3 Automating Builds

This chapter contains information on how to configure automated builds (command-line builds) to script build processes of cartridge projects and cartridge packs. Automated builds require no user interface interaction to build cartridge projects.

To automate Oracle Communications Design Studio builds, you create a process that builds a cartridge project and use a build automation system to schedule that process to run.

About Automated Builds

You can automate build processes of cartridge projects so that official builds can be made available to organizations such as testing or operations. You run automated builds in the Design Studio development environment by using Apache Ant tasks. For information about Apache Ant and to obtain downloads, see the Apache website at:


You can customize the Ant build-studio.xml and build.xml scripts to automate the builds. The build-studio.xml script defines the Ant targets that build the cartridge. The build.xml script launches Design Studio and initiates the targets in the build-studio.xml script.

Oracle recommends that you add a validation to the automated build scripts to verify that successful builds produce the product archive file.

You create a new workspace in DesignStudio_Home/template/workspace and define the Design Studio preferences based on your build environment. You must define the preferences using a workspace template. Also, disable the Build Automatically option, found under the Design Studio Project menu.

If the workspace setup varies from one build machine to another, you cannot check the template workspace into source control. Oracle recommends that you check the workspace template into a source control system and keep all build machines consistent for all environment paths. If this is not possible, you must install the workspace template to a location on the build machine and update the build infrastructure settings accordingly.

About the Design Studio Development Directory Structure

In the Design Studio development environment, you can run automated builds using Apache Ant tasks. Example 3-1 shows the standard recommended directory structure for Design Studio development, with descriptions of each directory and file. The directory structure should be placed under source control (except for the build folder and exclusions to project subdirectories).

Example 3-1 Standard Directory Structure for Design Studio Development

   +- build-ant.xml       (Ant script for launching a build from Ant)
   +- build.bat           (Batch file for building on Windows)
   +- build.sh            (Shell script for building on UNIX platforms)
   +- scripts             (Subdirectory for build scripts)
      +- build.xml        (Main script to launch Design Studio build)
      +- build.xml-studio (Solution specific Design Studio build script)
   +- template            (Subdirectory for build templates)
   +- build               (Subdirectory for build output created by build)
   +- reports             (Subdirectory for target location of generated reports
   +- report-design       (Subdirectory for report designs not installed in
                           Design Studio)
   +- projects            (Subdirectory for each Design Studio project)
      +- [PROJECT 1]      (Design Studio projects needed for the build)
      +- [PROJECT 2]
      +- [PROJECT n]

To start the Design Studio build.xml script (located in the scripts directory), use the build-ant.xml, the build.bat, or the build.sh file, based on your build environment.

You must edit these files to set paths that are specific to the build environment. In addition, you must edit the build-studio.xml Ant script to define the solution-specific Design Studio tasks needed to build the cartridge or solution.

When working with this directory structure:

  • The template folder is a clean workspace with environment-specific build properties. This workspace is used exclusively for the automated build.

  • The build folder is created during the automated build. You do not create this folder or add it to source control.

  • Add your Design Studio projects to the projects folder.


Do not check Development workspaces into source control. Developers should manage their own workspaces.

About Automated Reporting

You can integrate report generation into an automated build system if you want to automatically generate reports that capture the data modeled in Design Studio. These reports can include detailed information about an implemented solution. For example, the reports can capture the name, type, description, and relationships of projects, entities, and data elements. You can facilitate information sharing and data reviews by sharing these reports among team members who may not have Design Studio installed locally, or who require information about the data model in document form.

Design Studio includes a set of reference report designs that provide a foundational set of capabilities. You can use these report designs as is or as a starting point for customizing your own reports. For example, you can customize the report designs for content, layout, or branding.

You can also develop your own report designs. To develop your own report designs for use in Design Studio, you must first install the Eclipse BIRT feature. See Design Studio Installation Guide for more information about installing the BIRT feature. See Design Studio Developer's Guide for more information about developing custom reports and packaging custom reports into features.

You use report generation in your automated build processes by including the studio.generateReport Ant task in the build-studio.xml file. See "About the studio.generateReport Ant Task" and Example 3-3, "Sample build-studio.xml File" for more information.

About Ant Tasks

Ant tasks provide instructions for the build tasks. A script is required to start Eclipse to run the Ant build script.

The following Ant tasks are bundled with Design Studio:


The Design Studio Ant tasks run only in Design Studio. You cannot run Design Studio Ant tasks as stand-alone Ant processes.

About the studio.importProject Ant Task

You import an Eclipse project into a workspace using the studio.importProject Ant task.

The studio.importProject Ant task has one parameter, ProjectLocation, which specifies the directory where the project description file is located. This Ant task does not make a copy of the project, it only references the project in the existing location.


When using the studio.importProject Ant task to import a project into a workspace, Oracle recommends copying the project into a build staging area. The example scripts in this chapter illustrate this recommendation.

About the studio.buildProject Ant Task

You build a project from the workspace using the studio.buildProject Ant task. Using studio.buildProject is the same as performing a full, clean build on a project through the user interface. The build is successful if the cartridge project contains no error markers and the cartridge archive is successfully created in the cartridgeBin folder.

The studio.buildProject Ant task has one parameter, ProjectName, which is the name of the project to be built (it may also include a customer name or prefix). The project, and all dependent projects, must be imported into the workspace prior to calling the build task.

About the studio.generateReport Ant Task

You use the studio.generateReport Ant task to integrate report generation into an automated build system and to automatically generate reports that capture the data modeled in Design Studio.

The studio.generateReport Ant task takes the following parameters:

  • id: Specifies the identifier of the report type when generating reports using a design that is installed in the Design Studio feature. For example, the ID for the Entity Summary report is:


    You must define a value for either the id parameter or for the file parameter, but not both. An error is generated if you define values for both parameters or if you fail to define parameters for either parameter. See the Design Studio Developer's Guide for a list of all delivered report design IDs.

  • file: Specifies the location of the report design when generating reports using a design that is saved to a file system (that is, report designs not installed in Design Studio). For example, a customized report path may appear as:


    Report locations should not be environment-specific. Design your locations so that the path can be located using a consistent mechanism on different machines. For example, you might use an Ant property to locate the report design folder. Use a path relative to the BASEDIR, rather than an absolute path reference.

  • format: Specifies the format type of the report output.


    Applications associated with output formats do not need to be installed to generate a report. For example, Adobe Reader does not need to be installed on a build system to generate a report in PDF format. However, a corresponding viewer or editor must be installed on a system to view or edit a generated report.

    The following format types are supported (a report design may only support a subset of the format types listed below):

    • doc (Word document)

    • docx (Word document XML)

    • html (Web document)

    • odp (OpenOffice presentation)

    • ods (OpenOffice spread sheet)

    • odt (OpenOffice Text)

    • pdf (Portable Document Format)

    • ppt (Power Point)

    • pptx (Power Point XML)

    • xls (Excel spread sheet)

    • xlsx (Excel spread sheet XML)

    • xml (Extensible Markup Language)

  • content: Specifies how the scope of the generated report is organized. You define the overall scope of the report content using the value that you define in this parameter with the value that you define in the dependency parameter.

    You can define this parameter with:

    • project, which defines the scope of the report based on project containment, without concern for entity relations. The root projects are defined by the fileset.

    • entity, which defines the scope of the report based on a traversal of entity relations, starting from the entities defined in the fileset. The content represents the starting point and extends across project boundaries based on the dependency setting.

  • dependency: Specifies whether the generated report includes content from dependent projects or sealed projects. You can define this parameter as:

    • all: When generating report content by project, use this value to include in the report all content in the selected projects as well as all content in all dependent projects. When generating report content by entity, use this value to include in the report all related entities in the selected entity project, and related entities in all dependent projects.

    • unsealed: When generating report content by project, use this value to include in the report all content in the selected projects as well as all content in all unsealed dependent projects. When generating report content by entity, use this value to include in the report all related entities in the selected entity project, and related entities in all unsealed dependent projects. When you use this value, no content from sealed dependent projects is included in the report.

    • none: When generating report content by project, use this value to include in the report all content in the selected projects as well as all content in all unsealed dependent projects. When generating report content by entity, use this value to include in the report all related entities in the selected entity project, and related entities in all unsealed dependent projects. When you use this value, no content from sealed dependent projects is included in the report.

  • output: Specifies where the report is to be saved. For example, you can define this parameter as ${report-dir}\MyProjectSummary.pdf.

  • fileSet: Specifies the Ant fileset that represents the project or entity root for the collection of report content. All Ant fileset attributes and options are available when defining the value of this element. See the Apache Ant Project website for more information about the attributes and options available for use in this element:



You can include Ant script functions that perform actions after reports are generated. For example, you can publish reports to a shared location or to website; you can email the report to a distribution list, and so forth. See Apache Ant Project website for more information.

Automating Design Studio Builds

You automate Design Studio builds to generate cartridge archives without manual intervention by a user.

To automate Design Studio builds:

  1. Install Design Studio on a build machine.

    See "Using Oracle Linux or Solaris for Automated Builds", or see "Installing Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse" in the Design Studio Installation Guide for more information.

  2. Install Ant.

    See "Installing Ant" for more information.

  3. Start Design Studio.

  4. Disable the Eclipse Usage Data Collector feature by doing one of the following:

    • If the Usage Data Upload dialog box appears during Eclipse startup, select Turn UDC feature off.

    • From the Windows menu, select Preferences, and then select Usage Data Collector. In the Usage Data Collector area, deselect Enable Capture.

  5. From the Project menu, disable the Build Automatically option.

  6. Create a workspace template.

    A workspace template includes build preferences that are specific to an environment.

    1. Create a new workspace in DesignStudio_Home/template/workspace.

    2. Configure all applicable Oracle WebLogic Server, Java, and SDK home directories.

      • If individual users will be working with OSM projects, those users must configure the Oracle WebLogic Server, Java, and SDK home directories. For information about defining these OSM preferences in Design Studio, see OSM Developer's Guide.

      • If individual users will be creating custom web services or extending the data model for UIM projects, those users must complete the required preliminary setup. See UIM Web Services Developer's Guide and UIM Developer's Guide for more information.

      After you create a workspace template, Design Studio adds a .metadata directory to DesignStudio_Home/template/workspace.

  7. Determine the location and name of the cartridges to build with an automated process.

    For example, a cartridge path and name can resemble the following:



    Oracle recommends managing the cartridge project with a source control system and basing builds on views of projects.
  8. Create a directory called DesignStudio_Home/scripts/.

  9. In the DesignStudio_Home/scripts/ directory, create an Ant script called build-studio.xml, which will define the targets that build the cartridge.

    Oracle recommends using a copy of the sample build-studio.xml file provided. See "Example: build-studio.xml File" for more information.

  10. Create a script to start Ant tasks inside Design Studio.

    1. In the DesignStudio_Home/scripts/ directory, create an Ant script called build.xml, which will start Design Studio and start the build targets defined in build-studio.xml.

      Oracle recommends using a copy of the sample build-studio.xml file provided. See "Example: build.xml File" for more information.

    2. In the DesignStudio_Home folder, create a batch file (or shell script) to run the build.xml Ant script.

      See "Example: build.bat File for Windows" or "Example: build.sh File for UNIX" as a starting point for writing the batch file. If you are incorporating the build into an existing Ant-based build framework, see "Example: build-ant.xml File for Executing in Ant".

  11. Run the batch file from a command line, from within the directory where the batch file resides.

  12. Integrate the execution of the batch file into the automated build system.

Installing Ant

Apache Ant is an open source software tool often used for automating application build processes. Ant uses XML to define targets, which are executable commands that perform a specific task. By default, the XML file is named build.xml.

To install Ant:

  1. Navigate to the Apache website historical archive page:


  2. Scroll down and click the apache-ant-1.9.2-bin.zip link.

    The File Download window appears.


    Oracle recommends that you use Ant version 1.9.2.
  3. Click Save.

    The Save As window appears.

  4. Navigate to a local working directory and click Save.

  5. Navigate to the local working directory where the downloaded ZIP file is saved.

  6. Extract the contents of the ZIP file to a designated directory.

    The apache-ant-1.9.2-bin directory is created by the extraction, and the contents of the ZIP file are placed within this directory.

Example: build.xml File

The build.xml script starts Design Studio and starts the targets defined in the build-studio.xml script.

Example 3-2 Sample build.xml File

<!-- Use this script to stage the build and launch the Design Studio build process. There should be no need to modify this script.  The tasks that run in this script do not execute in Design Studio and do not have access to the Design Studio build tasks.

To include environment specific content, modify the ${BUILD_SCRIPT} content. This script expects a workspace template in the ${BUILD_DIR}/template/workspace directory. The workspace should be a newly created empty workspace with suitable workspace properties to run a build.  Workspace properties that require configuration may include installation specific paths (for example, a path to an SDK).-->

<project default="build" basedir="..">
    <property environment="env"/>
    <property name="build-dir" value ="${BUILD_DIR}"/>
    <property name="staging-dir" value ="${build-dir}/build"/>
    <property name="template-dir" value ="${build-dir}/template"/>
    <property name="template-ws" value ="${template-dir}/workspace"/>
    <property name="build-ws" value ="${staging-dir}/workspace"/>
    <!-- The automation build log is used by OSM automation build scripts output -->
    <property name="automation-build-log" value ="${build-ws}/automation.log"/>
        Stage-Workspace cleans the build area and initializes the workspace with the workspace template.
    <target name="stage-workspace">
        <echo message="Cleaning Staging Directory: ${staging-dir}"/>
        <delete dir="${staging-dir}" quiet="true"/>
        <mkdir dir="${staging-dir}"/>
        <echo message="Cleaning Build Workspace: ${staging-dir}"/>
        <delete dir="${build-ws}" quiet="true"/>
        <mkdir dir="${build-ws}"/>
        <echo message="Staging Build Workspace from Template: ${template-ws}"/>
        <copy todir="${build-ws}/.metadata">
            <fileset dir="${template-ws}/.metadata"/>
    <pathconvert pathsep=" " property="EquinoxJarPath">
            <fileset dir="${env.ECLIPSE_HOME}/plugins"> 
                <include name="**/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar"/>
    <macrodef name="eclipseAntRunner">
        <attribute name="antFile"/>
        <attribute name="target"/>
            <exec executable="${env.JAVA_HOME}\jre\bin\java">
                <arg value="-XX:NewRatio=5"/>
                <arg value="-XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy"/>
                <arg value="-XX:+UseParallelGC"/>
                <arg value="-XX:MaxPermSize=256M"/>
                <arg value="-Xms256m"/>
                <arg value="-Xmx1024m"/>
                <arg value=
                <arg value=
                <arg value="-jar"/>
                <arg value="${EquinoxJarPath}"/>
                <arg value="-data"/>
                <arg value="${build-ws}"/>
                <arg value="-application"/>
                <arg value="org.eclipse.ant.ui.antRunner"/>
                <arg value="-file"/>
                <arg value="@{antFile}"/>
                <arg value="@{target}"/>
                <arg value="-consoleLog"/>
        Build executes the BUILD_SCRIPT Ant script in Design Studio.  
        The build script provided should include tasks for invoking the import 
        and build of Design Studio projects.  Tasks required to run 
        in the Design Studio run-time must be included in the provided build script.
    <target name="build" depends="stage-workspace">
        <eclipseAntRunner antFile="${BUILD_SCRIPT}" target="all"/>


See Design Studio Help for information about troubleshooting and resolving memory and performance issues.

Example: build-studio.xml File

The build-studio.xml script is started by the build.xml script, and it runs inside of Design Studio.

The build-studio.xml script stages, imports, and builds cartridges, and generates reports:

  • Stage: The script copies required projects from the project directory into a staging area.

  • Import: The script loads each staged project into the workspace.

  • Build: The script initiates the build procedure to generate the cartridge archive file.

  • Report: The script initiates report generation to produce reports in a desired format.

Before running this script, make the following changes:

  • Update the project-dir property to point to the Design Studio project directory. Projects are copied from this location during staging of the build.

  • Update the build-dir property to point to the directory to contain the build. When pointing to an existing directory, ensure that it is empty (the contents may be deleted as part of the build process).


    Do not use the project-dir property for the build-dir property. Files in the build directory are deleted and recreated from the project-dir property during the build process.

    Oracle recommends defining the project-dir and build-dir properties using ${basedir}. This method ensures that you are using the directory of the active build. Do not use relative paths.

  • Add a call to the stage target for each project required for the build. Include an entry for each dependent project.

  • Add a call to the import target for each of the staged projects. Import dependent projects first.

  • Update the build target to specify the cartridge project name to be built as the project.name property.

  • Add calls to the generateReportById target and to the generateReportByFile target to define all required reporting parameter values. Example 3-3 includes examples of parameter values. You must update these values to reflect the values defined in your environment. See the Design Studio Developer's Guide if you require the report IDs for delivered Design Studio reports.

  • Edit the generateReportById target and the generateReportByFile target to meet specific business needs. For example, you might edit these calls to log different information or to change the fileset structure.

  • Add Ant tasks for additional post-generation reporting actions. For example, you might add Ant tasks for moving files, deploying files to a web server, bundling files into an archive file, and so forth.

Example 3-3 Sample build-studio.xml File

<project name="studioBuild" basedir="." default="all">
    <!-- Configure the project-dir and build-dir properties based on the build environment -->
    <property name="project-dir" value ="${basedir}\projects"/>
    <property name="build-dir" value ="${basedir}\build"/>
    <property name="report-dir" value ="${basedir}\report"/>
    <property name="staging-dir" value ="${build-dir}/build"/>
    <property name="staging-projects" value ="${staging-dir}/prj"/>
    <property name="report-design-dir" value="${basedir}\report-design"/>
    <target name="stageProject">
        <delete dir="${staging-projects}/${project.name}" quiet="true"/>
        <copy todir="${staging-projects}/${project.name}">
            <fileset dir="${project.source}/${project.name}"/>
    <target name="stage">
        <!-- Add a call to stage-project for each project required to produce 
             the build. When using a source control system, the projects will 
             be located in the view. -->
        <antcall target="stageProject">
               <param name="project.name" value="ModelProject1"/>
               <param name="project.source" value="${project-dir}"/>
        <antcall target="stageProject">
               <param name="project.name" value="ModelProject2"/>
               <param name="project.source" value="${project-dir}"/>
        <antcall target="stageProject">
               <param name="project.name" value="ModelProject3"/>
               <param name="project.source" value="${project-dir}"/>
    <target name="import">
        <!-- Add importProject calls for each project required to produce 
             the build -->
        <antcall target="importProject">
               <param name="project.name" value="ModelProject1"/>
        <antcall target="importProject">
               <param name="project.name" value="ModelProject2"/>
        <antcall target="importProject">
               <param name="project.name" value="ModelProject3"/>
    <target name="build">
        <!-- Add buildProject calls to specify the cartridge project names to 
             be built as the project.name property. -->
        <antcall target="buildProject">
               <param name="project.name" value="ModelProject1"/>
        <antcall target="buildProject">
               <param name="project.name" value="ModelProject2"/>
        <antcall target="buildProject">
               <param name="project.name" value="ModelProject3"/>
 <target name="report">
    <!-- Add generateReport calls to specify the required parameter values. 
             The following antcalls are examples. The parameter values listed in
             the generateReportById and generateReportByFile targets must be
             changed to reflect your environment. See the Design Studio
             Developer's Guide if you require the report IDs for
             delivered Design Studio reports.-->
    <antcall target="generateReportById">
       <param name="report.id" value=
       <param name="report.format" value="pdf"/>
       <param name="report.dependency" value="all"/>
       <param name="report.output" value="${report-dir}\CompEntityReport.pdf"/>
       <param name="report.content" value="project"/>
       <param name="report.fileSetDir" value="${staging-projects}"/>
       <param name="report.fileSet" value="**/*.ddCartridge"/>
    <antcall target="generateReportById">
       <param name="report.id" value=
       <param name="report.format" value="html"/>
       <param name="report.dependency" value="all"/>
       <param name="report.output" value="${report-dir}\ProjectSummary1.html"/>
       <param name="report.content" value="project"/>
       <param name="report.fileSetDir" value="${staging-projects}"/>
       <param name="report.fileSet" value="**/*.ddCartridge"/>
    <antcall target="generateReportById">
       <param name="report.id" value=
       <param name="report.format" value="pdf"/>
       <param name="report.dependency" value="all"/>
       <param name="report.output" value="${report-dir}\ProjectSummary1.pdf"/>
       <param name="report.content" value="project"/>
       <param name="report.fileSetDir" value="${staging-projects}"/>
       <param name="report.fileSet" value="**/*.ddCartridge"/>
    <antcall target="generateReportByFile">
       <param name="report.file" value=      
       <param name="report.format" value="pdf"/>
       <param name="report.dependency" value="all"/>
       <param name="report.output" value="${report-dir}\MyProjectSummary.pdf"/>
       <param name="report.content" value="entity"/>
       <param name="report.fileSetDir" value="${staging-projects}"/>
       <param name="report.fileSet" value="**/*.ddCartridge"/>
<target name="importProject">
    <echo message="Importing project: ${staging-projects}/${project.name}"/>
    <studio.importProject projectLocation="${staging-projects}/${project.name}"/>
<target name="buildProject">
     <echo message="Building project: ${staging-projects}/${project.name}"/>
     <studio.buildProject projectName="${project.name}"/>
<target name="generateReportByFile">
   <echo message="Generating Report: ${report.output}"/>
   <echo message="Report file: ${report.file}"/>
   <echo message="Report format: ${report.format}"/>
   <echo message="Report dependency: ${report.dependency}"/>    
   <echo message="Report output: ${report.output}"/>
   <echo message="Report content: ${report.content}"/>
   <echo message="Report file set directory: ${report.fileSetDir}"/>
   <echo message="Report file set: ${report.fileSet}"/>
   <echo message="Report fileset: "/>
   <fileset id="fileset" dir="${report.fileSetDir}" includes="${report.fileSet}"/>
   <pathconvert pathsep="${line.separator}  " property="fileSet" refid="fileset"/>
   <echo>  ${fileSet}</echo>

      <fileset dir="${report.fileSetDir}" includes="${report.fileSet}"/>

<target name="generateReportById">
   <echo message="Generating Report: ${report.output}"/>
   <echo message="Report id: ${report.id}"/>
   <echo message="Report format: ${report.format}"/>
   <echo message="Report dependency: ${report.dependency}"/>
   <echo message="Report output: ${report.output}"/>
   <echo message="Report content: ${report.content}"/>
   <echo message="Report file set directory: ${report.fileSetDir}"/>
   <echo message="Report file set: ${report.fileSet}"/>
   <echo message="Report fileset: "/>
   <fileset id="fileset" dir="${report.fileSetDir}" includes="${report.fileSet}"/>
   <pathconvert pathsep="${line.separator}  " property="fileSet" refid="fileset"/>
   <echo>  ${fileSet}</echo>

      <fileset dir="${report.fileSetDir}" includes="${report.fileSet}"/>

    <target name="all" depends ="stage, import, build, report"/>

Example: build.bat File for Windows

Use Example 3-4 as a starting point for writing the Windows batch file.


Modify the JAVA_HOME, ECLIPSE_HOME, and ANT_HOME variables, based on the environment.

Example 3-4 build.bat for Windows

echo off
if "%ECLIPSE_HOME%" == "" set ECLIPSE_HOME=C:\myPath\oepe-
if "%JAVA_HOME%" == "" set JAVA_HOME=C:\myPath\jdk1.8.0_40-64
if "%ANT_HOME%" == "" set ANT_HOME=C:\myPath\apache-ant_1.9.2
REM - The BUILD_SCRIPT contains the build specific Ant tasks which run during
REM - the Design Studio build.  Update this file as needed.
set BUILD_SCRIPT=scripts\build-studio.xml
echo on
%ANT_HOME%/bin/ant -file scripts\build.xml -DBUILD_SCRIPT=%BUILD_SCRIPT%

Example: build.sh File for UNIX

Use Example 3-5 as a starting point for writing the UNIX batch file.

Run the batch file from a command line from within the directory where the batch file is located. You should integrate the execution of the batch file into your automated build system.


Modify the JAVA_HOME, ECLIPSE_HOME, and ANT_HOME variables, based on the environment.

Design Studio automated builds support Oracle Linux 64-bit and Solaris 64-bit. The UNIX system must support graphical user interfaces.

Example 3-5 build.sh for UNIX

export JAVA_HOME=/myPath/jdk1.8.0_40-64
export ECLIPSE_HOME=/myPath/oepe-
# The BUILD_SCRIPT contains the build specific Ant tasks which run during the 
# Design Studio build. Update the content of this file as needed.
$ANT_HOME/bin/ant -file scripts/build.xml -DBUILD_SCRIPT=$BUILD_SCRIPT

Example: build-ant.xml File for Executing in Ant

Use the build-ant.xml sample file in Example 3-6 as a reference for invoking the build.xml Ant script when launching the file from an existing Ant script. Use this sample if you intend to incorporate your automated build into an existing Ant-based build framework.

Example 3-6 build-ant.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project default="studio-build" basedir=".">
    <property environment="env"/>
    <target name="studio-build">
        <!-- Check if ECLIPSE_HOME and JAVA_HOME environment properties 
             are set -->
        <fail unless="env.ECLIPSE_HOME">
             ECLIPSE_HOME environment property must be set.</fail>
        <fail unless="env.JAVA_HOME">
             JAVA_HOME environment property must be set.</fail>
        <ant antfile="scripts/build.xml">
            <property name="BUILD_SCRIPT" value ="scripts/build-studio.xml"/>

Using Oracle Linux or Solaris for Automated Builds

Design Studio supports Oracle Linux 64-bit and Solaris 64-bit for automated build capability only. If you are using Linux or Solaris for automating builds, you must configure proxy settings. Additionally, you must install the following:

  • If you are using a Linux 64-bit system for automated builds, you must install the Eclipse 32-bit or the Eclipse 64-bit platform for Linux, as well as Java 32-bit or 64-bit support, as appropriate.

  • If you are using a Solaris 64-bit system for automated builds, you must first install the Eclipse 32-bit platform for Solaris, as well as Java 32-bit support.


Oracle recommends using Windows for automated builds.

When automating builds using Oracle Linux and Solaris, see the following topics:

Installing Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse Linux

To download and install Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse Linux (64-bit):

  1. Install and configure Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse.

    See Design Studio Installation Guide for more information.


    After accepting the license agreement, click the Linux (64-bit) link.
  2. If using a proxy server, configure the proxy settings.

    See "Configuring Proxy Settings" for more information.

Installing Eclipse for Solaris

To download and install Eclipse for Solaris:

  1. Navigate to the Eclipse download website:



    Site layout, content, and procedures are subject to change based on updates by Eclipse.org administrators.
  2. Click the link for the latest release.

    The Eclipse Release Build page appears.

  3. Click the Eclipse SDK link for the appropriate platform.

    The Eclipse Downloads - mirror selection page appears.

  4. Click a mirror site.

    The File Download dialog box appears.

  5. Click Save, and then specify the location to save the ZIP file.

  6. Click Save again, which begins the download process.

  7. When the download completes, unzip the file and create a shortcut on the desktop to the eclipse.exe file.

    For example, unzip the file into a new folder called DesignStudio.

  8. Do one of the following:

  9. Copy the JRE folder (for example, jre1.8.0_71) into the Eclipse folder at the same location as the eclipse.exe file.


    If Eclipse does not locate the JRE folder in the directory in which Eclipse was installed, it attempts to find the JRE using the JAVA_HOME windows environment variable. See Design Studio Installation Guide for more information about required JDK versions.
  10. Rename the JRE folder to jre.

  11. Configure the startup properties in the eclipse.ini file located in the Eclipse folder.

    See Design Studio Installation Guide for more information.

  12. Open Eclipse.

  13. If using a proxy server, configure the proxy settings.

    See "Configuring Proxy Settings" for more information.

  14. Install additional required Eclipse features.

    See "Installing Additional Required Features" for more information.

Installing Additional Required Features

To use Solaris to run automated builds for Design Studio, you must install additional required Eclipse features.

To install additional required features:

  1. Start Design Studio.

  2. From the Design Studio Help menu, select Install New Software.

    The Available Software dialog box appears.

  3. In the Work with field, select the http://download.eclipse.org/releases/version option, where version is the name of the Eclipse version that you have installed.

    A list of folders and features appears.

  4. Expand the Modeling folder and select the following features:

    • EMF - Eclipse Modeling Framework SDK

    • Graphical Editing Framework Zest Visualization Toolkit SDK

    • XSD - XML Schema Definition SDK

  5. Expand the Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development folder and select the following features:

    • Eclipse XML Editors and Tools

    • Eclipse XSL Developer Tools

    • CXF Web services

  6. Deselect Contact all update sites during install to find required software.

  7. Click Next.

    The Install Details dialog box appears.

  8. Review the installation details.

  9. Click Next.

    The Review Licenses dialog box appears.

  10. Accept the license agreement.

  11. Click Finish.

  12. When prompted, click Yes to restart Eclipse.

Configuring Proxy Settings

If you are using a proxy server and intend to run automated builds using Oracle Linux or Solaris, you must configure the proxy server in Eclipse.

To configure the proxy server in Eclipse:

  1. If you do not know the proxy address and port of the intranet proxy, do one of the following:

    • If the proxy is statically configured, obtain the proxy address and port from the Internet browser LAN Connection settings. See your browser Help for information about obtaining the values in the Proxy Server Address and Port fields. Contact your network administrator if you can not access the Internet browser settings.

    • If the proxy is not statically configured, acquire the settings from the automatic configuration script. If the proxy is not statically configured, no specific proxy address and port number entries are defined in the connection settings. Open the DAT file in a text editor to obtain the proxy address and port number. See your browser Help for information about locating the DAT file.

  2. Start Eclipse.

  3. From the Window menu, select Preferences, then select General, and then select Network Connections.

  4. In the Active Provider field, select Manual.

  5. In the Proxy Entries table, double-click the HTTP schema entry.

    The Edit Proxy Entry dialog box appears.

  6. In the Host field, enter a host name.

  7. In the Proxy field, enter the proxy number.

  8. (Optional) To require user authentication, select Requires Authentication, then enter the user name and password required for access.

  9. (Optional) In the Proxy Entries table, double-click the HTTPS schema entry.

    In the Edit Proxy Entry dialog box, enter the proxy name, port number, and user authentication information.

  10. Click OK.

  11. Click OK again, which closes the Preferences dialog box.