13.35 GOTO Statement

The GOTO statement transfers control to a labeled block or statement.

If a GOTO statement exits a cursor FOR LOOP statement prematurely, the cursor closes.

Restrictions on GOTO Statement

  • A GOTO statement cannot transfer control into an IF statement, CASE statement, LOOP statement, or sub-block.

  • A GOTO statement cannot transfer control from one IF statement clause to another, or from one CASE statement WHEN clause to another.

  • A GOTO statement cannot transfer control out of a subprogram.

  • A GOTO statement cannot transfer control into an exception handler.

  • A GOTO statement cannot transfer control from an exception handler back into the current block (but it can transfer control from an exception handler into an enclosing block).






Identifies either a block or a statement (see "plsql_block ::=", "statement ::=", and "label").

If label is not in the current block, then the GOTO statement transfers control to the first enclosing block in which label appears.


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