3 Using the Cartridge

This chapter provides information on how to use Oracle Communications Network Integrity when the Oracle Communications Network Integrity MSS Integration cartridge is deployed to the run-time application.

Creating an MSS Import Scan

The MSS Import Scan action imports inventory data from Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution (MSS).

You must already have created a data source in the Network Integrity WebLogic Server domain that points to the MSS extract database, and MSS must be configured as the import system. See "Configuration Dependencies" for more information.

To create an MSS Import scan:

  1. Create a scan.

    See the Network Integrity Help for more information.

  2. On the General tab, do the following:

    1. From the Scan Action list, select Import from MSS.

      The Scan Type field displays Import.

    2. (Optional) To refine the scope of the imported data, do any of the following:

      • In the Network Location field, specify the network location. Enter either the CLLI code or the coded location format.

      • In the Status field, specify the status of the data to import.

      • Filter the imported nodes by name by entering one or more names (separated by commas) in the Node Name field and choose a value from the Node Name Qualifier list.

      • In the Node ID field, enter one or more node IDs separated by commas.

      • In the Scope field, specify the scope of data to be imported.

      • In the Run MSS Extract field, specify whether you want to run the MSS extract procedure before running the MSS Import scan.

      See Table 6-2, "Cartridge Scan Parameter Groups Design Studio Construction" for more information.

  3. Make any other required configurations.

  4. Save the scan.


The Scope tab is automatically set to the MSS Extract Schema configured on the Import System screen of Network Integrity.

Working with Discrepancies

This cartridge allows you to detect and resolve discrepancies between your discovered data and your imported MSS data. When you resolve a discrepancy, the resolution is submitted to MSS by Network Integrity.

See the Network Integrity Help for information about using Network Integrity to resolve discrepancies.

See "About Discrepancy Detection" and "About Discrepancy Resolution" for information about how the MSS Integration cartridge detects and resolves discrepancies.

When the MSS Integration cartridge is deployed to your run-time application, you can use Network Integrity for:

Detecting Discrepancies in MSS

To detect discrepancies between discovered data and imported data from MSS:

  1. Create a discovery scan.

  2. Create an Import from MSS scan.

  3. For your Import from MSS scan, select the Detect Discrepancies option.

  4. Run the scans: first the discovery scan, then the import scan.

    The scan with Detect Discrepancies enabled must be run last. Discrepancy detection runs automatically after the import scan completes.

Resolving Discrepancies in MSS

To resolve discrepancies in MSS:

  1. Review the scan results for a scan with Detect Discrepancies enabled.

  2. On the Scan Details page, click Review Discrepancies.

  3. For every discrepancy you want to resolve, right-click on the discrepancy and select Correct in MSS.

  4. Click Submit.

    The MSS Integration cartridge calls the appropriate APIs to resolve the discrepancy in MSS.