Importing Configurable Objects

This section describes how to perform a bulk import of configurable objects into the system.

Importing Configuration Object Files

To import json or ZIP files:

  1. From the navigation pane, under System Administration, click Bulk Import.

    The Upload option appears on the screen.

  2. Click Upload.

    Locate the file to be imported.

  3. Select a processing option to use to Handle collisions between imported items and existing items:
    • Delete all before importing The system deletes all objects for each object type matching the import file before importing the object type json file.

      Attention: This import strategy can result in object inconsistency. For example, if you import a ZIP file that only contains traffic profiles, all the traffic profiles are deleted first. However, if existing policies depend on the existing traffic profiles, and the import file does not contain them, the policies can become invalid.

    • Overwrite with imported version For each object in the import file, if the object exists in the system, the import updates the object with the configuration contained in the import file. If an object does not exist, the system adds the object to the system.
  4. Click Import.

The configuration objects and their configuration settings are imported into the database. After the import is complete, the window reports the results for each json file contained in the ZIP file.