2 Performing a Secure Oracle AIA Installation

This chapter presents planning information for your Oracle Application Integration Architecture (Oracle AIA) installation.

For information about installing Oracle AIA, see Oracle AIA Installation Guide.

Pre-Installation Configuration

Oracle AIA is installed on top of a database instance, an Oracle WebLogic Server domain, and SOA infrastructure deployments that have been properly configured. See "Operating System Security", "Oracle Database Security", and "WebLogic Server Security" for details on secure file system, database, and WebLogic Server domain configuration.

Installing Oracle AIA Securely

This section describes ways of ensuring that Oracle AIA is installed securely and information that you can use to secure installed components after installation.

Installation Type

You can perform a custom installation or a typical installation. Perform a custom installation to avoid installing options and products you do not need. If you perform a typical installation, remove or disable features that you do not need after the installation.

Security-Relevant Installation Steps

Some steps in the installation process have security implications that you should keep in mind.

  • Run the Oracle AIA Installer, Oracle AIA Configuration Wizard, and Oracle AIA deployment scripts from the same physical machine where the WebLogic administration server is running. This enhances security by avoiding communication over the network.


    The deployment scripts do not support communication by SSL for WebLogic Scripting Tool commands.
  • When you run the Oracle AIA Installer and Oracle AIA Configuration Wizard, you can choose to save the information you entered to a response file, so that you can use it to perform a silent installation later. When you save the response, the Installer or Configuration Wizard saves passwords as <SECURE>. Immediately before running a silent installation or configuration, you must edit the file to enter the passwords and remove them when you are done.

  • The Oracle AIA Installer and Oracle AIA Configuration Wizard automatically encrypt credentials collected when writing to the AIAInstallProperties.xml file. The deployment scripts copies these credentials to the AIAConfigurationProperties.xml file in encrypted format for all required Oracle AIA composites. The composites use the credentials to communicated with integrated applications at run time.