21 Managing and Configuring the Tier Routing Manager

This chapter describes how to configure and maintain the Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper Tier Routing Manager. It also provides a workflow for the configuration.

Understanding the Tier Routing Manager

The Tier Routing Manager routes network-triggered communication requests from Services Gatekeeper communication services to the appropriate exposes service and access tier cluster.

Applications interact with these Service Facades when using Services Gatekeeper communication services:

  • SOAP

  • SOA

  • RESTful

  • Native

Each Service Facades uses a Service Enabler to connect to the telecom network.

Application-initiated requests are automatically routed from a Service Facade to the proper Service Enabler, since there is a many-to-one (n:1) relationship between Service Facades and Service Enablers.

Network-triggered requests are routed to the correct Service Facade by an identifier which specifies the Service Facade used when setting up the subscription. The Tier Routing Manager uses this identifier to route network-triggered requests to the appropriate Service Facade, or more specifically to the correct access tier cluster. There is one access tier cluster with SOA Service Facades, one cluster with RESTful Service Facades, and one cluster with SOAP Service Facades.

The routing uses tier routes to identify to which cluster to route the request. A tier route is identified by an index and has the following properties:

  • An endpoint expression

  • The name of the cluster for which the route is valid

When an application wishes to receive traffic from the network, it subscribes to notifications for network triggered events. As a part of the subscription, the application provides a URL for the endpoint to which notifications should be sent.

The SOA Service Facades uses the application-provided endpoint URL and rewrites it, embedding information that it was the SOA Service Facade that was used to set up the notification along with the original URL. This new URL is passed used the request to the Service Enabler. The SOA Service Facade replaces the original callback URL with a new URL that points to the Oracle Service Bus Proxy Service and adds the parameter realUrl that has the value of the original callback URL.

For example, if the original callback URL is:


the rewritten callback URL is


The RESTful Service Facades always gets a callback URL starting with /bayeux/ from the application, so the URL itself provides information that the subscription originated from the RESTful Service Facade.

When a network-triggered request arrives at the Tier Routing Manager, it inspects the endpoint (rewritten) URL to extract from it the Service Facade to which it should be routed. It looks at the pattern of the URL and matches it to the configured endpoint expression type. When a match is found, it resolves the cluster name and passes the request on to the appropriate cluster.


Some network protocol plug-ins support off-line provisioning for subscriptions for notifications. The callback URL used for these subscriptions must be formatted according to the URL rewrite pattern of the appropriate Service Facade.

See Table 24–1 for examples of endpoint expressions.

Table 21-1 Examples of Tier Routes

Endpoint expressions Description


Routes to a SOA Service Facade cluster, since the parameter realURL is present in the callback endpoint.


Routes to a RESTful Service Facade cluster, since the parameter bayeux is present in the callback endpoint.


Routes to a specific cluster when the callback endpoint is within the domain mydomain.com.

This makes it possible to inspect in which domain the callback endpoint is, and use one access cluster for a given set of service providers and another for another set of service providers. It makes it possible to use one Access tier cluster for applications residing in the network operator's intranet and another for applications hosted by service providers outside the network operator's domain.

Configuring Tier Routing

You administer routes with these methods to TierRoutingManagerMBean:

  • To add a new tier route, use addTierRoute

  • To remove a tier route, use removeTierRoute

  • To list all existing tier routes, use listTierRoutes

Set field values and use methods from the Administration Console Container Services and then TierRoutingManager. Alternately, use a Java application. For information on the methods and fields, see the "All Classes" section of Services Gatekeeper OAM Java API Reference.