where the current time is between start time and end time using configured local time


where the current time operator-binary between time-of-day and time-of-day using time-zone

The following screen capture shows a sample policy condition:

This screen capture shows a sample policy condition, where the current time is between start time and end time using configured local time.


One of the following:
  • is (default)
  • is not
A time, in the format of hh:mm, where hh is a number in the range from 0 to 23.
One of the following:
  • CONFIGURED LOCAL TIME (default)—Calculate the time from the location configured for this MPE device
  • SYSTEM LOCAL TIME—Calculate the time from the location of this MPE device
  • USER LOCAL TIME—Calculate the time from the location configured for the user equipment's location


Triggers a policy based on time. If the present time is between start time and end time then the condition returns true, otherwise false. If start time is greater than end time then the condition is evaluated, where the end time is considered as the next day.