where the request AVP namevalue matches one of value(s)


where the request AVP avp matches-op value-list


The following screen capture shows a sample policy condition:

The screen capture shows a sample policy condition, where the request AVP name value matches one of value(s).
AVP in one of the following formats:
or a full path
for the members of the grouped AVPs
One of the following:
  • matches one of (default)
  • does not match any of
A comma-delimited list of values to compare against.


Compares the specified AVP value with the values or variables from the specified list. The condition is where the request AVP name value matches one of the values. The values can be evaluated for equality as well as inequality. To evaluate an AVP value for inequality, the variable matches one of must be changed to does not match any of.


The condition supports both loaded base Diameter AVPs and third-party AVPs.