2 Network Integrity System Requirements

This chapter describes the hardware, operating system, software, server, and database requirements for installing Oracle Communications Network Integrity.

Software Requirements

Network Integrity consists of a base application that is installed on an Oracle WebLogic server domain. It connects with an Oracle database to store all relevant information, and can connect to a report publishing tool if you require reports to be published. You must install and connect all required software with Network Integrity for optimal performance.

Supported Operating Systems

Table 2-1 lists operating systems that support the Network Integrity server. Use the My Oracle Support Certifications tab to access the latest software platform support information. See knowledge article 1491004.1 or the My Oracle Support Help on the My Oracle Support Web site for additional information:


Table 2-1 Supported Server-Side Operating Systems

Product Version

Oracle Linux on x86 (64-bit)

Linux 6.6 or higher (with the latest available updates)

Linux 7.1 or higher (with the latest available updates)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux on x86 (64-bit)

Linux 6.6 or higher (with the latest available updates)

Linux 7.1 or higher (with the latest available updates)

Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit)

11.2 or higher

IBM AIX on POWER Hardware (64-bit)

7.1 Technology Level (TL)

HP-UX Itanium

11i v3 (11.31)


When installing Network Integrity in a multi-host shared-disk cluster environment, you must have full permissions on the NI_Home, MW_Home, WL_Home, and Domain_Home directories.

Refer to "Directory Placeholders Used in This Guide" for information on these directories.

Required Software

Table 2-2 lists software required on the server for installing and running Network Integrity.

Table 2-2 Required Server-Side Software

Product Version

Oracle WebLogic Server Enterprise Edition (included with the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Server and Coherence distribution in the Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c software)

12c (

Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Development Runtime, including Enterprise Manager and Repository Creation Utility (included with the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure distribution in the Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c software)

12c (

Oracle Fusion Middleware Repository Creation Utility (RCU) for Linux (included with Oracle Data Integrator)

12c (

Oracle Fusion MiddleWare TopLink Patch

24925121 (required for

Oracle Java SE Development Kit (JDK) for Linux or Solaris

Java 8 with latest critical patch update

IBM Java SE Runtime Environment for IBM AIX

Java 8 with latest critical patch update

Java SE Runtime Environment for HP-UX

Java 8 with latest critical patch update

Oracle Database Enterprise Edition

12c Release 1 (

Includes support for multi-tenant container database (CDB) and pluggable database (PDB)

Oracle Database Patch


Oracle Access Manager (OAM), included with Oracle Identity and Access Management

12c (

The Network Integrity Installer checks for all required software and displays errors if it detects any missing or unavailable components, or if there are any connectivity related issues.

Table 2-3 lists software required to access the Network Integrity UI.

Table 2-3 Required Client-Side Software

Product Version

Operating System

Microsoft Windows 7

Microsoft Windows 10

(Windows is for development only)

Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

Java 8 with latest critical patch update

Web Browser

Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 11

Mozilla Firefox 45

Oracle Communications Design Studio

See Design Studio Product Compatibility Matrix (included in the Design Studio documentation) for Design Studio compatibility information.

Oracle Fusion Middleware JDeveloper Studio Generic

12c (

Design Studio is required for developing cartridges that extend Network Integrity. Install Design Studio on a computer with network access to the Network Integrity server.

For Oracle Communications Design Studio plug-in installation information, see Design Studio Installation Guide.

Supported Software

Table 2-4 lists additional software that is supported by Network Integrity.

Table 2-4 Supported Software

Product Version

Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) Publisher

12c (

BI Publisher is required to use the reporting templates included with Network Integrity.

Oracle Communications Unified Inventory Management (UIM)


Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution (MSS)


Oracle Internet Directory or higher

Supported software is installed and licensed separately from Network Integrity.

Hardware Requirements

The number and configuration of the systems that you employ for your Network Integrity installation depends on the scale and the kind of deployment you have planned according to your network(s).


The sizing estimates contained in this section are based on the assumptions of proper application configuration and tuning, in a manner consistent with leading practices of Oracle Communications consulting and performance engineering. This information is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be, nor shall it be construed as a commitment to deliver Oracle programs or services. This document shall not form the basis for any type of binding representation by Oracle and shall not be construed as containing express or implied warranties of any kind. You understand that information contained in this document will not be a part of any agreement for Oracle programs and services. Business parameters and operating environments vary substantially from customer to customer and as such not all factors, which may impact sizing, have been accounted for in this documentation.

Table 2-5 provides the minimal hardware requirement for Network Integrity installed on a single managed server in a WebLogic domain.

Table 2-5 Network Integrity Minimum Hardware Requirements

Component Requirement

Hard disk

10 GB for all required software.

(2 GB for Network Integrity, and 8 GB for supported software.)


Oracle recommends using twin cores, each running at 1.5 GHz CPU.

Note: A minimum of 1.5 GB free space should be available in the Oracle WebLogic server domain home.


If Network Integrity is installed on a different server from the database: a minimum of 4 GB physical memory and 4 GB swap.

If Network Integrity is installed on the same server as the database: a minimum of 6 GB physical memory and 6 GB swap.

Temporary disc space

150 MB

The Network Integrity Installer uses a temporary directory to extract all installation files.

These files are deleted after installation.

Information Requirements

During Network Integrity installation, you must enter configuration values such as host names and port numbers. This section describes the information that you must provide during the installation process. You define some of these configuration values when you install and configure the Oracle database and WebLogic Server.

If you have already installed other Oracle Communications products, the installer reads the values from the existing Oracle Communications products and uses them as default values. If no existing Oracle Communications products are installed, the installer proposes default values.

WebLogic Connection Information

Table 2-6 lists WebLogic Server and domain connection details that you are required to provide during installation.

Table 2-6 Application Server Connection Information

Information Type Description

Host name

The host name for the particular WebLogic server instance to define it uniquely for the specific purpose of installing, and working with, Network Integrity.

Port number

This is the number assigned to this specific service. Port numbers are usually pre-defined and you can accept the provided default value.

User name

Your WebLogic Server user name. You define this name when you install Oracle WebLogic Server.


Your password to connect to the WebLogic server as the user for which you provided the user name. You define this password along with the user name during the Oracle WebLogic Server installation.

Database Connection Information

Table 2-7 lists database connection details that you are required to provide during installation.

Table 2-7 Database Connection Information

Information Type Description

Host name

Host name or IP address of the Oracle Database server for Network Integrity.

Port number

This is the number assigned to this specific service. Port numbers are usually pre-defined and you can accept the provided default value.

User name

Your database user name. You define the user name when you install the database.


Your password to connect to the database as the user for which you provided the user name. You define this password along with the user name during database installation.

Service name

This is the name of the database service or instance to remotely connect to the database. For example, oracle.com.

Database Connection Information for Real Application Cluster Database

Table 2-8 lists database connection details for an Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) database that you are required to provide during installation.

Table 2-8 Database Connection Information for Oracle RAC Database

Information Type Description

Oracle RAC database connection string

The information string that is used to connect to the Oracle RAC database. For example, HOST NAME1:PORT1:SERVICE NAME1, HOST NAME2:PORT2:SERVICE NAME2.

User name

A database user name with SYS privileges. You define the user name when you install the database.


Your password to connect to the database as the user for which you provided the user name. You define this password along with the user name during database installation.

Schema User Name Information

Table 2-9 lists schema user details that you are required to provide during installation.

Table 2-9 Schema user Information

Information Type Description

Schema user name

Your schema user name that you use to access the Network Integrity schema.

Schema user password

The password to access the Network Integrity schema for the schema user you defined.

Hardware Sizing Considerations

Use Table 2-10 as a general guideline when planning the hardware for your Network Integrity system.


The information in this section is meant as a guideline only. The values in this section are approximate. Accurate sizing for a production system requires a detailed analysis of the proposed business requirements.


For information on hardware sizing requirements for HP-UX Itanium, contact Oracle Support.


The Network Integrity installer supports Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) addresses. You can install and deploy Network Integrity on servers that support IPv6 addresses.

Table 2-10 Network Integrity Hardware Planning Guideline

System Size and Range Solaris Linux IBM AIX Oracle Database Server


  • Up to 35,000 reconciled devices

  • Up to 100,000 assimilated circuits

Sun server:

  • 2 x Ultra SPARC64-VII quad core CPUs at 2.4GHz or 1 x SPARC T4 8 core CPUs at 2.95GHz

  • 8 GB RAM

  • 2x 146 GB disk space

Linux server:

  • 1 x Intel E5620 quad core CPU at 2.4GHz

  • 8 GB RAM

  • 2x 146 GB disk space

IBM server:

  • 1 x POWER6 quad core CPUs at 5.0GHz

  • 8 GB RAM

  • 2x 146 GB disk space

Solaris or Linux server:

  • 8 threads at 2.9GHz

  • 8 GB RAM

  • 500 GB disk space

Network Integrity tablespace- 200GB


  • Between 30,000 and 70,000 reconciled devices

  • Between 80,000 and 220,000 assimilated circuits

Sun server:

  • 2 x Ultra SPARC64-VII quad core CPUs at 2.4GHz or 2 x SPARC T4 8 core CPUs at 2.95GHz

  • 20 GB RAM

  • 2x 146 GB disk space

Linux server:

  • 1 x Intel E5-2690 8 core CPU at 2.9GHz

  • 20 GB RAM

  • 2x 146 GB disk space

IBM server:

  • 2 x POWER6 quad core CPUs at 5.0GHz

  • 20 GB RAM

  • 2x 146 GB disk space

Solaris or Linux server:

  • 16 threads at 2.9GHz

  • 16 GB RAM

  • 800 GB disk space

Network Integrity tablespace- 200GB


  • Between 50,000 and 75,000 reconciled devices

  • Between 200,000 and 420,000 assimilated circuits

Sun server:

  • 2 x Ultra SPARC64-VII quad core CPUs at 2.4GHz or 2 x SPARC T4 8 core CPUs at 2.95GHz

  • 32 GB RAM

  • 2x 146 GB disk space

Linux server:

  • 1 x Intel E5-2690 8 core CPU at 2.9GHz

  • 32 GB RAM

  • 2x 146 GB disk space

IBM server:

  • 2 x POWER6 quad core CPUs at 5.0GHz

  • 32 GB RAM

  • 2x 146 GB disk space

Solaris or Linux server:

  • 16 threads at 2.9GHz

  • 16 GB RAM

  • 1 TB disk space

Network Integrity tablespace - 250GB

Note: Increase thread to 32 and increase RAM to 32 GB for circuit assimilation in excess of 200,000 circuits.

Extra-large (multi-node cluster)

  • Between 70,000 and 110,000 reconciled devices

  • More than 400,000 assimilated circuits

2x Sun server:

  • 2 x Ultra SPARC64-VII quad core CPUs at 2.4GHz or 2 x SPARC T4 8 core CPUs at 2.95GHz

  • 32 GB RAM

  • 2x 146 GB disk space

2x Linux server:

  • 1 x Intel E5-2690 8 core CPU at 2.9GHz

  • 32 GB RAM

  • 2x 146 GB disk space

2x IBM server:

  • 2 x POWER6 quad core CPUs at 5.0GHz

  • 32 GB RAM

  • 2x 146 GB disk space

Solaris or Linux server:

  • 16 threads at 2.9GHz

  • 32 GB RAM

  • 1.8 TB disk space

Network Integrity tablespace - 450GB

Note: Increase thread to 32 for circuit assimilation in excess of 200,000 circuits. Contact your sales representative for a custom sizing recommendation for circuit assimilation in excess of 400,000 circuits.