Configuring Session Management Service

You can configure the session management service from this page.

To configure the Session Management Service:
  1. From the navigation menu, under PCF, then under Service Configurations, click Session Management Service.

    The Session Management Service screen appears.

  2. Click Edit to edit the session management service configurations.
  3. Check the default configuration for the fields available in respective groups and edit as necessary.

    The following table describes the input fields displayed under each group:

    Field Name Description

    Log Level

    Indicates the log level of PCF Session Management (SM) service.

    Default Value: WARN

    Allowed Values: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR

    Component Tracing

    Determines if component tracing is enabled. Component tracing is used to evaluate system process latency in detail level.

    Default Value: FALSE


    This is the PCF FQDN used by the PCF to register Binding data to BSF. AF may use this FQDN to communicate with PCF on N5 reference point.

    Default Value: pcfsmservice.pcf

    Diameter Realm

    This is the PCF diameter realm used by the PCF to register Binding data to BSF. Diameter based AF may use this diameter realm to communicate with PCF on Rx reference point.

    Default Value: pcf-smservice.svc

    Diameter Identity

    This is the PCF diameter identity used by the PCF to register Binding data to BSF. Diameter based AF may use this diameter identity to communicate with PCF on Rx reference point.

    Default Value: pcf-smservice


    This is the PCF SNSSAI used by the PCF to register Binding data to BSF.

    AF/BSF may use this SNSSAI to discover proper PCF.

    Default Value: 0,000000

    Enable Metrics

    This determines if system metrics is enabled. This will take priority on global metrics configuration. Default Value: True

    Override Supported Features

    Default Value: PRA

    Validate User

    Determines if user validate is enabled. HTTP 400 with cause USER_UNKNOWN returns, if this is enabled and user not found in UDR.

    Default Value: FALSE

    Query User

    Determines if user query from UDR is enabled.

    Default Value: TRUE

    Query User On Update

    Determines if user query from UDR on update is enabled.

    Default Value : FALSE

    Query User On Delete

    Determines if user query from UDR on delete is enabled.

    Default Value : FALSE

    Query User On Reauth

    Determines if user query from UDR on reauth is enabled.

    Default Value : FALSE

    Subscribe to Notify

    Determines if subscribe to nofity about subscriber data change is enabled.

    Default Value: TRUE

    Ignore Subs Notification Check

    Default Value: FALSE

    Enable CHF Query All

    Default Value: FALSE

    This determines if policy evaluate is enabled.

    Default Value: TRUE

    Policy Control Request Trigger

    Default Policy Control Request Triggers

    Values: PLMN_CH, UE_IP_CH, DEF_QOS_CH, and AC_TY_CH
    Binding Configuration

    Binding Operation

    This determines if binding operation (register and deregister) to the BSF is enabled.

    Default Value: TRUE

    Binding Use Local Configured Bsf Always

    Whether to use local configured BSF without Always discovering.

    Default Value: FALSE

    Binding Use Local Configured Bsf When Not Discovered

    Whether to use local configured (if having) BSF when not discovered or discover failed.

    Default Value: TRUE

    Use HTTP2

    Determines if using http/2 to communicate with BSF. Otherwise use http/1.1. Default Value : TRUE


    Qos Data Id Prefix

    This is the prefix of qos data id used by PCF to generate qos data id. For example, prefix is "qosdata_", the generated qos data id is qosdata_0, chgdata_1, etc.

    Default Value : qosdata_

    update Default Pcf Rule With Auth Def Qos

    This determines whether to update Qos of default PccRule with the authDefQos of session rule.

    Default Value : TRUE

    Install Default Qos If Not Requested

    This determines whether to install default Qos to the PDU session if UE not requested. Default Value : TRUE

    Default Qos 5qi

    This is the 5Qi of default Qos which will be applied if no default Qos is requested by UE. Default Value: 9

    Default Qos Arp Preempt Cap

    This is the ARP PreemptionCapabi lity of default Qos which will be applied if no default Qos is requested by UE.

    Default Value : MAY_PREEMPT

    Default Qos Arp Preempt Vuln

    This is the ARP PreemptionVulner ability of default Qos which will be applied if no default Qos is requested by UE.

    Default Value : NOT_PREEMPTABLE

    Default Qos Arp Priority Level

    This is the ARP Priority Level of default Qos which will be applied if no default Qos is requested by UE.

    Default Value: 1


    Install Default Pcc Rule

    Default Value : IF_NO_RULE

    Rule Id Prefix

    Default Value : 0_

    Default Pcc Rule 5qi

    This is the 5Qi of default pcc rule.

    Default Value: 9

    Default Pcc Rule Precedence

    This is the precedence of default pcc rule.

    Default Value : 3000

    Default Pcc Rule Arp Preempt Cap

    This is the ARP PreemptionCapabili ty of qos of default PCC rule.

    Default Value : NOT_PREEMPT

    Default Pcc Rule Arp Preempt Vuln

    This is the ARP PreemptionVulnerability of qos of default pcc rule.

    Default Value : PREEMPTABLE

    App Rule Precedence Min

    This value defines the minimum value for precedence of a PCC rule as authorized by the establishment of an application flow by the AF. If multiple rules are applied to the same packet flow or UE resource (i.e., overlapping rules) a rule with lower precedence value takes the priority over a rule with higher precedence value. The value of -1 is used to not set the precedence of a rule (NOT RECOMMENDED).

    Default Value: 400

    App Rule Precedence Max

    This value defines the maximum value for precedence of a PCC rule as authorized by the establishment of an application flow by the AF. If multiple rules are applied to the same packet flow or UE resource (i.e., overlapping rules) a rule with lower precedence value takes the priority over a rule with higher precedence value. The value of -1 is used to not set the precedence of a rule (NOT RECOMMENDED).

    Default Value: 899

    Default Pcc Rule Arp Priority Level

    This is the ARP Priority Level of qos of default pcc rule The range is 1 to 15. Values are ordered in decreasing order of priority, for example, with 1 as the highest priority and 15 as the lowest priority. Default Value : 15

    Switch Flow In To Out Enabled

    Default Value: FALSE


    Charging Data Id Prefix

    Default Value: chgdata_

    Primary CHF Address

    Address of the primary CHF

    Secondary CHF Address

    Address of the secondary CHF


    Indicates the online charging is applicable to the PDU session.


    Indicates the offline charging is applicable to the PDU session.
    Traffic Control
    Traffic Control Id Prefix

    Default Value: tcdata_

    IMS Emergency Session

    Emergency DNNs

    Priority Level

    Defines the relative importance of a resource request.

    Default Value: 1

    Preemption Capability

    Defines whether a service data flow may get resources that were already assigned to another service data flow with a lower priority level.

    Default Value: MAY_PREEMPT

    Preemption Vulnerability

    Defines whether a service data flow may lose the resources assigned to it in order to admit a service data flow with higher priority level.

    Default Value: NOT_PREEMPTABLE

  4. Click Save.