6 Implementing the Query Product Classes Business Flow

This chapter explains how the Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA) Oracle Communications Order to Cash Integration Pack (the integration) implements the Query Product Classes business flow.

About the Query Product Classes Business Flow

The following pre-built integration options enable the Query Product Classes business flow:

  • Order to Cash for Oracle Communications Order and Service Management (OSM)

  • Order to Cash for Siebel CRM

If you are using Oracle Product Hub to manage your products, the following additional pre-built integration options enable the business flow:

  • Oracle Product Master Data Management Integration Base Pack

  • Oracle Product Master Data Management Integration Option for Design Studio

See Oracle Application Integration Architecture Oracle Product Master Data Management Integration Implementation Guide for more information about how the Query Product Classes business flow is implemented using Product Hub.

The Query Product Classes business flow includes the following integration flow:

  • Query Product Classes integration flow: Imports product classes and attributes from Siebel CRM into Design Studio.

About the Query Product Classes Integration Flow

The Query Product Classes integration flow lets you import product classes and attributes from Siebel CRM into Design Studio. You submit a query for the product classes when you receive a notification from Siebel CRM that the product classes have been updated. The business flows maps the product classes and their attributes to product specifications, which OSM uses for order orchestration.

This integration flow uses the following interfaces:

  • QueryProductClassAndAttributesSCECommsReqABCSImpl

  • QueryClassificationListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl

  • QuerySpecificationListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl

  • QuerySpecificationValueSetListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl

Figure 6-1 illustrates the query product classes integration flow.

Figure 6-1 Query Product Classes and Attributes Integration Flow Sequence Diagram

This image is described in the surrounding text.

The integration queries product classes and attributes as follows:

  1. A Design Studio user submits a query with product class names and, for updates, the product class codes for any subclasses.

    Design Studio sends the QueryClassificationListEBM message containing the product class codes to the QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl service.

  2. The QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl service sends the QueryClassificationListEBM message to the QueryClassificationListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service.

  3. The QueryClassificationListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service transforms the QueryClassificationListEBM message into the Siebel Class Definition IO ABM, includes the Workspace Name property from the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file in the ABM, and invokes the Siebel CRM GetProductClass web service.

  4. The Siebel CRM GetProductClass web service returns the product class information and associated attribute IDs.

  5. The QueryClassificationListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service transforms the Siebel CRM GetProductClassResponseABM into the QueryClassificationListRespEBM and sends it to the QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl service.

  6. The QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl service extracts the attribute IDs from the QueryClassificationListRespEBM and maps them to the QuerySpecificationListEBM and QuerySpecificationValueSetListEBM.

    One attribute may appear in multiple class definitions. While mapping attribute IDs from the QueryClassificationListRespEBM to the QuerySpecificationListEBM and QuerySpecificationValueSetListEBM, you must take the union of these attribute definitions.

  7. The QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl sends the QuerySpecificationListEBM message to the QuerySpecificationListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service.

  8. The QuerySpecificationListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service transforms the QuerySpecificationListEBM message into the Siebel CRM Attribute definitions IO ABM, includes the Workspace Name property from the AIAConfigurationProperies.xml file in the ABM, and invokes the Siebel CRM GetAttributeDefinition web service.

  9. The GetAttributeDefinition web service returns the attribute information for the attribute IDs to the QuerySpecificationListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service.

  10. The QuerySpecificationListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service transforms the response into the QuerySpecificationListRespEBM message and sends it to the QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl service.

  11. The QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl service sends the QuerySpecificationValueSetListEBM message to the QuerySpecificationValueSetListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service.

  12. The QuerySpecificationValueSetListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl transforms the QuerySpecificationValueSetListEBM into the Siebel CRM attribute definitions IO ABM, includes the Workspace Name property from the AIAConfigurationProperies.xml file, and invokes the Siebel CRM GetAttributeDefinition web service.

  13. The GetAttributeDefinition web service returns the attribute valueset information for the attribute IDs to the QuerySpecificationValueSetListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl.

  14. The QuerySpecificationValueSetListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl service transforms the response into the QuerySpecificationValueSetListRespEBM and sends it to the QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl service.

  15. The QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl service merges the QuerySpecificationListRespEBM message, QuerySpecificationValueSetListRespEBM message, and the QueryClassificationListRespEBM message and transforms them to the QueryProdClassAndAttributesRespABM message.

  16. The QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl sends the QueryProdClassAndAttributesRespABM message to Design Studio.

Siebel CRM Interfaces

The Query Product Classes business flow uses the following Siebel CRM interfaces:

  • SWIAdminISSClassDefinitionIO: This web service is used to perform query operations on product class definitions.

  • SWIAdminISSAttributeDefnIO: This web service is used to perform query operations on product attribute definitions.

See the discussion of Siebel CRM primary web services in Siebel CRM Web Services Reference for more information.

Industry Oracle AIA Components

The Query Product Classes business flow uses the following communications industry-specific Oracle AIA components:

  • ClassificationEBO

  • QueryClassificationListEBM

  • QueryClassificationListResponseEBM

  • SpecificationEBO

  • QuerySpecificationListEBM

  • QuerySpecificationListResponseEBM

  • SpecificationValueSetEBO

  • QuerySpecificationValueSetListEBM

  • QuerySpecificationValueSetListResponseEBM

The following directories contain the industry component files:

  • Enterprise business object (EBO) and enterprise business message (EBM) XML schema files:


  • Enterprise business service (EBS) WSDL files:


For detailed documentation of individual EBOs and EBMs, click the AIA Reference Doc link on EBO and EBM detail pages in the Oracle Enterprise Repository (OER).

EBOs can be extended to add new data elements. These extensions are protected and remain intact after a patch or an upgrade, so long as the extensibility guidelines are followed.

See the discussion of Oracle AIA assets extensibility patterns in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle SOA Core Extension for more information about extending EBOs.

Integration Services

The Query Product Classes business flow uses the following integration services:

  • QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl with operation QueryProdClassAndAttributes

  • QueryClassificationListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl with operation QueryProductClass

  • QuerySpecificationListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl with operation QuerySpecificationList

  • QuerySpecificationValueSetListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl with operation QuerySpecificationValueSetList

Some of these services have been enabled to use Session Pool Manager.

See Oracle Application Integration Architecture Pre-Built Integrations 11.1: Utilities Guide for more information about Session Pool Manager.


The QueryProdClassAndAttributesSCEReqCommsABCSImpl is a synchronous BPEL process and is the Design Studio requestor ABC implementation and performs all of the Product Class related actions like Create Product Class, Update Product Class, Query Product Class, and so on. This service follows all of the standards of a requester ABCS. This service has one operation: QueryProdClassAndAttributes. This accepts a QueryClassificationListEBM as a request and returns QueryProdClassAndAttributesRespABM as a response.


This is the Siebel Classification List Provider ABC Implementation. This service follows all the standards of a Provider ABCS implementation. This service has one operation: QueryProductClass.


The QuerySpecificationListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl is the Siebel attribute provider ABC implementation and performs all of the Specification List related actions like Query Specification List, Create Specification List, Update Specification List, and so on. This service follows all the standards of a provider ABCS implementation. This service has one operation: QuerySpecificationList.


The QuerySpecificationValueSetListSiebelCommsProvABCSImpl is the Siebel attribute value set provider ABC implementation and performs all of the SpecificationValueSet List related actions like Query SpecificationValueSet List, Create SpecificationValueSet List, Update SpecificationValueSet List, and so on. This service follows all the standards of a provider ABCS implementation. This service has one operation: QuerySpecificationValueSetList.