1 Access Service Request Overview

The Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution Access Service Request (ASR) is a request (based on industry guidelines) that you use to initiate or change access services. ASRs are submitted by a customer to a provider. Access services include service and facilities provided to originate or terminate InterLATA or Interstate telecommunications. The ASR provides a uniform means of requesting service. Each request contains entries required to order particular service and establish billing of appropriate customer accounts. The request is either for special access or switched access services as specified in the various access service tariffs. The ASR is also a mechanism for ordering local interconnection trunks. Refer to the Ordering and Billing Forum (OBF) documentation for detailed information on the ASR forms and fields.

ASR CORBA API Implementation Concepts

This section describes the implementation concepts of the ASR CORBA API. The Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution Access Service Request (ASR) CORBA API is designed to assist you in exchanging Access Services Ordering Guidelines (ASOG) 55 ASRs and related documents with trading partners. The ASR CORBA API meets the requirements of the ATIS-0404000-0055 - ATIS-0404028-0055 document.

Exporting ASR Forms

The ASR CORBA API server assumes that an exported order is OBF compliant. It is the responsibility of the core software product to ensure OBF compliance prior to task generation. The documentNumber parameter refers to the MetaSolv Solution document number. All export operations of the ASRSession interface require this parameter. The referenceNumber parameter refers to a third-party number. This number is determined by the third party. The purpose of this parameter is to provide the third party with a mechanism for matching a requested ASRSession operation with its resulting notification. All operations of the ASRSession interface, including notification operations, require a reference number.

Importing ASR Forms

The ASR CORBA API does not perform exhaustive OBF valid value validations. It is the responsibility of the third-party gateway product to ensure field values are consistent with OBF specifications. The ASR CORBA API performs necessary validations to ensure the integrity of the data within the MetaSolv Solution database.

Confirmation Notice (CN)

There is one export and import operation for all CNs.

  • exportCN

  • importCN

Clarification Request (CR)

There is one export and import operation for all CRs.

  • exportCR

  • importCR

MetaSolv Solution ASR Module

An ASR is an order to originate or terminate connections to your company's telephone network. It is submitted by the customer on OBF-developed ASR forms. You use the ASR order entry screens when you enter the customer-submitted service request.

The ASR order entry screens guide you through the steps necessary to correctly enter the order. Each OBF form appears as a section of the ASR order entry screens. The entries you make in each section determine which sections (or forms) are presented. The request type of the order (which you enter on the Administrative Section - Admin 2 window) is one of the main determinants for which forms and sections are presented for an order.

For each ASR, the MetaSolv Solution's ASR module requires you to complete the following administrative sections:

  • Administrative

  • Billing

  • Contact

The ASR module supports the following service-specific forms for ASRs:

  • Dedicated Internet Service

  • End User Special Access

  • Feature Group A

  • Private Internet Protocol

  • Ring

  • Switched Ethernet Services

  • Transport

  • Trunking

  • WATS Access Line

The ASR module also supports the following forms. These forms accompany service-specific forms when certain services are ordered:

  • Additional Circuit Information

  • Additional Ring Information

  • End Office Detail

  • Ethernet Virtual Connection

  • Multi-EC

  • Multipoint Service Legs

  • Network Assignment Information

  • Permanent Virtual Connection

  • Ports Configuration

  • Service Address Location Information

  • Translation Questionnaire

  • Virtual Connection (request types V or X)

  • Virtual Concatenation (request types S,E,R,V,X)

The following form is not specific to ATIS/OBF:

  • Circuit Assignment


These IDL files describe the interfaces your application uses to communicate with the ASR CORBA API.

  • WDI.IDL: This IDL file contains the operations that provide the functionality for the WDIManager interface.

  • WDIASR55.IDL: This IDL file contains the interfaces and operations exposed by the ASR CORBA API.

  • WDIASRTYPES55.IDL: This IDL file contains data structures for the ASOG 55 forms.

WDIASR.IDL Interfaces

This section describes the WDIASR.IDL interfaces.


This interface exposes operations used to connect and disconnect from the MetaSolv Solution ASR CORBA API server.

Table 1-1 lists the WDIRoot interface operations.

Table 1-1 WDIRoot Interface Operations

Operation Description


This operation provides a connection allowing a client to access the ASR CORBA API server.


This operation disconnects the client from the ASR CORBA API server.

ASR CORBA API WDIManager Interface

This interface exposes operations that start and destroy an ASRSession, WDISignal, and WDIInSignal.

MetaSolv Solution software manages all database transaction processing for the ASR CORBA API. This means MetaSolv Solution establishes the database connection and maintains control of commit and rollback processing. Consequently, the ASR CORBA API does not use the WDITransaction interface.

Table 1-2 lists the WDIManager interface operations.

Table 1-2 WDIManager Interface Operations

Operation Description


This operation starts an ASR session for the client using the ASR CORBA API server. The returned ASRSession object reference is used to access the ASR CORBA API application logic.


This operation destroys the ASRSession.


This operation starts a Signal for the client using the ASR CORBA API server. The returned WDISignal object reference is used to update the status of outbound gateway events.


This operation destroys the Signal.


This operation starts an InSignal, for the client, with the ASR CORBA API server. The returned WDIInSignal object reference is used to update the status of inbound gateway events.


This operation destroys the InSignal.

ASRSession Interface

This interface exposes operations allowing export and import of ASR orders, confirmations and clarifications.

WDINotification Interface

This interface enables a callback mechanism to notify the client of the result of an operation invoked against the ASR CORBA API server. All operations of the ASRSession interface are asynchronous and require a WDINotification object reference.

The operationFailed operation is invoked any time an operation of the ASRSession interface fails. This operation notifies the client that the requested operation on the ASRSession interface failed and provides the reason(s) for the failure.

The importSucceeded operation is sent any time an import operation of the ASRSession interface succeeds. This operation notifies the client that a requested import operation of the ASRSession interface for the stated reference number completed successfully.

Table 1-3 lists the operations in the WDIASR55.IDL file with the accompanying notifications.

Table 1-3 ASR CORBA API Operations and Notifications

ASRSession Operation Related WDINotification Operations























































ASR CORBA API Operations

The following are the ASR CORBA API operations:


This operation requests the export of an ASR for a given document number. The WDINotification and reference number are used to send the appropriate notification information to the client upon completion of the export.


This operation requests the export of a Confirmation Notice for a given document number. The WDINotification and reference number are used to send the appropriate notification information to the client upon completion of the export.


This operation requests the export of a Clarification Request for a given document number. The WDINotification and reference number are used to send the appropriate notification information to the client upon completion of the export.


This operation requests the import of an ASOG 55 Confirmation Notice and provides the data for the imported confirmation. The WDINotification and reference number are used to send the appropriate notification information to the client upon completion of the import.


This operation requests the import of an ASOG 55 Clarification Request and provides the data for the imported confirmation. The WDINotification and reference number are used to send the appropriate notification information to the client upon completion of the import.


This operation requests the import of an ASOG 55 Dedicated Internet Service ASR order and provides the data for the imported order. The WDINotification and reference number are used to send the appropriate notification information to the client upon completion of the import.


This operation requests the import of an ASOG 55 End User Special Access ASR order and provides the data for the imported order. The WDINotification and reference number are used to send the appropriate notification information to the client upon completion of the import.


This operation requests the import of an External DLR and provides the data for the imported External DLR. The WDINotification and reference number are used to send the appropriate notification information to the client upon completion of the import.


This operation requests the import of an ASOG 55 Feature Group A ASR order and provides the data for the imported order. The WDINotification and reference number are used to send the appropriate notification information to client upon completion of the import.


This operation requests the import of an ASOG 55 Private Internet Protocol ASR order and provides the data for the imported order. The WDINotification and reference number are used to send the appropriate notification information to client upon completion of the import.


This operation requests the import of an ASOG 55 Ring ASR order and provides the data for the imported order. The WDINotification and reference number are used to send the appropriate notification information to the client upon completion of the import.


This operation requests the import of an ASOG 55 Switched Ethernet Services ASR order and provides the data for the imported order. The WDINotification and reference number are used to send the appropriate notification information to the client upon completion of the import.


This operation requests the import of an ASOG 55 Transport ASR order and provides the data for the imported order. The WDINotification and reference number are used to send the appropriate notification information to the client upon completion of the import.


This operation requests the import of an ASOG 55 Trunking ASR order and provides the data for the imported order. The WDINotification and reference number are used to send the appropriate notification information to the client upon completion of the import.


This operation requests the import of an ASOG 55 WAL ASR order and provides the data for the order to be imported. The WDINotification and reference number are used to send the appropriate notification information to client upon completion of the import.


This operation allows the query of ASRs by criteria. The query criteria includes any combination of CCNA, PON, and ICSC.