
This guide describes the Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution Access Service Request (ASR) Web Services. These web services are provided with ASR 55 or later and are compatible with MetaSolv Solution 6.3.x.


This guide is intended for developers who have a working knowledge of web services in general, and who understand XML and Java development, including standard Java practices and J2EE principles. This document is for developers who are integrating MetaSolv Solution ASR with Oracle products, or with other external systems. This guide is intended for integration for users who are responsible for submitting ASRs (based on industry guidelines) to a service provider to initiate or change access services.

Before designing any software that interfaces with the ASR Web Services, you should familiarize yourself with the contents of the Access Service Request Guidelines, which are available at:

Related Documents

For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution ASR documentation set:

  • ASR CORBA API Developer's Guide: Provides information about the ASR CORBA API, which is designed to assist you in exchanging Access Services Ordering Guidelines (ASOG) ASRs and related documents with trading partners.

  • ASR Installation Guide: Describes installation procedures for installing ASR.

  • ASR Release Notes: Provides information about supported software, new enhancements, and fixed issues.

For step-by-step instructions for tasks you perform in ASR, open the ASR module from within the MetaSolv Solution application to see the ASR online Help.

For additional information about required third-party software, such as the Oracle WebLogic server or the Oracle database, consult the relevant documentation.

For information on the MetaSolv Solution application, see the Oracle Communications MetaSolv Solution documentation set on the Oracle Help Center:

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