4 Using the RESTful Interfaces

This chapter presents an overview of Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper RESTful interfaces, and explains how to use them to create applications that interact with Services Gatekeeper.

Supported RESTful Interfaces

The RESTful interfaces provide applications with the operations they use to interact with Services Gatekeeper.

See Understanding the Supported Application Interfaces for a complete list and short description of the RESTful interfaces supported by Services Gatekeeper. These interfaces are explained in detail in the chapters that follow.

Understanding RESTful Operations

The following basic elements are present in the requests that an application makes to the RESTful interfaces and the responses it receives from the interface:

Request-URI and HTTP Methods

Applications use one of four methods, "GET", "POST", "PUT", or "DELETE", to request a required action to be performed on an abstract or physical resource. The resource has a specific Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). The Request-URI identifies the abstract or physical resource that an HTTP method acts upon or uses and is therefore the most important part of any request that an application makes to the RESTful interfaces.

Here is the GET method used to query for the status of a terminal:

GET /rest/terminal_status/status?query="%7B%22address%22%3A%22tel%3A123%22%7D" HTTP/1.1

where, the string %7B%22address%22%3A%22telA123%22%7D is the address of the terminal (or the {"address":"tel:123"} JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) object).

General Format of a Request-URI

A fully qualified Request-URI consists of a sequence of concatenated sections that are each separated by a forward slash. For example:



  • host:port: The hostname or IP address and port of your Services Gatekeeper installation; for example, and 8001.

  • rest_facade_context_root: The location of the set of resources that the particular interface uses; for example, rest, in the following example query for the status of a terminal:

    GET /rest/terminal_status/status?query="%7B%22address%22%3A%22tel%3A123%22%7D" HTTP/1.1

    In Services Gatekeeper, the rest_facade_context_root entry is always rest.

  • URI: The location of a specific kind of functionality within the interface; for example, terminal_status.

  • path_info_param: An identifier of a specific resource, for example, calls. This is seen in the Make Call request, POST /rest/third_party_call/calls HTTP/1.1. See Example 4-8. The path-info-param entry does not occur in all URIs.

  • query_string: A set of name-value pairs that describes what is being requested; for example, status?query="%7B%22address%22%3A%22tel%3A123%22%7D, in the above GET query for rest_facade_context_root. The query-string entry is not seen in every URI.


The POST method accesses a resource factory to create a resource that does not yet have a URI. Multiple requests to a resource factory can create multiple new resources.

The following example statement will set up a call between two parties:

Example 4-1 POST Statement

POST /rest/third_party_call/calls HTTP/1.1

For the POST method:

  • The URI in the request represents the factory resource accessed to create a resource. In Example 4-1, /rest/third_party_call/calls is the factory resource accessed to create a resource.

  • The request body contains the information required to create the resource. See Example 4-6.

  • If the resource is created, the response body will contain the identifier for the new resource. See Example 4-7. If the operation fails, the response body will contain the error response.


The PUT method creates a resource that has a predetermined URI. This method can be used to update a resource (or to start a stateful process). For example, an application uses the following statement to start notifications on a specific terminal:

Example 4-2 PUT Statement

PUT /rest/terminal_location/periodic_notification HTTP/1.1

For the PUT method:

  • The URI in the request represents the resource to update or the resource for which to start a stateful process. In Example 4-2, /rest/terminal_location/periodic_notification represents the resource accessed to start periodic notifications on a terminal's location.

  • The request body will contain the required information. (The JSON object will contain, for example, information on the terminal, the criteria to monitor, the frequency and duration of the monitoring, where to place the notification, and the correlator to identify the session.

  • The Location header in the response will specify the location that contains the resulting notifications. For example, the application may see the following header for the above PUT request:


    In order to complete the operation, the application must access the specified location and use the correlator to retrieve the notifications.

  • If the operation fails, the response body will contain the error response.


The GET method retrieves the state of a specific resource that has been previously set up. The specific resource is identified in the query string as shown in Example 4-3, where an application attempts to retrieve the status of a terminal whose address is specified as "tel:123".

Example 4-3 GET Statement

GET /rest/terminal_status/status?query=%7B%22address%22%3A%22tel%3A456%22%7D HTTP/1.1

For the GET method:

  • The URI in the request represents the query string that uniquely identifies the resource whose status the application wishes to retrieve. In Example 4-3, the value for status?query is ({"address":"tel:456"}, the unique address of the terminal in JSON representation).

  • The request body will be empty.

  • The response will provide information on the state of the resource.

    In order to complete the operation, the application must access the specified location and use the correlator to retrieve the notification.

  • If the operation fails, the response body will contain the error response.


The DELETE method removes a specified resource. The application provides the correlator or the identifier for the resource that must be removed in the Request-UR, as shown here:

Example 4-4 DELETE Statement

DELETE /rest/terminal_status/notifications/6789 HTTP/1.1

For the DELETE method:

  • The URI in the request contains the correlator, which is a value that uniquely identifies the resource the application wishes to remove. In Example 4-4, 6789 is the value which the application provided as the correlator when it requested notifications on a terminal's status.

  • The request body will be empty.

  • The response body will be empty.

  • If the operation fails, the response body will contain the error response.


The Status-Line is the first line in any response that an application receives when it interacts with a RESTful interface in Services Gatekeeper. The Status-Line has this syntax:

HTTP/1.1 Status-Code Reason-Phrase


  • Status-Code: A three-digit indicator of the success or failure to fulfill the request.

  • Reason-Phrase: A brief description of the (successful) action performed, or the reason for the failure.

For example:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Table 4-1 lists some of the status codes and reason-phrases commonly encountered when interacting with the Services Gatekeeper RESTful interfaces:

Table 4-1 A Sampling of Status Codes and Reason Phrases

Status-Code Reason-Phrase Description



Success. The request has succeeded. The information returned with the response is dependent on the method used in the request.



Success. The requested resource was created.


No Content

Success. The server has fulfilled the request but does not need to return an entity-body.


Internal Server Error

Indicates failure. An unexpected condition prevented the server from fulfilling the request.

For a complete listing of the HTTP status codes and their definitions, see RFC 2616 at:



The requests and responses for RESTful operations include the following header fields:

  • Authorization: The Authorization header field is required and is found in all requests. It indicates the type of authentication and security. For example:

    Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==

    For more information, see "RESTful Authentication and Security".

  • Session ID: When Services Gatekeeper is running in Session mode, the X-Session-ID header must be present in all request messages to identify the application.

    In session mode, an application's first task is to obtain a session ID from the Session Manager Web service. All traffic requests (for that session) include this identifier in the key-value pair for the X-Session-ID key. For example:

    X-Session-ID: app: -1780934689905632396

    The X-Session-ID header is not present when Services Gatekeeper is running in Sessionless mode. For more information on sessions, see "Adding RESTful Session Manager Support"

  • Service correlation ID (X-SCID): The X-SCID header will be present if the application wishes to set up service correlation. This is a key-value pair of the format key=X-SCID. For more information on service correlation, see "Service Correlation".

  • Tunneled parameters: Tunneled parameters (also called xparams) are present if the application wishes to supply parameters that are not supported in the RESTful interface itself and need to be passed on to the network. The key-value pairs are:

    • X-Param-Key and X-Param-Values: The X-Param-Key and X-Param-Values headers are found in the requests.

    • X-Plugin-Param-Key and X-Plugin-Param-Values: The X-Plugin-Param-Key and X-Plugin-Param-Values headers are returned in the response headers.

    See Services Gatekeeper Communication Service Reference Guide for descriptions of the tunneled parameters that are applicable to your communication service.

  • Location: Location headers are found in responses to certain requests. They are used to identify a new resource or to redirect the recipient to a location other than the Request-URI for completion of the request.

    For example, the call identifier for a newly-setup call is returned in the Location header as:

    Location: http://local:host:8001/rest/third_party_call/call/app-1q39oi07wpvjl|e9674e8214447c1663a016d434c@sipcalling_host|-50d94925ab34bf0

    Below, the Location header specifies the location that the application must access to receive notifications about a terminal (for which the application had previously initiated a notification request).

    Location: http://notificationloc_host:port/rest/terminal_location/notifications
  • Content-Length: The length of the request or response body.

  • Content-Type: The MIME-type value for the Content-Type header field can be multipart/form-data or application/json. The multipart/form-data value for the Content-Type header field is described in the next section.

Headers for Multipart Messages with Attachments

The RESTful interfaces for Multimedia Messaging and WAP Push use HTTP attachments to transport their content. Both interfaces support multipart/form-data POST requests. When you use RESTful interfaces with Services Gatekeeper, multiple attachments are supported in both application-initiated and network-triggered messages.

When a request message contains one or more messages embedded within it, a specified boundary is placed between the parts of the message and at the beginning and end of the message. For multipart message requests:

  • The MIME-type value for the Content-Type header field can be multipart/form-data or application/json. If the MIME-type value for the Content-Type header field is multipart/form-data, the boundary entry is used to provide a value for the boundary between the message parts.

  • Each message part contains the following:

    • Content-Disposition header field that has a value of form-data and a name attribute with the appropriate value. For example, the message part name is messagePart.

    • Content-Type header field that has a value of application/json and the charset attribute with the appropriate value.

    • Content-Transfer-Encoding field with the appropriate value.

  • If the content of the message is pure ASCII, the response body contains the message. Otherwise the response body contains an identifier that is used to fetch the actual message.

Example 4-5 Example of a Multipart Message Request

POST /rest/multimedia_messaging/messages HTTP/1.1
X-Session-ID: app: -123456789012346789
Authorization: Basic ZG9tY1uX3VzZXI6ZG9tYWluX3VzZXI=
User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.0
Host: localhost:8001
Content-Length: 1215
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=kboiiFPAakDPYKeY7hBAW9I5c0rT48

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="messagePart"
Content-Type: application/json; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

  "subject":"Hello World",
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Attachment-txt-1"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

This sentence represents the attachment text.

Service Correlation

In some cases the service that an application provides to its end-users may involve accessing multiple Services Gatekeeper communication services.

For example, a mobile user might send an SMS to an application asking for a pizza restaurant nearest to his current location. The application then makes a Terminal Location request to find the user's current location, looks up the address of the closest pizza restaurant, and then sends the user an MMS with all the appropriate information. Three Services Gatekeeper communication services are involved in executing what, for the application, is a single service.

Services Gatekeeper uses a service correlation ID to correlate the three communication service requests. The service correlation ID (SCID) is a string that is captured in all the charging data records (CDRs) and event data records (EDRs) generated by Services Gatekeeper. The CDRs and EDRs can then be orchestrated in order to provide special treatment for a given chain of service invocations, by, for example, applying charging to the chain as a whole rather than to the individual invocations.

How Service Correlation IDs are Provided

Services Gatekeeper does not provide the service correlation ID. The type of request determines the service correlation ID:

  • Application-Initiated Requests: When the chain of services is initiated by an application-initiated request, the application must provide and ensure the uniqueness of the SCID within the chain of service invocations.

    In certain circumstances, it is also possible for a custom service correlation service to supply the SCID, in which case it is the custom service's responsibility to ensure the uniqueness of the SCID.

  • Network-Triggered Requests: When the chain of services is initiated by a network-triggered request, Services Gatekeeper calls an external interface to get the SCID.

    This interface must be implemented by an external system. Integration of such an external interface must be a part of a system integration project. It is the responsibility of the external system to provide and ensure the uniqueness of the SCID.

Message Body

The message body for a request or response is present only when required. The message body is a JSON object.

Request Body

When present, the request body provides additional data required to complete the specific request. The following request body for an example Make Call operation provides the addresses of the called and calling parties and any charges to apply for the call:

Example 4-6 Request Body for Make Call


Response Body

When present, the response body provides data that the application will need for later action. The following response body for the Make Call operation provides the application with the identifier for the call that was set up. The application will use this identifier to end the call, when necessary.

Example 4-7 Response Body for a Make Call Operation


Example of a Request and Response

Example 4-8 shows an application's request to set up a call between two parties using the Make Call operation in the Service Gatekeeper RESTful interface.

Example 4-8 Request associated with a Make Call Operation

POST /rest/third_party_call/calls HTTP/1.1
X-Session-ID: app: -1780934689905632396
Authorization: Basic ZG9tY1uX3VzZXI6ZG9tYWluX3VzZXI=
User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.0
Host: localhost:8001
Content-Length: 105
Content-Type: application/json


Example 4-9 shows the response which the application receives for a successful setup of the requested call.

Example 4-9 Response associated with a Make Call Operation

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2010 06:58:06 GMT
Location: http://local:host:8001/rest/third_party_call/call/app-1q39oi07wpvjl|e9674e8214447c1663a016d434c@sipcalling_host|-50d94925ab34bf0
Content-Length: 96
Content-Type: application/json
X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1


RESTful Authentication and Security

The RESTful interfaces use HTTP basic authentication, using username/password. SSL is required. For instance:

Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==

For more information on HTTP basic authentication, see RFC 2617 at


RESTful Notifications and Publish/Subscribe

When an application needs to receive a notification, (about a message delivery receipt for example), the application uses the publish/subscribe functionality in Services Gatekeeper.

An application can subscribe only to its own notifications (that is, to the notifications associated with its start notification requests). Any attempt to subscribe to notifications for other applications will be rejected.

Supported Endpoint Addresses

The application provides an endpoint address that resides on a publish/subscribe server. You can specify one of the following endpoint addresses:

  • RESTful: a Bayeux protocol channel name

  • SOAP: a Web service implemented by the application

A SOAP endpoint for the notification of a message sent using RESTful interfaces in Services Gatekeeper is valid only if the SOAP and RESTful interfaces reside in the same cluster.

Endpoint Addresses for RESTful Interfaces

The RESTful interfaces in Services Gatekeeper rely on the publish/subscribe model supported by the Publish-Subscribe Server functionality of Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.1.

For more information on the publish/subscribe model, please see the discussion on "Using the HTTP Publish-Subscribe Server" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Web Applications, Servlets, and JSPs for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Using the Bayeux (Cometd) Protocol to Communicate with the Server

When using RESTful interfaces, the application client must use the Bayeux protocol to communicate with the Web server. In this model, clients subscribe to a channel (similar to a topic in JMS) and receive messages (notifications) as they become available. The endpoint address resides on a Bayeux server.

Understanding Bayeux Connections and Subscriptions

The mechanisms for connecting to the Web server and subscribing to a channel are covered by the Bayeux protocol itself. The Bayeux client manages connections to the server and subscriptions to a channel. If the channel does not exist when the client subscribes to it, the channel is created.

Once the Bayeux client connects to the server and subscribes to a channel, the RESTful client can start sending notifications. It does so by providing the Bayeux protocol channel name as the endpoint entry in a start notification request.

Understanding the Bayeux Protocol Channel Name

The Bayeux protocol channel name begins with /bayeux/appInstanceID where appInstanceID is the client application's application instance account ID. In Example 4-10, the appInstanceID is domain-user.

An application places the endpoint address for delivery notifications in the body of the request message. In the following example, it is inside a reference object.

Example 4-10 Example of an Endpoint Address in a Reference Object


For more information on application instances, see the discussion of application instances in Services Gatekeeper Portal Developer's Guide.

Using the Data at the Endpoint Address

Services Gatekeeper delivers notifications to the Bayeux channel name provided by the application in the associated request. It is the client's responsibility to interact with the publish/subscribe server to access the messages/data placed at the endpoint address. The mechanisms to do so are outside the scope of the Services Gatekeeper RESTful facades.

Understanding RESTful Errors and Exceptions

In the case of an error, the Status-Line in the response message indicates the protocol version, the three-digit status code, and the reason for the request failure.

Service exception and policy exception objects are represented in the response body as JSON with the following form:

           "type":"class name of the error object"
           "message":"error message"

For service exceptions, the value for type is:


For policy exceptions, the value for type is:


For example, when an MMS message sent by an application cannot be delivered to the multimedia messaging service (MMSC), the response from the MMSC contains the statusCode and statusText. Services Gatekeeper returns these values to the application in the requestError object. The requestError object contains the SVC0001 serviceException with the error code MMS-000005.

The format for the error code is

MMS-000005:<StatusCode from MMSC>:<StatusText from MMSC>

The requestError object is:

             "text":"A service error occurred. Error code is %1",
             "variables":["MMS-000005:3002:Message rejected"]

A variable substitution is performed for PX exceptions in error messages.