5 Customers

This chapter describes how to work with the customer experience and troubleshooting features of Oracle Communications Operations Monitor.

User Tracking

The User Tracking page can be accessed under the Customers section of the main menu. This page aggregates information for each user of the monitored platform and displays the history of the user's registrations and the calls. A user in Operations Monitor is identified by the user name part and optionally by the host name part of a SIP URI.

User Search Panel

The User Search panel (see Figure 5-1) allows you to specify which user to track on the User Tracking page. It is enabled with live search functionality. As soon as you type an identifier in the text field, a background search for users containing the text you entered in the field is performed. A maximum of 30 found users is displayed in the drop down selection.

Registrations Panel

The panel illustrated in Figure 5-2, contains two tables where the first displays the current registered contacts and the second a history of the registrations events for the tracked user.

Figure 5-2 Registrations Panel

Description of Figure 5-2 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-2 Registrations Panel''

Table 5-1 lists the current registered contacts columns.

Table 5-1 Current Registered Contacts Table

Column Name Description


The Contact header of the REGISTER request.

IP address

The IP address the REGISTER request originates from.


The expiration interval set by the server.

Expires In

The remaining time until expiration.


The last time the registrations was refreshed.

First Seen

The first time the tracked user registered successfully.


An indicator for the link quality to the tracked user which is displays in the Link Quality section. This column remains blank unless the particular users registered source IP address is set to be tracked for the Link Quality. For more information on link quality, see "Link Quality". The indicator is of LED diod icon with coloring based on the quality measured.

User Device

The User-Agent header of the REGISTER request.

The upper table also contains a hidden column called Suggested Expires which can be enabled. It contains the value of the Expires header sent with the REGISTER request.

The lower table contains the history of registration events for the tracked user. For the description of this table, refer to "Registrations".

User Actions

Figure 5-3 shows the actions that can be performed on the tracked user.

Figure 5-3 Right-Click On the Registration Event

Description of Figure 5-3 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-3 Right-Click On the Registration Event''

Right clicking on a register event from the second table of the Registrations panel shows the following actions you can perform on the tracked user:

Right-click on a registered contact gives you a similar menu as the previous one.

User Calls Panel

The User Calls table, as illustrated in Figure 5-6, displays the history of calls that the tracked user participated in as either a caller or a callee.

You can double click or select a call in the User Calls table, and click on Details to get to the Call Info dialog box. Click on the Message flow to display a diagram of the underlying SIP messages of a call. For details on the usage of the User Calls table refer to "Calls".

IP Tracking

The IP Tracking page aggregates information about a single IP address. It displays all users registered with the given IP address, and provides links to the User Tracking page for each user. Either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses may be supplied.


Pinging an IPv6 address is not supported.

IP Search Panel

The IP Search panel contains the text input field where you can enter the IP address you want to track. This field accepts network ranges. If a range is entered, Operations Monitor displays the available information for the IP addresses from the range. For example, entering displays all the users that are registered from an IP address within that network range.

Figure 5-7 shows the IP Search panel.

Registered Users Panel

The Registered Users panel, as illustrated in Figure 5-8, displays the users that are currently registered with the searched IP address(es). The results include the user, the IP address, and the number of registered contacts of the user are included in the results.

You can jump to the User Tracking page via the right-click menu.

Figure 5-8 Registered User's Panel

Description of Figure 5-8 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-8 Registered User's Panel''

Calls Panel

The Calls panel displays recent and historical information for calls made in recent days. Calls displayed in this panel were made from or to the searched IP address(es). Calls to the searched address are only listed if they were completed. The calls from this table are updated in real-time as their state changes.

For a description of the columns in the Calls panel, refer to Table 4-2:

Link Quality

Operations Monitor has the ability to ping the public IP of a subscriber or ping the IP of a proxy. You can access Link Quality under the Customer Experience & Troubleshooting section of the main menu. It sends out 10 ICMP Echo Request packets every minute with a 500 milliseconds delay between successive packets to an individual target. Based on the incoming responses and elapsed time for the requests, it reports on the target's reachability, packet loss and round trip delay.

For every pinged address, Operations Monitor measures an average value of round-trip time (RTT) and loss rate. The loss rate is the percentage of ICMP Echo Replies lost for a remote target as illustrated in Figure 5-9.

Figure 5-9 Link Quality Table

Description of Figure 5-9 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-9 Link Quality Table''

Check Link Quality to a Subscriber

To check the quality of the link between the provider and the subscriber, the provider can start pinging the user's IP from the User Tracking page. This is usually helpful to track voice quality problems. For more information, see "User Tracking".

Check Link Quality to a Proxy

To start pinging a new address, you must add the IP address to the Network Link Quality page by clicking on the Add button. In Figure 5-10 the IP address is added and is configured to be pinged for 2 days. Once you add a pinged address, the interval is extended by pressing the Extend Expiry Interval button of the Link Quality panel.

Figure 5-10 Add a Target to Ping

Description of Figure 5-10 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-10 Add a Target to Ping''

To stop pinging a target, you can delete the address by selecting it and pressing the Delete button of the Link Quality panel.

The Link Quality panel describes the quality of a link through its columns as listed in Table 5-2:

Table 5-2 Link Quality Panel

Column Name Description

IP Address

Uses the IPv4 address of the target to ping either the subscriber or a proxy.


In case of a subscriber, the User field provides the username.

Expiry Date

Define the time when Operations Monitor ceases to ping the target.

Expires (sec)

Define the pinging interval period in seconds.

RTT (ms)

Takes the average value of the round trip time in milliseconds.

Loss Rate (%)

Takes the average value of the loss rate in percentage.

Last Updated

Describes when the link quality values were last updated.

As an example, Figure 5-9 displays link quality results with three particular targets. The first two targets have a good link quality as their medium loss rate is equal to 0% and the average value of the RTT is 0.04ms and 11.95ms. The last target is unreachable as it doesn't respond at all to ping requests. Thus its average loss rate is equal to 100%.

Figure 5-11 Good Link Quality

Description of Figure 5-11 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-11 Good Link Quality''

A time chart of positive link quality presents RTT and Loss Rate values over one hour in Figure 5-11. The dark blue wave defines the RTT values, and the light green wave defines loss rate. On a scale of 0ms up to 1ms from the left side of the graph, RTT values slightly variate around the medium value of 0.04ms. As the loss rate value stays constant at 0%, it overlaps with the horizontal axis with 2 exceptions where is 100%.

Figure 5-12 Poor Link Quality

Description of Figure 5-12 follows
Description of ''Figure 5-12 Poor Link Quality''

A poor link quality evolution over a 20 minutes period is presented in Figure 5-12. The variations of the blue curves for RTT values and the light green lines for Loss Rate values, signifies that the voice quality of the subscriber in some periods of time is quite bad.

Adding User IP Address to the Link Quality Page

An user with access to realm ALL can only add the entries directly to the Link Quality page. Access to realm ALL means, the user is not restricted to any realm.

Realm users could add the IP addresses from the User Tracking or in Registrations page to the Link Quality page.

Since realm users see only the registrations to which the patterns of the realm apply, they would be able to ping devices of users, the realm is permitted to manage.

Add IP address from Registrations Page

To add IP address from the Registrations page:

  1. Login to Operations Monitor.

  2. Click Registrations.

  3. In the Registrations section, select any contact, right click the entry, and select Ping <IP_address> host.

    Where, <IP_address> is the IP address of the user

    A new entry will be added to the Link Quality list. The entry be removed by realm users

Add IP address from User Tracking Page

To add IP address from User Tracking page:

  1. Login to Operations Monitor.

  2. Click User Tracking.

  3. In the User Search section, enter a user name in the User field and click Search button.

    The search results appears in the contacts section.

  4. In the Contacts section, select any contact, right click the entry, and select Ping <IP_address> host.

    Where, <IP_address> is the IP address of the user

    A new entry will be added to the Link Quality list. The entry be removed by realm users