
This guide explains how to use Oracle Communications Unified Inventory Management (UIM) to manage your telecommunications inventory. Because you use Design Studio to define the structure used to model your inventory, this guide includes information about using inventory-related features in that application.

This guide provides a conceptual understanding of UIM. For detailed steps on how to perform specific tasks see the Design Studio Help and the UIM Help.


There are multiple audiences for this guide. Some users can be responsible for doing tasks that involve using both the Design Studio and UIM applications. The audience should be knowledgeable about their company's business processes, the resources they need to model, and any products or services they offer.

  • Equipment engineers: They are responsible for creating equipment specifications and modeling equipment in UIM.

  • Network design engineers: They are responsible for creating capacity, connections, and network specifications, and using those inventory specifications to build out connections and networks.

  • Service designers: They are responsible for creating service specifications and building out services.

  • Customer service representatives: They are responsible for entering or tracking workflow.

  • Developers: They are responsible for extending the application.

Related Documentation

For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Communications Unified Inventory Management Release documentation set:

  • UIM Installation Guide: Describes the requirements for installing UIM, installation procedures, and post-installation tasks.

  • UIM System Administrator's Guide: Describes administrative tasks such as working with cartridges and cartridge packs, maintaining security, managing the database, configuring Oracle Map Viewer, and troubleshooting.

  • UIM Security Guide: Provides guidelines and recommendations for setting up UIM in a secure configuration.

  • UIM Developer's Guide: Explains how to customize and extend many aspects of UIM, including the data model, life-cycle management, topology, security, rulesets, user interface, and localization.

  • UIM Web Services Developer's Guide: Describes the UIM Service Fulfillment Web Service operations and how to use them, and describes how to create custom web services.

  • UIM Information Model Reference: Describes the UIM information model entities and data attributes, and explains patterns that are common across all entities. This document is available on the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud as part of the Oracle Communications Unified Inventory Management Developer Documentation package.

  • Oracle Communications Information Model Reference: Describes the Oracle Communications information model entities and data attributes, and explains patterns that are common across all entities. The information described in this reference is common across all Oracle Communications products. This document is available on the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud as part of the Oracle Communications Unified Inventory Management Developer Documentation package.

  • UIM Cartridge Guide: Provides information about how you use cartridges and cartridge packs with UIM. Describes the content of the base cartridges.

  • UIM API Overview: Provides detailed information and code examples of numerous APIs presented within the context of a generic service fulfillment scenario, and within the context of a channelized connectivity enablement scenario.

  • UIM NFV Orchestration Implementation Guide: Provides information about the NFV Orchestration functional module and includes how to you install, use, and extend this functionality. This guide also provides reference information for the NFV Orchestration RESTful APIs.

For step-by-step instructions for performing tasks, log in to each application to see the following:

  • Design Studio Help: Provides step-by-step instructions for tasks you perform in Design Studio.

  • UIM Help: Provides step-by-step instructions for tasks you perform in UIM.

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