12.4 ADD_ERROR Procedure Signature 2

This procedure adds an error message to the error stack that is used to display an error for a page item inline in a notification. It can be called in a validation or process to add one or more errors to the error stack.


This procedure must be called before the Application Express application has performed the last validation or process. Otherwise, the error is ignored if it does not have a display location of apex_error.c_on_error_page.


    p_message          in varchar2,
    p_additional_info  in varchar2 default null,
    p_display_location in varchar2,
    p_page_item_name   in varchar2);


Table 12-2 ADD_ERROR Procedure Signature 2 Parameters

Parameters Description


Displayed error message.


Additional error information needed if the error is displayed on the error page.


Specifies where the error message is displayed. Use the constant apex_error.c_inline_with field or apex_error.c_inline_with_field_and_notif. See "Constants and Attributes used for Result Types."


Name of the page item on the current page that is highlighted if apex_error.c_inline_with_field or apex_error.c_inline_with_field_and_notif are used as the display location.


This example illustrates how to add a custom error message to the error stack. The P5_CUSTOMER_ID item is highlighted on the page. The error message is displayed inline in a notification. This example can be used in a validation or process.

apex_error.add_error (
    p_message          => 'Invalid Customer ID!',
    p_display_location =>  apex_error.c_inline_with_field_and_notif,
    p_page_item_name   => 'P5_CUSTOMER_ID');