1 Cassandra Message Store Installation and Configuration Overview

This chapter provides an overview of the Oracle Communications Messaging Server Cassandra message store installation and configuration process.

Overview of Cassandra Message Store Installed Software

During the Cassandra message store installation process, you install and configure the following software:

  • On Cassandra nodes:

    • Oracle Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) or OpenJDK

      If you are using SSL and need to use the Java keytool utility, you must install Java SE Development Kit (JDK).

    • Python

    • Apache Cassandra

  • On Messaging Server message access tier, MTA, and MMP hosts:

    • Messaging Server software

    • Optional: Java is required on message access tier hosts if they also run the Indexed Search Convertor (ISC).

See Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide for information about additional Messaging Server components that you must install and configure, and other software dependencies.


You cannot run both Cassandra message store and classic message store in the same Messaging Server deployment. That is, you cannot mix Cassandra and classic message stores in the same deployment.

Overview of the Message Store Installation Procedure

The installation procedure follows these steps:

  1. Plan your installation. When planning your installation, do the following:

    • Determine the scale of your implementation, for example, a small development system, or a large production system.

    • Determine how many physical machines you need, and which software components to install on each machine.

    • Plan the system topology, for example, how the system components connect to each other over the network.

  2. Review system requirements. System requirements include:

    • Hardware requirements, such as disk space.

    • System software requirements, such as operating system (OS) versions and OS patch requirements.

    • Information requirements, such as IP addresses and host names.

  3. Install and configure Apache Cassandra.

  4. Install and configure Messaging Server and configure the new message store.

  5. Perform post-installation configuration tasks.

  6. Verify the installation.

  7. Continue with the rest of your Messaging Server installation.

Messaging Server Installation Options

You install Messaging Server software by running the installer in either interactive or silent mode. When you run the installer in silent mode, you are running a non-interactive session. The installation inputs are taken from the following sources:

  • A silent installation file

  • Command-line arguments

  • Default settings

You can use silent mode to install multiple instances of the same software component and configuration without having to manually run an interactive installation for each instance.

For more information, see the discussion on running a non-interactive session in Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide.

Directory Placeholders Used in This Guide

Table 1-1 lists the placeholders that are used in this guide:

Table 1-1 Messaging Server Directory Placeholders

Placeholder Directory


Specifies the installation location for the Messaging Server software. The default is /opt/sun/comms/messaging64.


Specifies the installation location for other Communications Suite software. The default is /opt/sun/comms.


Specifies the location of the configuration files. The default is /var/opt/sun/comms/messaging64/config.