34 Messaging Server Command-Line Reference

This chapter describes the Oracle Communications Messaging Server configtoxml command that you use to manage a Unified Configuration. You must be logged in either as root or mailsrv to run these commands. These commands are located by default in the MessagingServer_home/bin directory.

See "Overview of Messaging Server Unified Configuration" for a description of Unified Configuration.

configtoxml Command

The configtoxml command converts a legacy configuration to a Unified Configuration.


configtoxml [options]


Table 34-1 shows the options for the configtoxml command.

Table 34-1 Options for configtoxml Command

Option Description


Installation is 32-bit (-32) or 64-bit (-64) Messaging Server. Default is 64-bit when the installation type cannot be inferred from the SERVERROOT environment variable or from the location of this script.

-f |--force

Ignores safety checks, enables running as non-root and permits overwriting of any pre-existing Unified Configuration files.

Caution: Using this option may result in a non-functioning configuration. The restricted.cnf file must always be owned by root.

-h |--help

Shows this help.


Inserts instance name in the generated configuration files. The default is ims.

-l DIR | --location DIR

Reads the legacy configuration files from the specified directory. The default to use is determined by the following:

  1. The SERVERROOT/config/ path, if the SERVERROOT environment variable is defined

  2. The OS-specific default path

-n | --noactive

Does not generate an active configuration and does not move the legacy configuration files to the ConfigRoot/legacy-config directory. The generated Unified Configuration files have the names config_.xml, xpass_.xml, and restricted_.cnf, and are written to ConfigRoot. This option cannot be used in conjunction with the --output or --undo options.



Directs the Unified Configuration file output to the designated files. By default, the files config.xml, xpass.xml, and resricted.cnf are written to ConfigRoot or the SERVERROOT/config/ directory. This option cannot be used in conjunction with the --noactive or --undo options.

-r ROLE | --role ROLE

Inserts the role name in the generated configuration files. The default is ims.

-y |--yes

Pre-answer any confirmation questions with a "yes" response so that this script can be run without user intervention.

-u |--undo

Removes any active Unified Configuration files and restores any legacy configuration files.

The key environment variable for this command is:

  • SERVERROOT (The default is /opt/sun/comms/messaging64/.)


The following example shows the configtoxml converting a legacy configuration to a Unified Configuration.

bin/imsimta version
Oracle Communications Messaging Server 7u5-28.12 64bit (built Nov 5 2012)
libimta.so 7u5-28.12 64bit (built 15:58:11, May 23 2012)
Using /opt/sun/comms/messaging/config/imta.cnf (not compiled)
Linux host1.example.com 2.6.39-100.5.1.el5uek #1 SMP Tue Mar 6 20:25:25 EST 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

WARNING: This procedure will produce an active Unified Configuration which
        will override any existing legacy configuration.

Continue anyway [no]? yes
Creating the directory /opt/sun/comms/messaging/config/legacy-config/
Moving the processed legacy configuration files to /opt/sun/comms/messaging/config/legacy-config/

bin/imsimta version
Oracle Communications Messaging Server 7u5-28.12 64bit (built May Nov 5 2012)
libimta.so 7u5-28.12 64bit (built 15:58:11, Nov 5 2012)
Using /opt/sun/comms/messaging/config/config.xml (not compiled)
Linux host1.example.com 2.6.39-100.5.1.el5uek #1 SMP Tue Mar 6 20:25:25 EST 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Notes on the configtoxml Command

  • Stop Messaging Server before running the configtoxml command. Alternatively, use the --noactive switch to prevent writing out an active configuration.

  • When generating an active Unified Configuration, the configtoxml command moves all the processed legacy configuration files to the $ConfigRoot/legacy-config directory. The --undo option removes the Unified Configuration and restores the legacy configuration files.

  • The --undo option leaves the Unified Configuration restricted.cnf password file in place.