103 PRCC-01000 to PRCC-01154

PRCC-01000: Parameter {0} value is not valid

Cause: This is an internal error. The value for the specified parameter is null or empty string.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PRCC-01001: Failed to retrieve install group: {0}

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the install group failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCC-01002: Failed to update install group: {0}

Cause: An attempt to set the install group failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCC-01003: Version for module {0} is not available

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the version information for specified module failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCC-01004: Unknown identifier {0} specified for checking result of operation

Cause: Failed to retrieve the result from the exception data using the specified identifier because the exception did not have the specified identifier.

Action: This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services.

PRCC-01005: Parameter {0} is not an absolute path

Cause: The specified parameter is not an absolute directory path.

Action: Provide an absolute directory path.

PRCC-01006: Path {0} is not a directory

Cause: The specified path is not a directory.

Action: Provide a directory path.

PRCC-01007: Path {0} does not exist

Cause: The specified path did not exist.

Action: Provide an existing directory path.

PRCC-01008: Enumerated type {0} does not have a member with corresponding value of {1}

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PRCC-01009: Parameter {0} cannot have null as a value

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PRCC-01010: {0} was already enabled

Cause: Given entity was already enabled.

Action: No action needed. To re-enable the entity, first disable it and then retry.

PRCC-01011: {0} was already enabled on {1}

Cause: Given entity was already enabled on given nodes.

Action: No action needed. To re-enable the entity on given nodes, first disable it on these nodes and then retry.

PRCC-01012: {0} was already disabled

Cause: Given entity was already disabled.

Action: No action needed. To re-disable the entity, first enable it and then retry.

PRCC-01013: {0} was already disabled on {1}

Cause: Given entity was already disabled on given nodes.

Action: No action needed.

PRCC-01014: {0} was already running

Cause: Given entity is already running.

Action: No action needed. To re-start the entity, first stop it and then retry.

PRCC-01015: {0} was already running on {1}

Cause: Given entity was already running on given nodes.

Action: No action needed. To re-start the entity on given nodes, first stop it on these nodes and then retry.

PRCC-01016: {0} was already stopped

Cause: Given entity was already stopped.

Action: No action needed. To re-stop the entity, first start it and then retry.

PRCC-01017: {0} was already stopped on {1}

Cause: Given entity was already stopped on given nodes.

Action: No action needed. To re-stop the entity on given nodes, first start it on these nodes and then retry.

PRCC-01018: A request to retrieve private network addresses for node {0} found no addresses

Cause: A request to retrieve private network addresses by executing the command 'olsnodes -p' returned no private IP addresses.

Action: Check the command 'oifcfg getif' for cluster_interconnect networks and ensure this node has an IP address on the cluster_interconnect networks.

PRCC-01019: Parameter "{0}" value is not valid

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PRCC-01020: Version {0} cannot be used to administer resource configuration of version {1} or later

Cause: This is an internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PRCC-01021: One or more of the submitted commands did not execute successfully.

Cause: Either a node failed in the middle of a manageability operation, or the communication between nodes was disrupted.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCC-01022: The file system type must be ACFS and not {0}

Cause: Expected ACFS file system while the file system provided in the argument list was non-ACFS.

Action: Make sure that the file system type provided in the argument list is ACFS.

PRCC-01023: The file system type must be non-ACFS

Cause: Expected non-ACFS file system while the file system provided in the argument list was ACFS.

Action: Make sure that the file system type provided in the argument list is non-ACFS.

PRCC-01024: Creation of non-ACFS file system local resource is not supported

Cause: Attempted to create a file system local resource while the file system type was non-ACFS.

Action: Either specify a node or serverpool list to create a cluster resource for the file system or make sure that the file system type is ACFS to create a local resource.

PRCC-01025: Command submitted on node {0} timed out after {1} seconds.

Cause: A command submitted on the node specified did not finish within the specified interval.

Action: Ensure that the node specified is reachable and not overloaded. Contact Oracle Support Services.

PRCC-01026: Command "{0}" submitted on node {1} timed out after {2} seconds.

Cause: The command submitted on the node specified did not finish within the specified interval.

Action: Ensure that the node specified is reachable and not overloaded. Contact Oracle Support Services.

PRCC-01100: Failed to create administrator helper resource "{0}" configuration

Cause: An attempt to create configuration for the administrator helper resource failed. Either the request was not issued by an account with administrative access (root, Administrator and so on) or a problem was detected inside Oracle Clusterware.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details. Make sure that the user has administrative privileges.

PRCC-01101: The database type cannot be MGMTDB.

Cause: An attempt to create the database of the wrong database type has failed.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PRCC-01102: Mount point path "{0}" is not an absolute path

Cause: The mount point path value was not an absolute path.

Action: Specify an absolute path in the '-mountpoint' argument.

PRCC-01103: Failed to verify node membership

Cause: An error occurred while querying the clusterware to obtain information about the cluster membership.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCC-01104: Specified node {0} is not a configured cluster node

Cause: Found a node in the node list that was not configured in the cluster.

Action: Make sure that all the nodes in the specified node list are configured cluster nodes. Check the cluster membership with 'olsnodes'.

PRCC-01105: Server pool or node list cannot be modified because the file system for volume device {0} is a cluster-wide cluster file system

Cause: An attempt to modify the server pool or node list attributes of a cluster file system was rejected because the filesystem resource was a local resource. Placement attributes like server pools or node names apply only to cluster resources.

Action: Do not specify node names and server pools, or remove the local resource and add a cluster resource with the command 'srvctl add filesystem {-serverpools <serverpool_list>|-nodes <node_list>}'.

PRCC-01106: Parameter {0} value {1} is not valid

Cause: This is an internal error. The value for the specified parameter is not valid.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PRCC-01107: Failed to set the OHASD resource dependencies for ASM

Cause: An attempt to set the OHASD dependencies on all nodes failed.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details.

PRCC-01108: Invalid VIP address {0} because the specified IP address is reachable

Cause: The submitted command was rejected because the Virtual Internet Protocol (VIP) address was reachable.

Action: Configure VIPs to use IP addresses that are not active on any host system and cannot be reached using 'ping'.

PRCC-01109: User {0} is not present on the Access Control List.

Cause: A request to remove a user from an Access Control List specified a user name not in the Access Control List.

Action: Specify a user who is on the Access Control List.

PRCC-01110: User {0} is already added to the Access Control List.

Cause: A request to add a user to an Access Control List specified a user name already on the Access Control List.

Action: Specify a user who is not on the Access Control List.

PRCC-01111: missing ASM properties {0}

Cause: An attempt to get ASM properties from the ASM client data file failed because the required ASM property attributes do not exist.

Action: Ensure that a valid ASM client data file is supplied.

PRCC-01112: The export type {0} is invalid.

Cause: An attempt to set an export file system type failed because the specified export type was invalid.

Action: Specify a valid export type (NFS or SMB).

PRCC-01113: Export type {0} is not supported on this operating system.

Cause: An attempt to add an export file system failed because the specified export type is not supported on this system.

Action: Specify a supported export type.

PRCC-01114: Export clients option is not supported for export type SMB.

Cause: The submitted command failed because export clients were specified for an export file system of type SMB.

Action: Specify the clients in the export -options argument instead of -clients.

PRCC-01115: Platform {0} is invalid.

Cause: An attempt to retrieve the supported export types for a platform failed because the specified platform was invalid.

Action: Specify a valid platform (UNIX or WINDOWS).

PRCC-01116: failed to clone snapshot {0} from source mount point {1} to destination mount point {2}

Cause: An attempt to clone a snapshot from an Oracle ACFS file system to another Oracle ACFS file system failed. The accompanying error messages provide detailed failure information.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details and retry after resolving the problems.

PRCC-01117: failed to create a clone listener

Cause: An attempt to create a clone listener failed. The accompanying error messages provide detailed failure information.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details and retry after resolving the problems.

PRCC-01118: failed to close the clone listener

Cause: An attempt to close the clone listener failed. The accompanying error messages provide detailed failure information.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details and retry after resolving the problems.

PRCC-01119: Command "{0}" did not complete.

Cause: An attempt to execute the indicated command failed because command execution stalled and was forcibly terminated.

Action: Retry the operation and contact Oracle Support Services if problem persists.

PRCC-01120: Connection between client and clone listener ended abnormally.

Cause: An attempt by the clone listener to execute the client's requests failed. The accompanying error messages provide detailed failure information.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details and retry after resolving the problems.

PRCC-01121: snapshot {0} does not exist at mount point {1}

Cause: The clone operation failed because the Oracle ACFS file system at the indicated mount point did not contain the indicated snapshot.

Action: Specify a valid snapshot and retry.

PRCC-01122: Mount point {0} does not exist.

Cause: The 'acfsutil' command failed to execute because the specified mount point did not exist.

Action: Specify a valid mount point and retry.

PRCC-01123: Clone listener failed to execute the client's request. Details: {0}

Cause: An attempt by the clone listener to execute the client's requests failed. The accompanying error messages provide detailed failure information.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details and retry after resolving the problems.

PRCC-01124: Snapshot {0} already exists on the destination Oracle ACFS file system at mount point {1}.

Cause: An attempt to create a clone with the indicated name failed because the destination Oracle ACFS file system already contained a snapshot with that name.

Action: Specify a different name for the clone to be created.

PRCC-01125: failed to authenticate the email address with the specified details

Cause: An attempt to authenticate the email account failed during validation of email particulars.

Action: Reissue the command with valid email account information.

PRCC-01126: failed to create a connection to the specified email server address

Cause: An attempt to connect to an email server failed with the specified details.

Action: Make sure the data entered is correct and the email server is available.

PRCC-01127: The GIMR component {0} is unknown.

Cause: An attempt to query an Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR) component was rejected because the specified GIMR component was unknown.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PRCC-01128: The GIMR component {0} has no credentials for cluster {1}.

Cause: An attempt to query an Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR) component was rejected because the specified GIMR component was not found in the specified client or server cluster.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

PRCC-01129: GIMR client cluster name {0} is not the current cluster.

Cause: An attempt to query a Grid Infrastructure Management Repository (GIMR) component was rejected because the specified client cluster name did not match the current GIMR client cluster name.

Action: In a GIMR client cluster environment, specify the same cluster name as the current client cluster.

PRCC-01130: The network storage service type {0} is invalid. Valid types are {1}

Cause: An attempt to set a network storage service type failed because the specified type was invalid.

Action: Specify a valid network storage service type.

PRCC-01131: failed to create the Virtual IP (VIP) resource on node {0} because network {1} is not extended to work on Leaf Nodes

Cause: An attempt to create a VIP resource on the indicated Leaf Node failed because the indicated network resource was not extended to Leaf Nodes.

Action: Extend the network resource using the command 'srvctl modify network'.

PRCC-01146: error getting the client connection list for resource {0} \n{1}

Cause: A request to get the client connection list for the specified resource failed.

Action: Review the accompanying error messages for more details. Address the issues raised and retry.

PRCC-01147: Either the specified node "{0}" is not part of a cluster, or the provided password is incorrect.

Cause: An attempt to obtain the Cluster Ready Services (CRS) home of an Oracle Grid Infrastructure cluster failed because either the indicated node was not part of the cluster or the password was incorrect.

Action: Reissue the command specifying a node that is part of an Oracle Grid Infrastructure cluster and ensuring that the password is

PRCC-01148: Command option {0} is not supported on GNS client clusters.

Cause: The specified command option was not valid for a GNS client cluster.

Action: Re-issue the command using only supported options.

PRCC-01149: Failed to create RHP progress listener resource "{0}" configuration.

Cause: An attempt to create a configuration for the Rapid Home Provisioning (RHP) progress listener resource failed. Either the request was not issued by an account with administrative access (root, Administrator, and so on) or a problem was detected inside Oracle Clusterware.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages for details, resolve issues raised, and retry, ensuring that the user has administrative privileges.

PRCC-01150: invalid VIP address {0} because the specified IP address is not reachable

Cause: The submitted command was rejected because the Virtual Internet Protocol (VIP) address was not reachable.

Action: Configure VIPs using the host address, and then retry the operation.

PRCC-01151: Cluster name {0} contains these invalid characters "{1}".

Cause: The indicated cluster name contained the indicated invalid characters.

Action: Retry the operation, supplying a valid cluster name. A cluster name may include only characters from the set "(a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -)".

PRCC-01152: The cluster is not of class member cluster.

Cause: An attempt to execute a command was rejected because the cluster was not a member cluster.

Action: Retry the operation on a member cluster.

PRCC-01153: The cluster is not of class domain cluster.

Cause: An attempt to execute a command was rejected because the cluster was not a domain cluster.

Action: Retry the operation on a domain cluster.

PRCC-01154: Request to retrieve a private IP address needed for rhpctl progress communication failed with error "{0}".

Cause: An attempt to execute an rhpctl command failed because the indicated error occurred in retrieving a private IP address needed for rhpctl progress communication configured on the local node. Accompanying messages provide failure details.

Action: Examine the accompanying error messages, resolve the reported problems and retry the command.