3 Managing Communication Sessions

This chapter explains how to use the Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper Session Manager Web service to manage the sessions that your applications use to communicate with Services Gatekeeper.

Understanding the Session Manager Web Service

The Session Manager Web service contains operations for managing a session with Services Gatekeeper, including establishing the session, changing the application's password, querying the amount of time remaining in the session, refreshing the session, and terminating the session.


Not all installations of Services Gatekeeper require session management. The contents of this chapter apply only to those installations that do.

When an operator requires it, an application must establish a session with Services Gatekeeper before the application can perform any operations using the Parlay X or Extended Web Services interfaces. When a session is established, a session ID is returned, which must be used in each subsequent operation toward Services Gatekeeper.

Session Management for SOAP, RESTful, and OneAPI Interfaces

In order to interact with Services Gatekeeper, applications use SOAP-based, RESTful, OneAPI, or SOAP native interfaces. Those applications using SOAP-based interfaces must manipulate the SOAP messages that they use to make requests in certain specialized ways. They must add specific information to the SOAP header, and, if they are using Multimedia Messaging, they must send their message payload as a SOAP attachment. Applications using the native interfaces use the normal, native interface mechanisms, which are not covered in this document.

How developers program applications to manipulate SOAP messages depend on the environment in which the application is being developed.


Clients created using Axis 1.2 or older do not work with some communication services. Developers should use Axis 1.4 or newer if they wish to use Axis.

For examples of using the Oracle WebLogic Server environment manipulate SOAP messages, see "Managing SOAP Headers and Attachments Programmatically".

You can configure whether SOAP, REST, or OneAPI-based applications must provide credentials and apply for a session ID before they can communicate with Services Gatekeeper. The default setting requires that these types of applications establish a session using the Session Manager Web service before they are allowed to run traffic through Services Gatekeeper. You can also make a session optional, or simply remove session checking completely.

The session requirement is useful as a security mechanism because it requires all applications to authorize themselves, and it allows Services Gatekeeper to keep track of all traffic for a session.

About Sessions

An application establishes a session in Services Gatekeeper by invoking the getSession() operation in the Session Manager Web service. getSession() is the only operation that does not require a session ID to be invoked. This operation returns a string representing the session ID to the client, and Services Gatekeeper establishes a session identified by the ID string. See "Operation: getSession" for details about this operation.

By default, the session is left open until the an application closes it. You can also set a time limit for sessions using the validityTime field in ApplicationSessionMBean. See "Operation: getSessionRemainingLifeTime" for details.

Each session is valid for the entire Services Gatekeeper domain, across clusters, and covers all communication services to which the application has contractual access. Once established, the session ID must appear in the wlng:Session element in the header of every subsequent SOAP request.

Example 3-1 Example of a Session Header element


You can configure the session mode that determines whether session IDs are required. The mode has these possible values:

  • Required - The default value. Requires that all applications authorize themselves with credentials before requesting a session ID. Services Gatekeeper validates session IDs and rejects communication attempts if the IDs are invalid. If the mode is Required, a session ID is required for all communication through Services Gatekeeper.

  • Disabled (sessionless) - Services Gatekeeper does not check whether a session ID exists. If applications successfully authenticate themselves, they receive a session ID string of sessionless, which is used in all communication within the session. If they do not authenticate, no session ID is provided or required. In this case the application uses whichever Web services Security (WS-Security) mechanism is required by the Services Gatekeeper operator for security.

  • Optional - Services Gatekeeper does not require that an application log on or request a session ID. If the application successfully authenticates, it is provided with a session ID that is checked for validity. If found invalid, the request is rejected. If the application passes in a header with a session ID of sessionless, or if no session ID is passed in, the request is accepted.

Changing the Session Mode

To change the Services Gatekeeper session mode:

  1. Start the MBean browser that you use to configure Services Gatekeeper.

    You can browse MBeans by using JConsole or PTE, which are supplied with Services Gatekeeper.

  2. Navigate to wlng, then AccountService, then ApplicationSessionMBean, and then SessionRequired.

  3. Check the box representing the session behavior that your implementation requires:

    • Required

    • Disabled

    • Optional

    See "About Sessions" for details on the different options.

Session Manager WSDL File

The WSDL file for the Session Manager Web service can be found here:


where host and port are the host name and port of the system on which Services Gatekeeper is installed.

SessionManager WSDL Interface Reference

The Session Manager Web service interface includes these operations:

Operation: getSession

Establishes a session using WS-Security. Authentication information must be provided according to WS-Security. See "Understanding SOAP-Based Authentication" for more information.

Input message: getSession

Table 3-1 Input Message: getSession

Part name Part type Optional Description





Output message: getSessionResponse

Table 3-2 Output Message: getSessionResponse

Part name Part type Optional Description




The session ID to use in subsequent requests.

Referenced faults


Operation: changeApplicationPassword

Changes the password for an application.

Input message: changeApplicationPassword

Table 3-3 Input Message: changeApplicationPassword

Part name Part type Optional Description




The ID of an established session.




The current password.




The new password.

Output message: changeApplicationPasswordResponse

Table 3-4 Output Message: changeApplicationPasswordResponse

Part name Part type Optional Description





Referenced faults


Operation: getSessionRemainingLifeTime

Returns the remaining lifetime of an established session in minutes. This operation works with the validityTime field in the ApplicationSessionMBean. The default value for validityTime is 0 minutes, which keeps the session open indefinitely unless you specially destroy it. You can change the default to set a time limit for all sessions. When the time limit expires, the session is automatically destroyed.

If validityTime is set to the default (0 minutes), the session is always valid unless you destroy it. getSessionRemainingLifeTime returns these example values if you use the default validityTime value:

  • Immediately after the session is created, this operation returns 0.

  • 1 minute after the session is created, this operation returns -1.

  • 3 minutes after the session is created, this operation returns -3.

If you change the validityTime value to a positive number of minutes, this operation destroys the session at the end of that time period. For example if you set validityTime to 5 minutes, you get this behavior:

  • Immediately the session is created, this operation returns 5.

  • 1 minute after the session is created, this operation returns 4.

  • 3 minutes after the session is created, this operation returns 2.

    5 minutes after the session is created, it is invalidated and destroyed.

See the ”All Classes” section of the Services Gatekeeper OAM Java API Reference for details on ApplicationSessionMBean.

Input message: getSessionRemainingLifeTime

Table 3-5 Input Message: getSessionRemainingLifeTime

Part name Part type Optional Description




The ID of an established session.

Output message: getSessionRemainingLifeTimeResponse

Table 3-6 Output Message: getSessionRemainingLifeTimeResponse

Part name Part type Optional Description




The remaining lifetime of the session.

Given in milliseconds.

Referenced faults


Operation: refreshSession

Refreshes the lifetime of a session. The session can be refreshed during a time interval after the session has expired. This time interval is configured in Services Gatekeeper.

Input message: refreshSession

Table 3-7 Input Message: refreshSession

Part name Part type Optional Description




The ID of an established session.

Output message: refreshSessionResponse

Table 3-8 Output Message: refreshSessionResponse

Part name Part type Optional Description




The session ID to be used in subsequent requests. The same ID as the original session ID is returned.

Referenced faults


Operation: destroySession

Destroys an established session.

Input message: destroySession

Table 3-9 Input Message: destroySession

Part name Part type Optional Description




The ID of an established session.

Output message: destroySessionResponse

Table 3-10 Output Message: destroySessionResponse

Part name Part type Optional Description




True if the session was destroyed.

Referenced faults


Session Manager Examples

Example 3-2 illustrates how to get the Session Manager Web service and how to prepare the generated stub with WS-Security information. The stub is generated from the Session Manager Web service.

Example 3-2 Get the Session Manager Web Service

protected ClientSessionManImpl(String sessionManagerURL, PolicyBase pbase) throws Exception {
  SessionManagerService accessservice = 
    new SessionManagerService_Impl(sessionManagerURL+"?WSDL");
  port = accessservice.getSessionManager();

Example 3-3 illustrates how to prepare the Session Manager Web service stub with username token information according to WS-Policy.

Example 3-3 Prepare the Session Manager with Username Token information

package com.bea.wlcp.wlng.client.access.wspolicy;
import weblogic.wsee.security.unt.ClientUNTCredentialProvider;
import weblogic.xml.crypto.wss.WSSecurityContext;
import javax.xml.rpc.Stub;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class UsernameTokenPolicy implements PolicyBase {

  private String username;
  private String password;

public UsernameTokenPolicy(String username, String password) {
    this.username = username;
    this.password = password;

  public void prepareStub(Stub stub) throws Exception {
    List<ClientUNTCredentialProvider> credProviders = new ArrayList<ClientUNTCredentialProvider>();
    credProviders.add(new ClientUNTCredentialProvider(username.getBytes(),
    System.out.println("setting standard wssec");
