7 Cassandra Message Store Post-Installation Tasks

This chapter describes the post-installation tasks that you must complete to finish the Cassandra message store installation, and how to add and remove additional Cassandra nodes.

Verifying the Installation

To verify the Cassandra message store installation was successful:

  1. Verify the Cassandra core was created by logging in to the Cassandra administration console at:


    If the administration console cannot be reached, check the system.log file on the Cassandra host for errors. By default, this file is located at /var/log/cassandra/system.log.

  2. Verify the Indexed Search Converter (ISC) process launched correctly by accessing the statistics servlet at:


    If the ISC cannot be reached, check the ISC log file for errors. By default, this file is located at /opt/sun/comms/messaging64/log/isc.log.*.

Scaling Your Cassandra Message Store Deployment Horizontally

To scale your Cassandra message store deployment horizontally by adding more nodes to an existing deployment, see Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide.

For adding a node, and adding a data center, also see the Cassandra documentation at:
