1 Services Gatekeeper Installation Overview

This chapter describes the general process of installing and configuring Oracle Communications Services Gatekeeper.

To learn more about installing WebLogic Server products in general, and about the installer program in particular in regard to WebLogic Server, see Installing and Configuring Oracle WebLogic Server and Coherence Software at the Oracle Fusion Middleware Documentation website.

Overview of Installed Components

During the installation process, you install and configure the following components:

  • Your database

  • The Services Gatekeeper software, which includes:

    • Container services and communication services applications

    • Portal Server

    • Platform Development Studio (PDS)

    • WebLogic Server, which is the platform container

  • (Optional) Services Gatekeeper Application Test Environment (ATE)

  • (Optional) Services Gatekeeper Platform Test Environment (PTE)

  • (Optional) Services Gatekeeper Reports

Overview of the Services Gatekeeper Installation Procedure

The installation procedure follows these steps:

  1. Plan your installation. When planning your installation, do the following:

    • Determine the scale of your implementation, for example, a small development system, or a large production system.

    • Determine how many physical machines you need, and which software components to install on each machine.

    • Plan the system topology, for example, how the system components connect to each other over the network.

  2. Review system requirements. System requirements include:

    • Hardware requirements, such as processor and disk space.

    • System software requirements, such as operating system (OS) versions and OS patch requirements.

    • Information requirements, such as IP addresses and host names.

  3. Perform pre-installation tasks such as installing the database and the JDK.

  4. Install Services Gatekeeper.

    When you install Services Gatekeeper, WebLogic Server is also installed.

  5. Perform post-installation tasks:

    • Configure your domains.

    • Install optional Services Gatekeeper components, such as Reports, Application Test Environment, and Platform Test Environment.

    • Perform additional configuration tasks.

  6. Verify the installation.

  7. If you are upgrading from a previous version of Services Gatekeeper, perform the upgrade tasks. See "Upgrading Services Gatekeeper" for more information.

After Services Gatekeeper is installed, perform some system administration tasks such as the following tasks, among others:

  • Configure system security, including user names and passwords.

  • Configure container services and communication services.

  • Set up service provider and application accounts and service level agreements (SLAs).

Services Gatekeeper Installation Options

When installing Services Gatekeeper, you can use the following types of installation:

  • Single-tier installation

    The single-tier (default) installation installs a preconfigured Services Gatekeeper implementation that includes everything you must run a test system, or a small to medium size production environment on a single system. This is the fastest installation option and also appropriate for test and evaluation systems. It includes a Services Gatekeeper Administration Server, managed server (with integrated network and access tiers), and a Java DB database.

    The single-tier installation supports GUI mode only.

  • Multi-tier installation

    A multi-tier installation is appropriate for deployments where the Access Tier and Network Tier servers are in separate clusters. There are two installer modes for multi-tier installations:

    • GUI mode: An interactive mode that uses a graphical user interface

    • Silent mode: A non-interactive mode that uses a script and an XML input file

      Silent mode is a way of setting installation options once and then using those settings to duplicate the installation on many systems. The installation program reads your settings from a file that you create prior to beginning the installation. The installation program does not display any options during the installation process. Silent-mode installation works on Windows, Linux, and Solaris systems.

Ensuring a Successful Services Gatekeeper Installation

The Services Gatekeeper installation should be performed only by qualified personnel. You must be familiar with Oracle WebLogic Server and the supported operating systems. You should be experienced with installing Java-related packages. Oracle recommends that the Oracle database installation and configuration be performed by an experienced database administrator.

Follow these guidelines:

  • As you install each component (for example, the Oracle database), verify that the component installed successfully before continuing the installation process.

  • Pay close attention to the system requirements. Before you begin installing the software, make sure your system has the required base software. In addition, make sure that you know all of the required configuration values, such as host names and port numbers.

  • As you create new configuration values, write them down. In some cases, you might need to re-enter configuration values later in the procedure.

Installer Version Information

Two JAR files, ocsg_version.jar and ocsg_patch_version.jar are included in the directory ${OCSG_INSTALL_DIR}/ocsg/server/lib/wlng to record the current Services Gatekeeper installer and patch version information. In addition, in the MANIFEST.MF files for these two jar files, the attribute Implementation-Version contains the following version information in the following format: 425 Wed Sep 27 23:49:22 PDT 2017 247576

Table 1-1 describes the version information:

Table 1-1 Version Information

Element (example only) Description

Official release number


The load number on the build server

Wed Sep 27 23:49:22 PDT 2017

The timestamp consisting of the day of the week, the month, the date, the hour, minute, and second, and timezone.


The revision number in the source control system

The two JAR files are packaged together in the installer. Within the Services Gatekeeper patch file, only ocsg_patch_version.jar is included in the patchset zip file. The ocsg_version.jar file is always excluded.

In a Services Gatekeeper installation with no patches, the ocsg_patch_version.jar and ocsg_version.jar files are the same; the version information shows only the installer version. If the installer has been patched, the ocsg_patch_version.jar file is updated and the version information shows both the base installer version and latest patchset version.

For an upgrade from one release version to another, the version information is that of the new Services Gatekeeper installer after doing the upgrade.

Obtaining the Version Information

You can obtain the Services Gatekeeper version information in the following ways:

  • From the default.log file

  • From the API management REST interface

  • From the DAF MBean

  • From the managed server's console

Using the REST Interface

The following example illustrates a REST Get request:

GET /prm_pm_rest/services/prm_pm/services/partner_manager/

Authentication uses basic authentication with the partner manager's account and password. The response content is of type JSON as shown in the following example, which shows that a patch has been applied:

"version":" PRIVATE Mon Dec 25 07:37:38 PST 2017 NO_REVISION",
"patchsetVersion":" PRIVATE Mon Dec 25 12:12:00 PST 2017 NO_REVISION"

Using the DAF MBean

Figure 1-1 illustrates the Administration console display produced by an MBean request:

Figure 1-1 DAF MBean Result

Surrounding text describes Figure 1-1 .

On the managed server console, the output looks like this when no patches have been applied:

Gatekeeper base installer version is 861 Mon Mar 5 04:51:58 PST 2018 249229

If the installer has been patched, it looks like this:

Gatekeeper base installer version is 861 Mon Mar 5 04:51:58 PST 2018 249229
Gatekeeper patchset version is 891 Mon Mar 25 09:53:08 PST 2018 249300

Placeholders Used in this Guide

Table 1-2 shows the placeholders used in this guide:

Table 1-2 Placeholders Used Throughout Documentation

Placeholder Description


The directory that serves as the repository for common files that are used by Oracle Communications products installed on the same system, such as Services Gatekeeper and WebLogic Server.

The files in the Middleware_home directory are essential to ensuring that software operates correctly on your system. They:

  • Facilitate checking of cross-product dependencies during installation

  • Facilitate Service Pack installation


The directory in which the Services Gatekeeper software is installed. By default, this is a subdirectory of Middleware_home; for example, Middleware_home/ocsg.


The directory in which the Services Gatekeeper domain resides, located in Middleware_home/user_projects/domains.


The product installation file that you download and run to install the software.