1 Upgrading Session Monitor

This document provides instructions for upgrading Oracle Communications Session Monitor from a previous version 3.x and 4.x to version 4.1.

Supported Upgrade Paths

This release has been tested for upgrades from specific prior releases. Verify that your current installed release is listed on a valid upgrade path. The possible upgrade paths to Session Monitor 4.1 are listed in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1 Supported Upgrade Paths

From To Mechanism



Migrate from 3.3 to 3.4 and then upgrade to 4.1 through RPM



RPM Upgrade



RPM Upgrade


Before beginning with the process of upgrading, perform the following pre-requisites.

Configuring Proxies and Repos

You are required to configure the proxies and repos.

Configure the http proxy in /etc/yum.conf file and also export the same to environment by doing the following.

In /etc.yum.conf, add the following line:


where, <your_proxy> is the proxy server details.

Run the following command to export to the environment:

export http_proxy=<Your_Proxy>
export https_proxy=<Your_Proxy>

Run the following command to enable the required proxies in yum.conf file before upgrade:

curl -O https://yum.oracle.com/public-yum-ol7.repo
mv public-yum-ol7.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/public-yum-ol7.repo
yum-config-manager --enable ol7_latest ol7_UEKR4 ol7_developer_EPEL ol7_optional_latest ol7_addons ol7_UEKR3 ol7_UEKR5

Creating a Backup before Upgrading

You must create a backup of Mediation Engine (ME) and Mediation Engine Connector (MEC) before you begin upgrade.

For ME

Session Monitor provides the feature of backing up the configuration of Mediation Engine (ME) servers by using Configuration Savepoints.

For more information, see Configuration Savepoints section in Settings chapter of Operations Monitor User's Guide.



Backup procedure is not available for probes or Mediation Engine Connector (MEC).

Perform the following to collect present data for comparing incase of any issues:

  • Take Platform Setup Application (PSA) Screenshots

    Go through each page of PSA and make screenshots of the page for comparing with post-upgrade in case of issues.

  • Potential Customized Files

    Ensure to make a backup cpy of all the following potential customized files:

    • /etc/mysql - Configuration files for MySQL stored in this directory. Make a copy of the entire directory. This is not required for probes.

    • /etc/iptego for version 3.3 or /opt/oracle/ocsm//etc/iptego for version 3.4 and later - Configuration files for Session Monitor services are stored here. Make a copy of the entire directory.

  • Any other configuration files that you consider to have changed on the server.

  • Capture current system diagnostics with MySQL dumps and all the hardware system configuration.

Upgrading Session Monitor


It is not possible to upgrade from Session Monitor version 3.3 to Session Monitor version 3.4, 4.0, or 4.1 directly as versions 3.4 and 4.x are Oracle Linux - based, and version 3.3 is Debian-based. To upgrade from 3.3 to 3.4 or 4.x, a re-install is required.

To upgrade Session Monitor:

  1. Upgrade from Session Monitor release 3.3 to 3.4 or release 4.0 by referring to the Migration Guide provided in the 3.4, and 4.0 product documentation page on the Oracle Help Center.

    With this migration procedure, you can perform upgrade without losing historic calls/data.

  2. After upgrading to Session Monitor release 3.4/4.0, upgrade to Session Monitor release 4.1 either by PSA or ACLI.

    • Upgrading from Release 3.4 to Release 4.1 through PSA

    • Upgrading from Release 3.4 to Release 4.1 through ACLI

Upgrading from Release 3.4 to Release 4.1 through PSA

To upgrade from release 3.4 to release 4.1:

  1. Open the PSA page of the ME by entering the URL address in the web browser: https://<IPofME>/setup/

    Where, <IPofME> is IP address of the ME.

    Contact your Oracle Representative for credentials.

  2. Click browse and upload the software downloaded from Oracle,

    For Release 4.1, the software is an .rpm file.

  3. After the upload is complete, click Install.

  4. Accept the license agreement. The installation begins.

  5. (Optional) You will receive the following error message if there is no enough disk space.

    ”Cannot update. Not enough disk space. Please contact Support". Please check the below document to know how to free up the disk space.

    To free up the space, refer to the Document 1937398.1 in the Customer Support website.

    The upgrade/installation may take 1 or more hours depending on the data on your machine. Once the installation gets completed, logout of the PSA page and re-login. Click Software Version from the right panel.

    Result: The upgraded version is shown as Release on the machine.

  6. Run the following command after establishing an SSH session with the product.


Upgrading from Release 3.4 to Release 4.1 through ACLI


This section provides an example procedure for upgrading Mediation Engine (ME). The Procedure for other machine types like Probe , and Mediation Engine Connector is same.

To upgrade Session Monitor from release 3.4 to release 4.1 through ACLI:

  1. Upload .rpm file under /root or any directory on the system through WINSCP or FTP. For example, ocsm-

  2. Set the correct environment by running the following command:

    source /opt/oracle/ocsm/ocsm_env.sh
  3. Run the following command to stop all the services on Operations Monitor:

    pld-systemctl stop
  4. Run the following command:

    yum install <rpm filename>  

    where, <rpm filename> is the name of the Session monitor software file. For example, yum install ocsm-

  5. Run the following command to start all services.

    pld-systemctl start
  6. The upgrade is complete. Run the following command to verify the Session Monitor software version:

    cat /opt/oracle/ocsm/etc/iptego/display_version

    Result: The output should be latest Session Monitor version. For example,

  7. Run the following command after establishing an SSH session with the product.
