

All configuration and management is performed in the ConnectionInfoManager managed object.

This object is accessible from the Administrative Console and from the Platform Test Environment (PTE).

The Administration Console displays one instance of the MBean for each plug-in instance that uses it. The management attributes for the Connection Information Manager are reached from the service:

  • Plugin_sms_ucp then ConnectInfoManager

The Connection Information Manager Operations, Administration, and Maintenance functionality is shared among the plug-ins. Rendering, however, is per plug-in (one instance is displayed per plug-in). The appearance may vary depending on how you access the MBean.

If you are using different plug-ins that use the Connection Information Manager, you must configure the Connection Information Manager for each plug-in.

Use the following ConnectInfoManagerMBean methods to configure and manage connection information:

  • createOrUpdateLocalHostAddress

  • createOrUpdateRemoteHostAddress

  • getConnectInfo

  • removeConnectInfo

  • removeLocalHostAddress

Use the following ConnectInfoManagerMBean methods to configure and manage the credential map:

  • addXParamToCredentialEntry

  • createOrUpdateCredentialMap

  • createOrUpdateUserPasswordCredentialEntry

  • listAllCredentialEntries

  • removeCredentialEntry

  • removeCredentialMap

Use the following ConnectInfoManagerMBean methods to configure and manage the listen information:

  • createOrUpdateListenAddress

  • getAllListenAddress

  • removeListenAddress

  • getListenAddressForCurrentServer

ConnectionInfoManagerMBean Reference

To set field values and use methods from the Administration Console, select Container Services, then ConnectionInfoManagerMBean. Or use a Java application. For information on the methods and fields, see the ”All Classes” section of Services Gatekeeper OAM Java API Reference.